Old things in the well

My uncle's words made me suddenly stunned in my heart, could it be that my aunt, who I had never met, drowned in this well?

  As far as I know, my grandmother and grandfather have a total of three children, respectively, my aunt, and my mother and uncle, my mother is second, why is there a little aunt now? What's going on?

  "Oh, Shaoming, don't scare a scar, he is bumping into evil for a while, turning back to frighten him, but it's not good," At this moment, my grandmother just came out of the house, heard my uncle's words, quickly interrupted him, and then stepped forward to comfort me: "A trace, don't listen to your uncle nonsense, he is evil." "

  "I didn't fall for evil, my sister just fell into the well and drowned, and you are still hiding from me!"

  At this time, my uncle suddenly acted very excited, as if my grandmother really had something to hide from him.

  "Shaoming, what are you doing?! Such an adult, they have all started a family, why do they still talk nonsense? "

  At this time, my mother also came out of the house and reprimanded my uncle.

  "You all lied to me, I don't believe your words, I just have a sister!"

  My uncle was very angry at this time, blushing, and arguing with my mother and grandmother, and then left angrily.

  This sudden situation made me wonder for a while, I didn't know what happened to my uncle, and I didn't know if what my mother and my grandmother said was true.

  But these are not the key now, the key question is, does my sister-in-law exist?

  After my uncle left, my grandmother was a little worried about me, so she pulled me aside and told me an old story.According to my grandmother, the "sister" mentioned by my uncle does not exist, but why did my uncle always think that he had a sister and fell into the well and drowned?

  This has to start when my grandmother's house started digging this well.

  It turned out that when my grandmother's family was digging a well, a rotten wooden box was dug out at the bottom of the well. I don't know what year or who buried the box, and I don't know what it contains, but when I dug it up, it was already falling apart, and some tiny bones could be vaguely seen inside, and the bones were also decayed, and they shattered when pinched.

  At that time, my grandmother and grandfather did not take this matter seriously, collected the rotten wood casually and threw it away, and then continued to dig wells.

  At that time, my uncle was exactly three years old, and according to the old people in the countryside, before the age of three, the gate of heaven was not closed, and they would see some things that ordinary people could not see.

  At that time, my uncle should have been in this situation, and my uncle's heavenly door seemed to be closed particularly late, which is confirmed by my affairs, as the saying goes, giving birth to a son like an uncle, this is not unfounded, for example, I, really a little similar to my uncle, personality, looks or whatever, are more similar, and even some of the behaviors when I was a child are similar, are nervous.

  The first thing that happened was when the well was not yet laid, when the grandmother had just dug out the rotten box, and then one evening, they found that the three-year-old uncle was actually having fun in the yard alone, giggling and dancing in circles, the situation was very strange, it seemed that someone was playing with him.

  At this time, my uncle was not comfortable talking, so when my grandmother and grandfather asked him what he was playing, he couldn't explain clearly, just said: "Sister, play." "

  At that time, my grandmother and grandfather were a little puzzled, but they couldn't think of a reason, so things were just let go.

At that time, people in the countryside were busy, and my grandmother and grandfather were the same, working in the dark all day long, so the task of bringing children fell on my aunt and my mother.

  Big children with small children, as you can imagine, this is undoubtedly a very hard thing, big children inevitably want to be lazy, my mother and my aunt were in this situation at that time, they didn't want to take their uncle all day, they wanted to leave him away, so they could play for a while, so at that time, uncle was often locked up in the yard by them, and then uncle's hysteria was even more serious, he had fun every day, and he didn't seem to be lonely.

  It was not until a year later that my grandmother and grandfather realized that the situation was wrong, and that night, my uncle suddenly cried very much, arguing that my sister was missing, and my sister fell into the well and drowned.

  My grandmother and grandfather were confused at the time, so they patiently asked my uncle what was wrong.

  As a result, they listened carefully to my uncle's words, and they couldn't help but look at each other, they couldn't imagine that such a thing happened at home.

  According to my uncle, he has been playing with his little sister these days, but since the day before yesterday, he has never seen his sister again, and his grandmother asked him when he last saw his sister, and he said it was the day before yesterday, when my sister went to the well, and never came out again.

  At this time, my grandmother and grandfather were really a little scared, knowing that my uncle had hit an evil spirit, and quickly invited a Mr. Yin Yang to take a look.

  After the gentleman came, he did the trick to eliminate the disaster for his uncle, and gave him a name lock around his neck, which was considered to calm his uncle, but since then, my uncle will still often talk about his sister, but my grandmother and grandfather really did not have a fourth child, so this matter has always become an unsolved case.

My uncle's affairs were finished, but I was even more worried because of this, because according to this situation, there may really be a ghost living in the well of my grandmother's house, and the sister that my uncle saw back then, if nothing else, is the ghost, as for why my uncle couldn't see her later, it should be because my uncle grew up and the gate of heaven was closed, so the "sister" naturally disappeared.

  However, since his uncle really played with this "sister" for a long time, deep down, he must have firmly believed that he had a sister, and he couldn't change it until now.

  Obviously, the ghost in the well is still in the well until now, so when I looked down into the well just now, I saw something that I shouldn't have seen.

  So, since there are ghosts in the well, and I am in an extraordinary period now, will I get into trouble because of this?

  At the moment, because of this matter, I can't help but be full of worry, and I don't dare to go to the well, but even so, although I escaped the ghost in the well, my own problems have not improved at all, but have become more serious.

  That night I began to have a high fever again, and the fingerprints on my wrist had completely transferred to the back of my hand, which made a small black handprint printed on the back of my hand, and the small handprint was scratched and scratched, and each scratch made my whole body tremble, and my whole body twitched with pain, as if my whole person was squeezed in the palm of my palm.