Illusion Shadow Bug King

Not far away, a pitch-black human figure slowly appeared.

No, compared to appearing.

It was as if that guy had just crawled out of the water.

At this moment, the instance dungeon's system also gave a notification:

" Sacred Nest Shadow Abode Boss: Shadow Bug King Level 65 "

Other than the first time, there was nothing else.

This was a Boss with very little information. It was estimated that not many people had faced it since ancient times.

The Shadow Worm King was completely black. It was unknown whether it was because of the black water here or the color of his shell.

There were two long scythes on its wrists that were shining with a cold light. Its legs looked like they could jump. It should be a fast-attacking enemy.


All of a sudden, the bug king laughed.

Although the insect's face was expressionless, its hoarse and ear-piercing laughter echoed in the dark cave.