The old yellow ox has died

The room was pitch black, and Little Hu Tu's hand was as cold as ice, gripping my wrist like a pair of iron pliers and pulling me outside. I was completely powerless to resist and could only let her lead me forward, eventually arriving in the yard. During the process, I tried to yell but found that my whole body was numb and my mouth couldn't open, so I couldn't make a sound. In the yard, illuminated by the faint moonlight, I was finally able to make out Little Hu Tu's appearance. She had her back to me, her hair disheveled, and she was still wearing the same clothes she usually wore, except they were all soaked through and clinging to her body, with water droplets still falling from the hem of her clothes. Little Hu Tu didn't speak, just continued to pull me forward. For some reason, even though she was very young, she had an unexpectedly strong grip, which made me struggle to break free but was completely unable to do so. It was then, in my despair and with my body freezing cold, that we happened to pass by the cowshed. Suddenly, I heard a "moo" from inside the cowshed, and then my family's old yellow cow burst out, snorting in anger and charging towards Little Hu Tu with its horns. Little Hu Tu was startled by the cow and let out a scream, pushing its head away before disappearing in a flash.

Little Huto vanished in a flash, and I fell to the ground. Suddenly, I woke up and realized that I was lying in bed, and everything that had just happened was just a dream. However, despite it being just a dream, I found myself drenched in sweat, my back cold and my wrists numb. Remembering the scenes from my dream, I couldn't help feeling a sense of horror.

Shivering, I got out of bed and prepared to turn on the light to check my wrists. However, just as I stood up, I heard a muffled thud outside the window. When I looked up, I saw a large black figure outside the window, and I had no idea what it was.

At that moment, my hair stood on end, my hands and feet trembling, and I almost collapsed on the ground. However, what made me curious was that after the black figure had swayed outside the window for a while, it moved to the side, and then I heard a loud, wheezing sound, like the sound of a cow breathing.

This aroused my curiosity, and I thought back to the scene in my dream when our old yellow cow seemed to have run out of the cowshed. Could it be that the old yellow cow had really run out of the cowshed?

Thinking of this, I quickly picked up a flashlight and went out to check. As it turned out, it really was our old yellow cow, and it had actually run out of the cowshed. At that moment, it was lying on the ground, panting heavily.

Seeing the old yellow cow, I couldn't help feeling a sense of strangeness. I wondered if what had happened in my dream was real, and if the ghost of Little Huto had really come to find me. Did the old yellow cow save me?

Thinking about this, I couldn't help feeling puzzled and couldn't figure out what was going on. So, I decided to lead the old yellow cow back to the cowshed and tie it up first.

As I approached the old yellow cow, I picked up its rope and realized that it didn't run away when it saw me, even though it was so afraid of me last night.

Soon, I understood what was happening. The old yellow cow wasn't afraid of me anymore, it was just lying on the ground and couldn't get up. I pulled on it for a while, but it was panting heavily and foaming at the mouth. Clearly, it was sick.

This made me nervous, so I immediately called my parents over. When my dad saw the cow, he became worried.

"Uh-oh, this is a case of being compressed by food. We need to call a veterinarian from town. You stay here and watch the cow, I'll go get the vet."

In those days, our small village was relatively underdeveloped and didn't have any veterinarians. We had to go to the town, which took at least half a day.

The old yellow cow was a valuable asset for our family, so my dad left immediately upon seeing its condition.

After my dad left, my mom started preparing breakfast while I stayed behind to watch the cow alone.

When the first rays of morning sunshine came down, the old yellow cow shook its head to drive away the annoying flies. Then, it stretched out its neck, lay down on the ground, and even shed tears from its eyes.

I immediately called my mom over when I saw that the cow seemed to be in critical condition.

Upon arriving, my mom sat on the ground and exclaimed, "Oh no, this cow is done for. What are we going to do?"

When I heard my mother's words, I couldn't help but ask her curiously, "Mom, how do you know this cow is not doing well?"

Seeing me ask, my mother wiped away her tears and said to me, "Didn't you see it crying? This is an old cow that has been with us for many years, and it has a spirit. Now it is about to leave us and doesn't want to part with us, so it cried. This shows that it is really not doing well."

After hearing my mother's words, I couldn't help feeling a bit sad and reluctant to let go of the old yellow cow.

However, what puzzled me was that after my mother cried for a while, she suddenly ran into the house and took out a small glass bottle. Then she held the bottle neck against the corner of the cow's eye and began to collect the cow's tears.

My mother's behavior made me a little confused, and I quickly asked her what she was doing.

"Don't ask too much, child. Cow tears are a useful thing, very rare. I will save them for later use," my mother said, continuing to collect the cow's tears.

Sure enough, the cow's tears were quite abundant, and my mother collected almost half a bottle in no time.

However, after the tears were collected, the cow was completely unable to move. It shuddered a few times, stretched out its hooves, and finally breathed its last breath.

Seeing the old yellow cow die, my mother was deeply saddened. She carefully covered the small bottle in her hand and said to me, "Go find your third uncle in the east of the village. We have to butcher this cow quickly, or it will go bad."

"Okay," I nodded and was about to go outside when suddenly I felt dizzy and my eyes went black. Then I fell to the ground.

As I fell, I heard a slender laughter, which seemed to come from Xiao Hufu.