
"Little Huto, don't worry, I will definitely help you seek revenge. Please don't scare me like that again, okay?" I couldn't help but shout at the small black cow covered in blood. "Baaahh!" Upon hearing my words, the small black cow let out a strange cry and then suddenly turned around. It then galloped as if crazy towards the cesspit next to my house.

I believe people who have lived in the countryside know that most village households have a cesspit next to their yard. The water in it is not deep, usually rainwater, and the contents are the excrement of cows, sheep, pigs, and donkeys. This is done so that the animal manure can fully ferment and become good fertilizer.

The cesspit next to my house was particularly large and deep because it had been cleared the year before. We usually didn't dare go near it for fear of accidentally slipping in. Now the little black cow ran towards it and then suddenly jumped into the cesspit with a loud bang and splash.

When I saw this situation, I couldn't help but feel puzzled and shocked. I didn't know what the little black cow was trying to do, so I stumbled and followed it. I even thought about rescuing the little black cow from the cesspit. However, to my surprise, when I got closer, I found that the little black cow was struggling desperately in the cesspit. It didn't seem like it fell in by itself, but rather someone had pushed it in.

"Moo!" The little black cow kicked and struggled in the cesspit. After being choked, it instinctively tilted its head and let out a strange cry, trying to climb out of the cesspit. However, every time it lifted its head, it seemed that someone pressed down hard on its head, causing it to plunge back into the water again and drink a mouthful of fecal water.

"Bang bang - rush rush -" The water in the cesspool is unimaginable. It's filled with feces, and in the summer, it's crawling with flesh-yellow maggots. The water is dark, and the little black calf is covered in maggots after struggling for a few moments. Especially on the wound on its head, there are maggots wriggling inside. Even more, a large group of flies is buzzing around it, seemingly enjoying its death process. The little black calf struggles desperately, kicking and struggling with all four hooves. Its head occasionally pops out of the water, but each time it's forcefully pushed back down by an unseen force. At this moment, I have been standing not far from the cesspool, quietly watching the little black calf struggle. Because I found that the process was surprisingly similar to my own drowning process. If I'm not mistaken, at this point, the little black calf should feel that there is a big hand pressing down on its head, but in reality, there's nothing on the water's surface. The reason it appears like this is entirely because its consciousness has become confused. It has been possessed by a vengeful ghost, a foolish person who wants to kill it. The reason why the fool does this is naturally to convey some message to me. Her meaning is clear. If I can't satisfy her, maybe the next thing drowning in the cesspool won't be a cow, but myself. "Meh - moo -" The little black calf, full of stinky feces, is still struggling, occasionally stretching its head out of the water, trying to climb out of it, but in the end, it falls back into the water. It keeps repeating this action, and I don't know how long has passed until it becomes a corpse. It floats to the surface of the water, with a swollen belly. Everything stops. Everything around me becomes quiet, and the weather is unusually hot. I'm covered in sweat, but my spine is cold. I look into the eyes of the black calf, which are full of endless fear and despair. It seems to be puzzled about why it is like this. Yes, it must have died without understanding what happened. But I know what all of this is about. It's all my fault! I feel chilled to the bone and then, after a long time, I scream out hysterically like crazy.

"The cow is dead, dead, please come and help!" My voice had started to sound shrill. After I shouted, the people around, including my parents and neighbors, rushed over, alarmed by my cries. When they saw the dead cow in the cesspit, they were all stunned and couldn't figure out how it had drowned in such a small pit.

My parents knew a little bit about the situation, but they didn't say much at the time. Instead, they pulled me up and took me back home. By then, I was feeling a bit hysterical, my whole body was fuzzy, and my lips were trembling. When we got home, my mother pinched my philtrum hard and gave me a bowl of water to drink. With a sudden "wow," I vomited everything in my stomach, and regained some consciousness.

After regaining consciousness, I turned around and ran outside. My parents were scared and ran after me, asking me where I was going. "Let me go, let me go! I have to find him! He promised to help Xiao Hutu seek justice, he can't break his word!" I had to find the old blind man now, and so did Xiao Hutu.

Seeing my reaction, my parents had no choice but to follow me, since they had also finished preparing the gifts. Together, we rushed to Bai Xinghua's house. To my surprise, when we got there, the old blind man had already left. After asking Bai Xinghua, I found out that he had set off for town after breakfast to visit an old friend.

Upon hearing this, I suddenly felt a chill run down my spine. It seemed like I had been played, and not only had I failed to control the little confused Yin energy, but I had also angered her. I didn't know what to do next and sat in the courtyard in a daze.

Suddenly, a distant cow's mooing could be heard, which startled me so much that I jumped up from the ground. I rushed outside and saw a small black cow walking towards me, mooing.

"The cow demon, the cow demon has come! It's looking for me!" I screamed in terror and ran back inside. However, I accidentally bumped into a soft figure, and when I looked up, I realized it was Bai Xinghua.

She grabbed me and asked, "What's wrong with you, Yihen?"

"Sister-in-law, the old blind man lied to me. His method doesn't work at all. Little confused Yin is angry now, and she's coming to kill me. She just killed a cow and turned into a cow demon. She's coming for me now, outside the door. She's going to kill me! What should I do?" I shouted in horror.

Bai Xinghua looked at me blankly for a moment before frowning slightly and gently touching my forehead. "Yihen, you're tired. Why don't you take a nap first? Don't worry, Tianyan will be back soon. He won't lie to you."

"Really?" I don't know why, but as soon as Bai Xinghua spoke, I suddenly felt extremely tired. My body began to weaken, and I fell towards her.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine. You have me. You won't be harmed," Bai Xinghua said tenderly. She held me up, and after hearing her words, I finally closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.