500,000 Coins in Hand

After the connection with the artifact spirit was activated, Xu Fan could see almost everything that Ming Shu saw. He could understand her current emotions and feel her feelings. This way, he could observe the entire battlefield from two different angles.

"Go. Sandworms mainly rely on vibrations to determine the enemy's position, but it doesn't matter to you. You're fast enough, so you can just approach it."

Xu Fan jumped down from the stone and walked to the front of the crowd, calmly giving instructions.

Ming Shu immediately lowered her body after receiving the order. She pulled out the Universe Sword from her waist and rushed towards the giant sandworm.

"Another one who is courting death!" Those passersby who did not dare to go forward looked at this scene and revealed shocked expressions.

The last person who overestimated his own abilities was still in the pit, and now another one went up. She was simply courting death.

The most shocked person was Tang Jing. He knew that Ming Shu listened to Xu Fan's every word, but he didn't expect her to be so obedient. She would even carry out such an order that was tantamount to death!

After all, she was a swordsman known for her agility. Ming Shu moved around the soft sand and soon arrived beside the sandworm. Before the sandworm could react, she waved her Universe Sword and hacked at the hard shell of the sandworm more than ten times.

The shell cracked, and the blades pierced into the flesh. But to be honest, for the sandworm's huge body, these few blades were nothing. However, she managed to attract the attention of the other party, and the blood crystal in the air immediately changed its direction, stabbing Ming Shu.

"Run along its body. You should be able to find the joint between the two shells on its back. The third joint from its head down was one of its weaknesses. Destroying it would prevent it from continuing to release blood magic."

Xu Fan took out a Bluetooth earpiece and hung it on his ear, acting as if he was giving out commands from afar. That was indeed the case. After hearing Xu Fan's calm analysis, the surrounding people realized that the girl who rushed up was not alone.

"Be careful, it's about to roll."

The communication between the two of them didn't have any delay. As soon as Xu Fan gave the order, Ming Shu responded. Most importantly, Xu Fan's prediction was completely correct! Every attack and spell of the sandworm was guessed by Xu Fan and he proposed the best solution.

On the other side, Ming Shu's performance was even more spectacular. She flew up and down according to Xu Fan's orders, almost dismembering the huge sandworm.

"First, the head was raised at a forty-five-degree angle, and then the internal mouthpart was turned out to let out a roar. Mingshu, retreat at least 30 meters away. The sandworm is about to go berserk."

"During this period of time, do not get close to it. Maintain a position in front of it and persist for 20 seconds. It will enter a weakened state. You have about 0.35 seconds to attack the weak point in the armor below its head and kill it in one shot."

These words shocked everyone. They couldn't believe what kind of person could know the monster's movements like the back of his hand. He was able to control the details, handle the movements, and even know the 0.35-second interval after going berserk.

How was this a human? This was simply a human textbook!

"Three, two, one, go!" Xu Fan calmly counted down and gave the order to attack at the last moment.

On the other side, Ming Shu stabbed the hilt of her saber into the sand, stopping it right under the sandworm's raised head. She then stabbed upwards. The blade hit the weak point, but it did not completely destroy it.

The sandworm felt the pain and tried to throw Ming Shu away. However, Ming Shu didn't panic at all. She immediately pulled out the scabbard from the sand and slammed it against her own hilt.

The hilt and the scabbard of the Universe Sword were tightly locked together, forming a long spear with an extremely long blade, which pierced through the sandworm's heart.

When the monster's huge body fell to the ground, countless people let out deafening cheers.

"Awesome! What kind of smooth operation was this!"

"This little brother's command is simply invincible. It's as if he can predict the future!"

Everyone was amazed. Tang Jing, who was in front of the crowd, was even more dumbfounded and could not understand.

It didn't matter if they were prepared in advance to kill monsters or to kill the BOSS at the end, he should have been the one to do it, but Xu Fan had easily stolen the limelight.

Not only did he fail to do anything, he even almost lost his sister's life. In front of half of the dungeon's players, he was acting so cowardly that he felt ashamed!

"Young Master Tang." Xu Fan raised his eyebrows, walked straight to Tang Jing, and extended his hand. The meaning was very clear: I helped you save someone, so you should give me money.

Tang Jing gritted his teeth and obediently took out a card from his pocket and handed it to Xu Fan.

[Congratulations, you have leveled up to LV.6]

[Congratulations, you have reached LV.7]


The moment Xu Fan took the card, his body suddenly flashed five times. A level five flash five times, that was level ten!

He had obtained 3000 experience points, and even Ming Shu, who had been killing monsters in a row, didn't get any.

"It's you, right?!" It must be you!"

Firstly, it was because he was jealous of Xu Fan, and secondly, it was because Xu Fan had embarrassed him time and time again. Tang Jing actually closed his eyes and started biting people.

"You were the one who lured the Sandworm out to set up a trap. You took the reward from the final boss alone and took the opportunity to extort us!"

"You're taking revenge because I look down on you for being a blacksmith!"

The last half of the sentence echoed in the dungeon sky, striking the hearts of everyone present.

Blacksmith? This guy had such rich combat experience and outstanding ability to command on the spot, but he was actually just a blacksmith?


Hearing Tang Jing's words, Xu Fan suddenly put on a shocked and sorrowful expression. He covered his chest and retreated repeatedly, looking heartbroken: "I was the one who helped you, but you're giving me such an evaluation!"

"We used to study in the same school. I was the first in the school, and you were the second. We used to have such a harmonious relationship. We helped each other through thick and thin, and we were like brothers!"

"I didn't expect you to treat me like this! What about the oath we made together? Where was the future that they imagined together on the rooftop? Couldn't they even beat a single profession? You despise me because I'm a blacksmith!?"

The innocence, indignation, and grief in his eyes made the listeners sad and shed tears. It was as if the things he said really existed.

The surrounding passers-by began to mutter. Some felt sorry for the death of a genius like Xu Fan, while others were indignant at Tang Jing's ungrateful behavior.

Tang Jing was dumbfounded. What was Xu Fan talking about? Why didn't he know? However, he had no choice but to understand, because after a moment, he became the target of everyone's criticism.

Taking advantage of the chaos in the crowd, Xu Fan quickly pulled Ming Shu's hand and left the place without any expression. What they didn't know was that while Ming Shu was fighting with the sandworm, someone had secretly taken photos of them and posted them on various social media platforms.

Overnight, these two people who had appeared out of nowhere became the focus of the entire city.