The Administrative Bureau's Conditions

"The Su Group in Yunzhou? Isn't that the Su family?" Xu Fan raised his eyebrows and put down the game controller in his hand.

Beside him, Chi Luo was leaning against him, looking very unconvinced.

Xu Fan still had some understanding of the Su family, although he had heard it from Tang Jing. The Su family was the third largest family in Yunzhou. They had countless craftsmen and were especially good at the development of various manufacturing and heavy industries. They even monopolized the entire armor business in Yunzhou.

It could be said that everyone who was grinding dungeons in Orlando, no matter who it was, would more or less bring some equipment from the Su family.

But such a family would actually make bombs for an overseas organization?

"These people were able to enter Yunzhou through heavy screening because they have someone with enough power to protect them!" The voice on the other side of the phone was obviously angry, which made Xu Fan empathize with it.

The situation that was even more troublesome than an invasion was the emergence of a traitor on their side.

"The suspicion now is that there might be more than one spy hidden in these families."

"We investigated all the families related to Emieryk in Yunzhou and found the three most likely to cooperate with Hand of God."

"The Liu family, which made a fortune in alchemy, learned their alchemy skills from Emieryk. Even now, they still have many business orders related to Emieryk."

"Then, it's the Su family, who are famous for their manufacturing industry. As for the reason, I've already said it. It's almost as if there's irrefutable evidence, but we still can't rule out the possibility that they were framed."

"Finally, there is the third-rate Tang family. Of course, the possibility of them being spies was not high, because their only connection to Emieryk was the bloodline of their ancestors."

"If the Tang family really had the guts to go against the entire Country for a little bit of illusory bloodline, they wouldn't have declined and become like this."

"This terrorist attack is already the fifth one we've solved this month, and the intervals between them are getting smaller and smaller. It seems that the Hand of God is eager to cause some trouble."

"Therefore, the next focus will definitely be the large-scale instance dungeon next week, the Underworld Hades. That was a large-scale Instance Dungeon that could accommodate tens of thousands of people and extend to more than ten cities. If they wanted to cause damage, they would definitely not let this place go."

"At that time, whether it's the mole in Yunzhou or the important members of Hand of God, they will definitely appear."

"I hope that you can lead your team to explore the Underworld Hades. The main purpose is to pay attention to the surrounding people and see if there is anything wrong."

"At that time, we will have someone responsible for your safety. Once the enemy is exposed, we will immediately carry out the capture operation."

After hearing so much, Xu Fan roughly understood what Xu Baixue meant. She wanted him to act as if nothing had happened and go into the instance dungeon to investigate the dangers. After all, if the Administration flooded in, even the dumbest enemy would know that the situation was not good.

However, she was recruiting people from the public after all. She couldn't let Xu Fan work for her for free. While Xu Fan was hesitating, Xu Baixue made the first offer.

"Due to the seriousness of this matter, we will give you a reward of around one million coins, as well as an instance dungeon pass that can be used throughout the country."

"Of course, this matter is not a small risk. If you don't want to join, we will respect your decision."

After all, it was the Instance Dungeon Administration. The conditions they offered were quite tempting for ordinary people.

Needless to say, the rewards were generous. The key was that this special dungeon pass made Xu Fan very tempted.

One had to know that this was only in Yunzhou. A limited edition dungeon entry could fetch a hefty price. If it was in some big cities, it would not be an exaggeration to say that a rare entrance ticket to a dungeon was priceless. With this pass, he could save a lot of money.

Therefore, even if it was just for this pass, Xu Fan had to make a special trip there.


Then, he hung up the phone.

Glancing at Chi Luo and Fatima, who were already playing together, Xu Fan gently moved the mouse and checked the documents that Chen Baixue had sent him.

After such a careful inspection, he realized that the Administration had begun to investigate the spies in Yunzhou a long time ago.

Everyone who had come into contact with the Emieryk, be it a unit or an individual, was listed in detail. The names of those completely different names were actually densely packed on more than ten pages.

It was only recently that they gradually set their sights on the leading families in Yunzhou. Especially after this incident, he had locked his target on the Su, Liu, and Tang families.

All of this had nothing to do with Xu Fan. He could not help but laugh.

"What's wrong, Master? Did something funny happen?"

Little Fish came back from the backyard and asked as he smashed something with a stone mortar.

"Nothing. I just feel that it's quite strange for an ordinary person like me to be involved in such a big conspiracy."

"Brother, don't be afraid. We're here."

Chi Luo thought that Xu Fan's expression was due to uneasiness, so she moved closer to him and fell into his arms like a white cat.

Xu Fan shook his head with a smile and started to browse through the documents on his computer again.

For the Hand of God, breaking the boundary between the present world and the other world was their lifelong pursuit. Once someone like Xu Fan was exposed, the consequences would be unimaginable.

The Administration would get rid of the spy in Yunzhou as soon as possible, and he and the artifact spirits would be able to live a stable life as soon as possible. At the very least, they would be able to avoid those inexplicable troubles.


After an unknown period of time, Xu Fan carefully read the information for a long time. When he came back to his senses, the sky was already slightly bright.

He really didn't expect that he would spend the whole night reading these things.

However, it doesn't matter. Before the dungeon opens, they have nothing to do.

Xu Fan shrugged and got up to get a glass of water.

Little Fish, who had just woken up, walked out of the toilet upstairs and yawned as he said to Xu Fan: "Master, Big Sister is washing up in the bathroom on the first floor. She forgot to bring a towel."

As he spoke, she threw a pack of unopened white bath towels over from afar.

Xu Fan had wanted to ask Chi Luo or Fatima to do it for him, but seeing the two of them fighting fiercely in the game, he gave up the idea.

Xu Fan covered his dizzy head from staying up all night and slowly walked to the bathroom. The sound of running water was still echoing in the room, and he could vaguely smell the scent of gardenia through the crack in the door.

"Phew-" He heaved a sigh of relief and opened the bathroom door.