Battle Video

This was simply like a dream. Xu Fan Killed the Beast of Disaster alone?

Everyone present knew very well that this dungeon had a maximum level of 25, and the highest level that could be accommodated was only level 25. Even in the most ideal state, Ming Shu and Chi Luo were both at max level. With just two Level 25 combat professions, they wouldn't be able to kill the Beast of Disaster that was good at escaping!

However, facts spoke louder than words. The head of the Calamity Beast was right in front of everyone, and there was only one reason for the closed dungeon to reopen:

The final boss was defeated.

"Just the three of you can really kill that thing?"

"How is this possible? This has never happened before!"

"Everyone." Xu Fan gently raised his hand and waved it, making everyone quiet down. Then, he said, "I understand that my performance in the instance dungeon may have caused some misunderstanding. But the truth is right in front of your eyes, and you all saw it with your own eyes."

"Everyone only saw me sitting around and enjoying the fruits of my labor, wasting my time in the instance dungeon, but you didn't see how much effort I put in to hunt the Beast of Disaster."

"Do you think I'm a coward, hiding in an instance dungeon and not daring to come out? What you don't know is that the Beast of Disaster is insidious and cunning. It doesn't dare to appear in front of people."

"If the dungeon is filled with people, how can we lure out the boss?"

Hearing Xu Fan's words, everyone came to a realization. Xu Fan deliberately put down his guard in order to attract the enemy's initiative to attack. Only then could he seize the opportunity to kill him in one fell swoop.


"Impossible! The Beast of Disaster was at least a level 25 multiplayer Boss. No matter how powerful Xu Fan was, he was just a blacksmith. There must be a trap! Definitely!" Seeing that his attempt to frame Xu Fan was about to fail, Tang Jing quickly became anxious.

Tang Yu, who had followed the videos Tang Jing had sent out, finally couldn't hold it in any longer and reprimanded him hatefully: "Enough! Don't you find it embarrassing?"

Tang Jing stood in the crowd like a clown. Looking at the high-spirited Xu Fan, his mind was only thinking about how to make him fall from the altar.

Hearing Tang Jing's shout, the surrounding people could not help but be puzzled.

Blacksmith? Was this for real? If this guy was really a lifestyle class, then even if the Beast of Disaster was killed, it would have nothing to do with him, right?

Everyone looked at him again, as if they wanted an explanation, Xu Fan smiled and took out his phone without hesitation.

"Before the battle began, I set up a camera and recorded the entire process of my crusade against the Beast of Disaster. Whether or not I'm a hooligan, everyone will know at a glance."

What was that? Tang Jing's eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

Save battle recordings? What kind of person would do such a thing? Xu Fan's meticulous thinking was simply beyond his expectations.

Meanwhile, Xu Fan slowly opened the video in front of everyone.


About twenty minutes ago, after everyone was anxious to leave the mythical realm, only Xu Fan and the other two were left in the huge dungeon. At this time, Xu Fan also slowly stood up and looked at the gradually shrinking and disappearing portal. He stretched his back.

He had already briefed Ming Shu and Chi Luo on his next plan, so the two artifact spirits in charge of the battle were also cleaning up their weapons. 

"Chi Luo, restore your HP to full." Xu Fan said as he handed over the precious potion he had just taken from the rich young masters.

"I'm still very energetic. Brother, why don't you care more about the old woman?" Chi Luo smiled and glanced at Ming Shu who was wiping the blade.

Although she still called her an old woman, Chi Luo's attitude towards her had obviously softened a lot. Ming Shu returned a gentle smile, brightening up the gloomy and terrifying dungeon.

Chi Luo stuck her long staff into the ground again. The magic circle that had been used to attract the Plague Ghosts was pulled up again, and the scarlet aura was even visible to the naked eye. However, the Plague Demons were almost all killed. Only a few unlucky ones who had survived the previous crusade received the summon and walked over unsteadily. In the blink of an eye, they were cut down by Ming Shu's blade.

After that, there was a deathly silence.

However, Xu Fan did not let his guard down. Instead, he looked at the empty sky and carefully calculated the time. He understood the habits of the Beast of Disaster and knew that it would not appear so easily.

During this period of time, Chi Luo, who was using blood magic, had finished setting up everything.

"In an open area, try to place all the trigger traps in places that are easy to see. That fellow was very smart. It was impossible for it to easily step on those things, so they could set up as many traps as possible to limit its movement."

"According to the position of a while, place the Blood Stone and Rainbow Blast beside Ming Shu."

"Ming Shu, you should pay attention to your own position. There's no need to fight it in a short period of time."

"That thing is very cunning. If you can't beat it, it will escape. So remember, don't let it feel too much pressure. Sometimes, you can even show a little weakness to attract it to attack."

"Then, Chi Luo, chant a cage and interrupt it. Keep this skill in the staff to ensure that it can be activated at any time."

"Listen to my command later, get close to it, and smash it with your staff."

In the battle video, Xu Fan finally finished arranging the tactics. Then he stood up and pointed straight at the shadow somewhere in the forest. It was as if he had seen through the hiding place of the Beast of Disaster.

The air became exceptionally quiet, and the video seemed to be stuck. If it weren't for the leaves blowing in the wind to prove that it was a video, someone would have said something.

After about ten seconds, with a piercing wolf howl, two huge eyes suddenly lit up in the shadow that Xu Fan was pointing at.

Everyone was shocked. Although Xu Fan's actions had given them a hint, no one had expected that the monster that was good at invisibility and teleportation was actually at the place he had pointed at!

In the next moment, a beast let out a deep roar and a mountain-like figure rushed out from the shadows. It waved its giant claw that looked like a meteor hammer and smashed it fiercely at Xu Fan's head.

The difference in size and speed was particularly large. The huge wolf claw only needed one hit to smash Xu Fan's head.

The people watching the video gasped at the same time. Although Xu Fan, who was filming the video, was standing there perfectly fine, everyone still gasped at the scene on the screen.