It's hair under my fingernails again.

At that moment, when I heard what the old policeman said, my hair stood on end and I couldn't help but grab his arm and shout, "It's impossible! How can you not find any evidence? Little Hutu was really drowned to death by her father, I can testify to that."

Upon hearing my words, the old policeman looked helpless and pulled his arm back, asking me, "Did you see Hu Jun commit the crime with your own eyes?"

Now I felt helpless again and could only shake my head.

"Do you have any concrete evidence to prove that Hu Jun killed his daughter?" the old policeman asked me again, "Do you dare to confront him face to face?"

Now I felt even more hesitant because I thought of Hu Jun's fierce appearance, and I really didn't dare to confront him directly.

"I already know that you had a good relationship with the little girl and played well with her, and her parents were not very good to her, so you held a grudge against them. Now that she's dead, you're even more upset, so you've had a hallucination that her father killed her and want to pin the blame on him, right?" The old policeman frowned slightly and asked me.

"No, that's not true, it's really not true!" I protested, but I was at a loss for words and didn't know how to make them believe me. So in the end, I just stumbled and walked into the reed marsh a bit dazedly.

"I know, I disappointed Xiao Hutu. I couldn't get revenge for her. I am really useless.

As I reached the depths of the reed marsh and came to Xiao Hutu's grave, I found that the ground had been completely dug up. There was a foul odor in the air, and two police officers were packing things up with their flashlights shining all around, making it hard to keep my eyes open.

I approached and found them tying up a large black plastic bag. "What did you do to Xiao Hutu?" I asked them, confused.

"The body must be cremated. We have to take her back and send her to the crematorium early tomorrow morning," the two officers said before carrying the black plastic bag to their vehicle.

"No, you can't just take her away like that!" I became emotional and wanted to chase after them, but two figures emerged from the side and caught me. It was my parents, and they were worried about me.

Yes, what should I do? Public security couldn't solve the case. What else could I do?"

I stood there helpless, staring blankly around me. I saw the old blind man deep in thought, the hesitating white apricot flowers, and the old policeman, Li Shu, smoking. Finally, my gaze fell on the female forensic doctor in a white coat. She wore glasses and a mask, so I couldn't see her face clearly, but I felt that she must be very capable. She was the one who performed the autopsy on Xiaohutu.

At that moment, the female forensic doctor was putting test tubes and small plastic bags into a box, which seemed to contain some samples collected from Xiaohutu's body.

When I saw the female forensic doctor, I couldn't help but rush over and grab her clothes, shouting at her, "You are a forensic doctor. You must be able to help Xiaohutu get justice. Tell them, tell them that Xiaohutu was murdered. Hurry!"

"Captain, can you see that? This little kid is quite loyal," the female forensic doctor said to the old policeman, smiling.

"Well, there's nothing we can do. The autopsy results are out, and there's nothing suspicious. What can we do? We can't just falsely accuse someone," the old policeman said with a helpless smile.

Upon hearing the old policeman's words, the female forensic doctor took out a small plastic bag and said to him, "Captain, there are actually some doubts, such as the victim's nails. After careful observation, I found something in the nail crevices."

"What did you find?" The old policeman immediately came up and asked.

Note: This translation may not be perfect and is subject to human error.

"Some very small hairs, similar to sweat hairs, may have been left behind because the deceased did not have good hygiene during her lifetime, but there are quite a few of them, so I am suspicious if she had a skin disease before," the female forensic doctor asked with some doubt while holding a small plastic bag.

Inside the plastic bag she was holding were the confused little girl's fingernails, as well as some rotting flesh and filth stuck on them.

At this moment, upon hearing the female forensic doctor's words, the old police officer fell into contemplation, seemingly pondering something, while I suddenly thought of something.

Fingernails, hair, these things seemed familiar, I seemed to have seen them somewhere, but what did it mean?

For a moment, I was also puzzled, then I unconsciously raised my own hand and looked at my nails. I quickly discovered that there was some blood and some small hairs in the crevices of my nails. Yes, these were all grabbed from Hu Jun's body when he went crazy and tried to drown me in the water. When I struggled, I grabbed onto him, so that was why there were these things in the crevices of my nails.

Therefore, since there were these things in the crevices of my nails, it was certain that before her death, the confused little girl had also done the same thing as me. She must have struggled desperately and scratched her father in a situation where she had no choice, so the things in the crevices of her nails were also likely grabbed from Hu Jun's body.

I understood, I finally understood! I finally know what Little Muddled was trying to tell me when she was in the pond. I also finally understand why she kept showing me her hand, why her hand was constantly tearing and scratching at something. She was trying to remind me, she was conveying a message to me! "Little Muddled's fingernail crevices contain something she grabbed from her father. She was drowned by Hu Jun pressing her head underwater. Before she died, she must have struggled desperately, and her hands must have scratched Hu Jun's body. So the hairs in her fingernail crevices are not hers, they are evidence that someone killed her!" Suddenly, a beam of clear sunlight shone down, and the entire world's attention focused on me. I loudly spoke out the information Little Muddled conveyed to me. As expected, after hearing my words, whether it was the old policeman Li Shu, the female forensic doctor, or the busy He Wei and others next to me, they all looked at me in shock. Then, as if suddenly awakened, they quickly took action. "Hurry, everyone move quickly. Wu Lan, send those nails and hairs to the hospital in the city for genetic testing overnight. He Wei, get in the car and take the child's body directly back to the station. I'm going to interrogate Hu Jun overnight!" The old policeman put out his cigarette, commanding his subordinates to take action, and quickly sorted everything out, preparing to leave.

As they were leaving, the old detective came up to me, looked me over, and ruffled my hair, saying, "Not bad, kid. You've got the potential to be a detective. Study hard, and you'll be a good cop and help the people."

"Heh heh, Old Li, don't count on it. You forgot, he's already my apprentice. So he's definitely not going to be a cop," the blind man interrupted with a laugh.

As the old detective was talking to me, the blind man reached out and stopped him, putting me behind him.

"Hey, you old man. You're still so vicious even though you're blind. Alright, I'll lead the team back now. Don't worry, once the genetic test results are in and the match is confirmed, I'll make sure that Hu Jun gets what's coming to him. To think that he killed his own child with his own hands. He's no better than a beast!"

With that, the old detective waved to us and led his team back.