The Strange Land of the Immortal Origin!

Su Yang's side continued to move, destroying the entire undying life source. These mother nests were like war weapons to him, and the form of undying life was extremely strange.

All of the undying lifeforms seemed to be man-made.

This was because these mother nests were man-made.

These undyings were also born from the mother nest, and most importantly, the weaker ones didn't have their own consciousness.

The weaker ones didn't seek life, they completely listened to the orders of the higher level undying, they didn't have their own thoughts, and the weaker ones only listened to the mother nest's orders.

Su Yang had doubts in his heart as he destroyed the mother nests and harvested the cores inside.

However, his current goal was only the Sempiternal realm mother nest. There was no need for him to destroy the mother nest below the Sempiternal realm. The gains would be too small.