Leaving the Chu Family and Entering the Scarlet Order

Hearing Shangguan Meng's tone, Xu Fan could not help but be interested.

Could it be that Shangguan Meng had joined the Scarlet Cult before?

Shangguan Meng was still mocking Xu Fan when she said something that confirmed Xu Fan's guess,"

"What's wrong, Senior Sister? Does your face hurt now?"

"Didn't I say it before? What if the person who received the goddess 'inheritance is a man?"

"See, isn't this the problem?"

After hearing the term " Senior Sister ", Xu Fan understood the situation.

It seemed that the Shangguan family of the imperial capital had really allowed their own people to join the Scarlet Order.

And the current situation.

It seemed that Shangguan Meng had been driven out or left on her own because she had had a conflict with her senior sister.

Being mocked by this 1.6-meter-tall girl in front of him, it was obvious that the sect master couldn't keep his face up.