The ring of the goose

At that time, I saw that the fingerprints on my hand were crawling towards Xiao Ying's hand, and I hurriedly threw Xiao Ying's hand away.

  My actions made Xiao Ying stunned, and I thought I hated her, so I immediately flattened my small mouth and looked at me: "Cousin, why are you like this, don't you like Xiao Ying?" "

  I was embarrassed for a while, and quickly laughed: "Ah, no, my cousin likes you, it's that my hand scraped the skin yesterday, it hurts a little, this hand can't be held, let's change one." "

  "That's how it is," Xiao Ying broke into a smile, then took my left hand and dragged me out.

  When I came to the yard, I found that the sun was shining golden, the weather was fine, my mother and my grandmother were cooking in the pot house, and when they saw me come out, they asked me how I was feeling.

  I said much better, so I went out with Xiaoying and came to the back of the house.

  Behind my grandmother's house was a vegetable garden, and no one lived there, and after the vegetable garden passed, there was a family.

  Probably because it is close to the village, the environment here is a bit desolate, full of woods and grass, and it doesn't look like a village, but like a wilderness.

  As for the family who lives next to the vegetable garden of his grandmother's house, it is more powerful, his house is a three-story small western-style building, and the yard is also very large, which is completely the configuration of a garden villa.

  The people who lived in that house used to be poor, but then they went to the city to do business and made a fortune, and when they came back, they built this big house.

  I heard that the women of that family are officials in the city, so they are very powerful and arrogant, usually rarely walk around with the villagers, obviously from the rural mud legs, every day dressed five people and six clothes tall, for a long time, the village people do not like to deal with them, so their family is regarded as a single family, basically isolated from the entire village.

  If anyone in the family communicates more with the people in the village, it may be quit.

  Jingtou was a year younger than me, an adopted child from the family, about five or six years old when he came, so we played together since we were young.

  However, the family was not very good to Jingtou, giving him leftovers every day, and did not buy clothes, so although the family was very rich, but Jingtou was very miserable, not only that, I heard that Jingtou was often beaten, and his body was always bruised and purple. Jing Tou also knew that he was a child he had picked up, and he did not dare to resist, and he had been silently enduring this suffering.

  However, although the life of the abstinence is not satisfactory, but people are very cheerful, especially when playing with us, they are talking and laughing, and they are very responsible, so we children, in fact, still like him, if his clothes can be dressed a little better, not full of patches, dirty, it will be better.

As we spoke, my cousin and I came to the back of the house, and sure enough, we saw a large flock of white geese grazing on the grass, and we also saw the ringhead.

  He and I hadn't seen each other for two years, he had grown taller, but his appearance hadn't changed much, his clothes were still tattered and dirty, he was herding geese, and the white geese belonged to his family.

  When we arrived, Jing Tou was sitting motionless on a rock with a thin bamboo pole in his arms.

  I shouted at him from afar: "Quit, quit, I'm coming to my grandmother's house, are you okay?" Let's play together. "

  To my surprise, when he saw me, he did not show the same enthusiasm as before, he just turned to look at me, did not say a word, and then continued to take care of his white goose.

  I was a little curious, so I asked Xiaoying to pick wildflowers by herself, while I walked to Jingtou and looked at him and said, "Jingtou what's wrong with you?" Did you encounter something unhappy? "

  "When have I ever been happy?" Jie replied lukewarmly, stood up and drove the geese to the side, then turned to look at me up and down, and sneered: "Not bad, the clothes are very new, you will go to junior high school for the New Year." "

  "yes, what the hell is wrong with you? Why do I feel like you hate me? I asked, looking at the ring head with some puzzlement.

  "I don't hate you, I hate myself," Jing Tou flicked the whip in his hand, his eyes looking into the distance, and said: "They won't let me go to school, I only read the fifth grade, and I can't read all the words." "

  "Why are they doing that? His family is so rich, is it because he lacks your tuition? I looked at the guard and asked sympathetically.

  "It's not a lack of tuition, it's a shortage of manpower, his daughter gave birth to a child and needs to be taken care of, and this flock of geese also needs to be managed, and they don't want to hand it over to outsiders, for fear that their hands and feet will not be clean, so they let me not go to school, go home and bring them children," Jing Tou said helplessly.

Hearing this, I kind of understand why Jing Tou is not happy, indeed, in such a position as him, there is really no way, but to be at the mercy of others.

  After a long time, I had a whim and asked him: "Then have you ever thought about leaving their house?" Anyway, you are not their own, or you can run away and save yourself from suffering here. "

  "Run?" He looked at me and said, "You think it's that easy?" I am a child, how to survive when I run out, I don't even have a household registration, it's strange if I don't starve to death. "

  "So are you just going to endure it all the time?" I looked at the ring and asked.

  "So what else, but don't wait for me to grow up, I'll give them a good look when the time comes," As he spoke, he grabbed a branch and broke it, which looked a little fierce, which made me stunned in my heart, feeling that the guard had changed, and the hatred and resentment accumulated in his heart should have exploded.

  "Don't say that, what are you doing at your grandmother's house? Is it to live? Ring asked, looking back at me.

  "Well, something happened to me, come here to avoid evil," I didn't know how to say something about myself, and I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

"Bumped into evil, huh?" Jing looked me up and down, his thick eyebrows seemed to emit light, which made me a little nervous, and couldn't help but say to him: "Don't look at it, you are a year younger than me, what can you understand?" "

  "Hehe, this is not possible, let me tell you, they have a secret room in their house, which is dedicated to Buddha statues, and a small box, it is said that the small box is stored with treasures, which can ward off evil spirits and generate wealth, hmph, how, if we get that small box, are you not afraid of bumping into evil?" Jiao looked at me and asked with a smile.

  When I heard this, I thought that I was haunted by ghosts and pain, so if there was such a treasure in the family, maybe it could really save my life.

  "Do you know how to get that box?" At that moment, I couldn't help but ask the head of the war.

  "Even if I knew, why should I help you? They found out and didn't want my life? While speaking, he stood up, and while driving the geese, he said to me in a long voice: "Go back, they should also finish eating, it's my turn to pick up some leftovers to eat, I have to wash the dishes and sweep the floor after eating, and I have to take the children, there is no time to accompany you, you can play by yourself."