Releasing the Golden-Winged White-Winged Bird

At this time, the low-level crusade team that had come up the mountain a step later had already arrived.

Chu Mengyao finally met up with the rest of the team. She held the silver spear in her hand and charged into the enemy line, standing with her cousin and father.

The three members of the Chu Clan cooperated closely and were unstoppable. In an instant, they were more than half the distance away from the others. In just a few minutes, they had already rushed into the center of the town.

However, at this moment, Chu Xuan felt a little strange. She turned around to look around and asked curiously,

"What about Xu Fan, who has been hiding his strength?"

"Do you still want to continue hiding at this time?"

Chu Mengyao wasn't surprised at all. She waved her silver spear and killed the two otherworldly monsters raised by the Hand of God while glancing into the distance.

"Maybe he has his own ideas again?"