Condensing Nucleus Technique

With a " chi " sound, the Holy Spear, the Undying Bird, pierced through her spine. Although Number Twenty-Seven had dodged at the first moment, he was still unable to compete with the Saintess 'speed.

However, a huge force immediately flew back and smashed into the Holy Maiden in the air.

Chu Qinghan had been through hundreds of battles. He had a premonition of the incoming attack in advance. He smashed his spear on the ground and summoned a thick ice wall to block the attack.

However, the next moment, the ice wall was shattered.

Chu Qinghan didn't really plan to use the ice wall to block the attack that even the crystal magic couldn't block. Instead, he just used it as something to block the enemy's vision and took the opportunity to pull back some distance.

"It hurts. It hurts."

Number Twenty-Seven knelt on the ground, crying helplessly because of the pain caused by his injury. His back was already dyed red by his own blood.