One Step Away

"What's wrong with these things?"

"Why are you so energetic? Is this really an undead creature?"

"F * ck, the smell on their bodies is so disgusting!"

"We can't hold on anymore! One of my teammates was dragged into it! Can anyone come and save me!"

For a moment, the scene was in chaos. However, Chi Luo and Ming Shu, who were following them, didn't show any signs of fear. They ran straight past Tang Jing, who was trying to escape, and rushed towards the densely packed plague ghosts.

"F * ck! Is this girl crazy?" Tang Jing watched helplessly as the white figure jumped into the monster pile and was instantly drowned by the bared plague ghosts.

But in a moment, even the people who were running away did the same. Everyone stopped in unison.

As the air suddenly became quiet, a change occurred among the monsters. A red pillar of light shot up into the sky and sent a large number of monsters flying. Chi Luo, who had been eaten by the monster, was covered in injuries, but her HP was rising rapidly.

While casting spells, she waved her staff vigorously, using it as a long-handled hammer. Every swing was accompanied by a large number of Plague Ghosts 'limbs flying in the sky. The blood cones around her had not stopped since she jumped into the enemy's formation. They even got faster and faster. A spell had the effect of a machine gun.

After entering the state, the smile on Chi Luo's face became even more arrogant. Her pale skin was covered with fine wounds, and her silver hair was dyed red with blood. Right now, Chi Luo stood among the monsters like an Asura that had just emerged from a pool of blood.

When he saw her brandishing her staff with all her might to smash down a group of Plague Ghosts, Xu Fan finally realized what the extra power was used for.

"What kind of profession is this?"

"She is really a lunatic."

"Is she sucking the monster's blood? What kind of monster was this!"

How was this a job changer? This white-haired crazy woman was now more like a monster than those monsters in the instance dungeon. The staff was wrapped with a spell that they had never seen before. Every time it hit the ground, it would trigger a large-scale impact, sending a large number of enemies flying.

The monsters that were near the edge were all killed by a beautiful figure that was shining with a cold light. They couldn't even make a sound.

"Boom!" Another wide-range explosion. The already unstable ground was instantly blasted open, and a rather exaggerated crater appeared.

Chi Luo stood in the center of the crater and shouted angrily with his hands on her hips: "Old woman! Why are you stealing my monsters? These are all mine!"

"Sister, don't worry. I'm just preventing you from missing the monsters." Not far away, Ming Shu's laugh could be heard. Just as Chi Luo heaved a sigh of relief, she added, "Besides, didn't you make a bet with me before we left today? You said that you wanted to see who killed more monsters."

After hearing this, Chi Luo did not dare to slack off. She bit her lip and raised her weapon to cast magic at the monsters again. Ever since Ming Shu finished her sentence, the two of them started to fight again.

After receiving the enhancement, Ming Shu went all out, weaving back and forth between the monsters. With the level of suppression, she caught up with the number of monsters that Chi Luo killed.

Meanwhile, Chi Luo, who was relying on her innate skills, wasn't any weaker. When she saw that Ming Shu seemed to be getting serious, she also began to secretly exert her strength and began to adjust her skills more seriously. 

[Current number of monsters killed: 861]

[System Rating: A-]

Xu Fan was shocked. He didn't expect that after the two Weapon Spirits found a suitable rhythm, the efficiency of farming monsters would actually be so much faster than before. At this moment, the monsters were still rushing over the mountain, so there was no need to worry about not killing enough.

At this rate, it might not take long for the rating to rise to S or above.

While he was pleasantly surprised at the speed at which he could farm monsters, Xu Fan could not help but feel a little uneasy as he looked at his soaring experience bar.

Seventeen, eighteen, nineteen!

Jumping level three times in a row!

Even though the amount of experience required increased exponentially as the level increased. However, with the speed of the two artifact spirits, it was still not a problem.

At this moment, Xu Fan was enveloped by the light of experience and had become the brightest star in the crowd.

"No. What did this man do? Why is he leveling up?"

"I can see that the two girls in the front row are on the same team as him."

"So this man is just watching? Waiting for the experience to float over by itself?"

"What the hell? How can he be so shameless?"

Looking at Xu Fan's appearance of reaping without sowing, some of the job changers who had gathered from all over the place were filled with envy. However, Tang Jing did not think highly of him. He even felt that it was a little ridiculous. The monsters that covered the mountains and plains were not something that these two girls could deal with.

Yes, their combat strength was very strong, but their physical strength was not endless!

As such high-intensity battles continued, they would gradually exhaust their stamina and be unable to resist the endless stream of monsters.

"Tsk." Xu Fan looked at the bloody battlefield and frowned.

Tang Jing snorted lightly. He seemed to have guessed the reason. Xu Fan wanted to become fat in one bite. In the end, the development of the matter had already gone out of control, so he began to be anxious, right?

But in the next second, Xu Fan's actions surprised him.

"Tsk, my legs are numb from standing. Let's find a place to sit for a while." Xu Fan muttered to himself. He picked up the foxtail grass and found a broken tree. He patted the dust off it and sat on it.

He even whistled proudly as he watched the two girls fighting fiercely in the front row.

No, you were sleeping when the girls were fighting just now. Now that you've had enough sleep, you're humming?

How shameless was that?

No one heard that Xu Fan, who was sitting there whistling, would stop from time to time to watch the two artifact spirits fighting fiercely and make some tactical arrangements. He could use the connection with the artifact spirit to gain the vision of up to three people, observe the overall situation, and command the battle. This was his unique advantage and the only way he could help the two artifact spirits.

As expected, under his command, Ming Shu and Chi Luo's coordination became closer and closer, and in a short while, the number of monsters they killed increased to more than a thousand!

[Current number of monsters killed: 1018]

[System Rating: S]

Perhaps he was only one step away from the system reward.

Xu Fan's eyelids twitched because an unfamiliar guy had walked straight to him.