Rather be dead

Hu Jun ran away, leaving me full of confusion. I had originally planned to chase after him and scold him at his home, but then I realized that I was no match for him and would only get beaten up if I went. So, I could only cry while continuing to walk towards the wild fields to the west of the village.

After a short while, I arrived at a pond where the water was very clear. I decided to wash the dirt and mud off my face that had stuck to it from falling on the ground. There was a stone slab used for washing clothes by the pond, so I squatted on it to scoop water to wash my face.

However, what I didn't expect was that as soon as I squatted down and looked at my reflection in the water, I saw that it wasn't me at all. It was a silly and muddy-faced little girl with her mouth wide open and her eyes rolling, who seemed to be laughing at me.

"Ah!" I screamed in surprise, startled and jumped up. But then, at that very moment, someone suddenly appeared from the nearby woods and grabbed me by the back of my neck. They forcefully pushed me into the water.

In my panic, I didn't even have time to shout for help, and ended up gulping down several mouthfuls of water. I kicked and struggled with all my might, grabbing onto the person's leg and scratching them. But the person held me down tightly, not letting me move.

"Hahaha, you little debtor, you stinky girl. Go die! Do you think I'm scared of you just because you've turned into a ghost? Let me tell you, I'm going to kill you again. Die, die!" The person pressed me down into the water while shouting with a sneer.

Hearing that voice, I finally realized that it was none other than Hu Jun who had come back and was now trying to kill me again.

At that moment, I couldn't help but feel full of fear and struggled even more violently. However, Hu Jun's hands were like iron clamps, holding my neck and pressing me down into the water. He showed no signs of letting go, even though I was grabbing his arms and causing them to bleed. He kept pushing me down until my whole face was buried in the mud. A sense of suffocating fear engulfed me, and I had to use all my strength to try to break free. But when I tried to breathe, I involuntarily drank in a mouthful of mud and sand, which was excruciatingly painful. I felt as if my lungs had been torn apart. "I'll kill you, I'll kill you, you debt collector!" Hu Jun yelled wildly as he pressed me down. He seemed like a madman. At this point, I was too weak to struggle anymore, and my movements became smaller and smaller. The pain of suffocation grew stronger and stronger, and my consciousness began to blur. Then I couldn't help but think of something. Why did Hu Jun want to kill me? Isn't he afraid of being punished for murder? Wait, what did he say just now? Something about a debt collector and a daughter? Could it be that he mistook me for someone else? But even so, why did he-- Could it be that Xiaohutu wasn't drowned, but was actually drowned by him? For a moment, after realizing the truth, I couldn't help but tremble all over. As the saying goes, a tiger doesn't eat its cubs. Hu Jun actually killed his own daughter. Is he still human? This is simply worse than an animal, he is more beastly than a beast.

Thinking about all of this, I started to understand Hu Jun's actions. Obviously, I am currently possessed by the spirit of Xiao Huto, so in his eyes, I am not myself, but Xiao Huto. At first, he was very scared and thought he had seen a ghost. Actually, he did see a ghost, but after he went back, he calmed down for a while and realized that Xiao Huto may not have died but actually survived. If that's the case, he would be in big trouble. Xiao Huto would definitely expose him and bring him endless trouble. So he turned back halfway and happened to see me washing my face by the spring. He mistook me for the surviving Xiao Huto and tried to drown me.

Explaining it like this, everything became logical. I couldn't help feeling sad for Xiao Huto. Her life was short but full of tragedy, from being unloved since birth to being killed by her own father. It was truly the tragedy of tragedies. I finally understood why she had so much resentment and hatred. If it were me, I would definitely become the most fierce ghost to seek revenge!

However, it's too late to say these things now because I am about to be killed by Hu Jun. I am already suffocating, my eyes are darkening, and my body is weak. My consciousness is already blurry. I am going to die, definitely going to die.

I don't know how long Hu Jun is going to hold me down, but it seems like he is waiting for me to lose all my resistance and become a dead body before letting go.

I never expected this person to be so cruel, especially to drown a child.

In the end, Hu Jun seemed to have let go, and I felt like I had become a corpse. I was floating in the water, and the sky had turned dark. The wind blew over in waves, and the clear ripples floated on the surface of the pool. I lay quietly at the bottom of the water and looked up, seeing the creases of the water waves.

It's strange, even though I'm dead, I still have consciousness. What's happening? As I was wondering in my mind, a disturbance in the water caught my attention. I followed the direction of the water and saw a small hand standing quietly in the mud and sand at the bottom of the pond. The hand and wrist were buried in the sediment, and I couldn't see the body, but from the extent to which the sediment was piled up, I could guess that a child's body was buried there.

I didn't know whose body it was, could it be someone killed by Hu Jun? My consciousness was sometimes clear, sometimes confused. Even though it was dark, I could see everything underwater clearly. I saw swaying water plants, crawling snails on the mud, and some small fish swimming back and forth. In addition, there was the small hand reaching out from the sediment.

At first, the small hand didn't move, but later it slowly reached up, until it finally grabbed me and pulled me towards the bottom of the water. I floated over little by little until I reached the mud at the bottom of the water. Then the small hand let go of me, and the pile of mud in front of me slowly opened up, revealing a familiar face.

It was Xiao Hutu, really her. She had been waiting for me here all along. Xiao Hutu seemed to be asleep, her eyes closed, and her mouth still wide open, filled with mud and sand. I couldn't even see her tongue. This made me extremely sad, and I couldn't help but want to reach out and hold her.

But just then, Xiao Hutu suddenly moved. She opened her eyes wide and stared at me with two green eyeballs. Then she suddenly lunged at me like a huge lobster, with her teeth bared and claws waving wildly.