There Must Be Something Fishy

However, the next moment, things developed beyond everyone's expectations: Chi Luo turned around with the pile of things in her arms and ran to Xu Fan's side happily. She raised it very attentively.

"Brother, these are all for you! This is the first time I've met such a generous stranger. It seems that there are still many good people in the world."

After all, she was just an artifact spirit. The only meaning of living in this world was to obtain the recognition of the master.

As for the so-called ways of the world, screw it. She did not care.

Xu Fan smiled and took the item from Chi Luo's hands. He looked at the three young masters of the aristocratic families with a nonchalant expression. Then, he said leisurely:

"Sorry, my sister is still young and doesn't know much about the ways of the world. These things are more valuable. If you care, please take them back."

If they cared? Hearing this, the three of them were furious. To be honest, all the things they gave out were priceless. How could they not care? However, after all, what was given out was like the water that had been poured out. There was no reason to take it back.

Especially Liu Yanxiao, was so angry that he almost went numb.

"Hehe, those few young masters are so promising. I'll thank you all on behalf of my sister." Xu Fan put away the items with satisfaction. He even opened one of the bottles of recovery potion and drank it in front of everyone.

He had never been injured before, and he had never fought before, so why would he need potions to treat his injuries?

As long as he left the potion for the two girls to drink, the others would not feel that it was a loss.

"Ha, this is indeed good stuff. It smells good and tastes good. It even smells like strawberries."

Hearing Xu Fan's evaluation, Liu Yanxiao almost couldn't suppress his murderous heart.

"What's wrong with Xu Fan?"

The few scions of the aristocratic families began to whisper to each other, and Tang Jing, who had noticed it, quickly came over and explained to them respectfully:

"Young masters, you might not know this, but this Xu Fan has been an orphan since he was young. He has no money or power, let alone his identity. The only bright spot was probably that he was especially good at making girls happy."

"You guys don't know this. Although this kid has nothing, he's very popular with the girls in school."

As for Ming Shu and Chi Luo's identities, he naturally didn't doubt them at all. After all, Xu Fan was like this in school. He could fool all kinds of girls. Even his sister had a different opinion of Xu Fan. She even quarreled with him many times over Xu Fan's matters. He did not expect that after entering society, this guy could still rely on these methods to live off a woman to this extent.

"Tsk. How is that possible?" Liu Yanxiao listened to Tang Jing's explanation and could not help but frown. He knew very well that it was impossible for a girl to be so loyal to him with just his fancy bragging skills.

There must be something fishy going on!

It was likely that Xu Fan had used some despicable method to control Ming Shu and Chi Luo!

There were still more than twenty minutes left. Xu Fan looked at the countdown on his phone and then looked at the mission requirements displayed on the system again.

[Hunt as many monsters as possible within the specified time. The system will give you the corresponding mission reward according to the number and level of monsters you kill.]

[Hint: When the mission rating reaches SSS, you will receive a non-combat weapon spirit from the system.]

[Current Rating: SS+]

He still couldn't reach the SSS level required by the system, but why? Almost all the monsters in this dungeon had been killed. There were no more monsters to kill. Could it be that the highest system rating could only be SS+? Or was there some hidden condition that he didn't fulfill?

Thinking of this, Xu Fan suddenly felt enlightened. He had indeed thought of something that he had neglected. It was an existence that everyone in this instance dungeon had neglected.

The boss of the Desolate Sick Village, the Beast of Disaster.

[Beast of Disaster.: The rampant plague brought death and created this bloodthirsty beast. These creatures were extremely cunning and knew the principles of stealth and assassination. They are agile and fast, able to take the enemy's life in the blink of an eye.]

This thing was not strong, and the experience it gave was not much. It was indeed difficult to attract the attention of others in the Desolate Sick Village where experience bags were everywhere.

Most people would only think about how to kill as many Plague Ghosts as possible when they entered this place. Very few people would pay attention to these wild beasts that did not have high returns.

As a boss, this thing would not stay in a certain place and fight openly with others. Instead, it would run around the dungeon, avoiding the crowd while waiting for an opportunity to move. It would suddenly appear when some Class Advancement players were in a difficult battle and snatch prey from the Plague Ghost.

Although it was a dungeon boss, all of its skills seemed to be focused on survival and escape.

More importantly, this fellow's level was not high, so the rewards were not generous. It could be said that wasting energy to hunt this kind of monster was a pure and arduous task.

However, for Xu Fan, in this entire instance dungeon, the only thing he had not killed was that thing.

Perhaps this was the key to completing the mission. No matter what, he had to give it a try.

And so, in front of everyone, he laid down on Ming Shu's smooth and fair legs. He took a nap on the spot!

Chi Luo, who was standing at the side, blinked her eyes and sneaked over playfully. She sat opposite Xu Fan and fell on Ming Shu's lap.

No way! At this time, the exit of the instance dungeon was about to open, and you guys were sleeping here?

Looking at the harmonious scene in front of him, Liu Yan even imagined that they were a happy family of three.

But, are you guys alright? Dungeon portals would only open twice a day!

Tang Jing looked at his watch and found that it was 5:43 p. m, and the opening time of this instance dungeon was eight in the morning. In other words, if they did not leave now, they would have to wait here for 15 hours!


The instance dungeon gave the countdown for the final evacuation. Everyone began to pack their things.

However, as expected, Xu Fan was still pretending to be asleep and was not moved at all.