Instance Dungeon Administration

[Received duel invitation: Level 35 Assassin VS Level 25 Blacksmith]

A message suddenly appeared on the assassin leader's job interface.

[Limited Mission: PvP with a Class Advancement Player whose level difference is no more than five levels from you and defeat him]

Of course, the assassin didn't know Xu Fan's purpose here. He just couldn't help but feel nervous when he saw Xu Fan approaching him step by step.

However, wasn't this also an opportunity? His opponent was Xu Fan, the blacksmith, and not the woman who had trapped him just now. How could he deal with a professional assassin who had been through hundreds of battles with someone else's equipment?

The seal on his body had not been removed. This was also the other party's way of preventing trouble before it happened. The opponent was still afraid of his speed, so he did not dare to give him freedom. However, the opponent definitely did not expect that even if he could not move his legs, he could still reach an attack range of nearly ten meters with just a slash!

Therefore, the moment Xu Fan stepped into his attack range, he swung his two blades at the same time.


The sharp blade created dazzling sparks on Xu Fan's body, but it did not hurt Xu Fan at all.

This was the innate skill of defensive classes,[Radiant Shield]. Its function was to build a barrier that could block any physical attack on the body's surface according to the weapon's defense value and its own attributes.

As a seasoned assassin, he had seen many such things. But why would a blacksmith use it? He was a blacksmith! He was not a shieldbearer!


A strong sense of fear surged into his heart. For the first time in his life, he encountered an enemy he could not understand.


Probably in order to survive, this guy started to become hysterical, waving the two blades in his hands, and attacking Xu Fan's body non-stop. After a series of dazzling attacks, only dazzling sparks were left behind. The barrier was completely unharmed.

After using the [Strength of One Heart] skill, Xu Fan's interface and Fatima's attributes could increase his defense to a terrifying 47! With the base value of the shield, the defense of the Radiant Shield could easily exceed 50.

For a Level 35 Assassin, this was simply a dimensional attack!

"It's not fair. Why? It's not fair!"

The leader of the assassins became more and more deranged, and the speed of his attacks became faster and faster, but it was still useless.

"Let me tell you a joke." Xu Fan picked up the huge cross shield and looked at the killer's face. He said softly in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "In terms of stats, my defense is more than twice your attack power."

After saying that, he looked at the increasingly pale face and once again revealed that harmless smile.

"The class changers in front, please wait!"

A scream came from a distance in the cave. Xu Fan turned around and saw a short-haired policewoman in a green police uniform running over with her police badge raised high.


"I won't wait." Xu Fan shrugged his shoulders and waved his giant shield. The two-meter-tall shield slammed into the assassin's face without holding back. The person who was trapped by the skill was sent flying. His head was also smashed into a bloody mess, almost turning into a pancake.

[Limited mission: PvP with a class changer no more than five levels lower than you and defeats him.]

[Mission completed.]

"Don't!" The policewoman screamed and ran all the way to the killer's side. She looked at the broken head and pulled her hair hatefully.

The policewoman sighed and put the topographic map she found in the guy's pocket into the evidence bag. In the distance, her companion had just arrived. She could not help but feel a little surprised seeing the messy battlefield.

"Captain Chen, what's going on?" A police officer who looked a little inexperienced took two steps forward and walked to the side of the policewoman.

This surprised Xu Fan. He did not expect this guy to become the captain of the police force at such a young age.

"The suspect has been killed. There is no possibility of interrogation." The policewoman stood up and glanced at Xu Fan. She sighed heavily again, trying to let Xu Fan know how upset she was.

"Why are you so impulsive? These people are all wanted criminals on record. If you capture them alive, you can exchange them for a lot of bounty."

"Most importantly, these guys are all organized and have a chance to carry out their activities. If you kill this leader, how am I supposed to interrogate him?"

Xu Fan shrugged and defended himself indifferently: "This is self-defense. These guys are here for our lives. Are we going to wait for them to kill every single one of us?"

"Or should I have called you for help first? If you guys come over in this instance, the grass on our graves would probably be two meters tall."

The policewoman still wanted to say something, but she couldn't find any fault in Xu Fan's words, so she could only give up.

Then, she raised her head and asked hesitantly: "Xu…Fan? Is that your name?"

"Yes, it's me."

"Alright, I'm from the Yunzhou Instance Dungeon Administration. My name is Chen Baixue." The police officer named Chen Baixue said as she flashed her police officer ID again to prove her identity.

Then, she waved her hand and gestured for her team members to check on the remaining suspects first. She continued to say to Xu Fan: "Do you know the identities of the people you killed?"

"I don't know. Assassin? Or from Emieryk?" Xu Fan remembered that he had heard the leader of the assassins say something about Emieryk. 

"That's right, but do you know the organization they belong to?"

Xu Fan shook his head. Chen Baixue was about to say something when she was interrupted by her teammate's voice.

A few auxiliary police officers in green uniforms carried the bodies of the other assassins into a body bag. The two guys who were subdued by Ming Shu also bit their tongues and committed suicide when they saw the officials coming.

"Not a single one survived. These people are so ruthless to themselves."

A police officer mumbled to himself as his voice reached Xu Fan.