I was already dead

The sky was clear and the autumn moon was bright, with fragrant scents wafting throughout the air. It was the perfect time to start school. This was my first day of junior high. After hearing Little Huhu's story, I'm sure you all know how I embarked on the path of becoming a ghost hunter. Although Little Huhu's story was a bit heavy, it didn't leave a big shadow on my heart, because she may have died, but she will always live on in my heart. And it's not just her, Yun Qingyue is the same, but we'll have to wait a bit later to hear Yun Qingyue's story. Next, I'll tell you some stories that happened to me after I started school, because only by telling these stories can we lead up to the story of Mount Modu, which is a bone-chilling tale. Without further ado, let me introduce my school. The school's name is Guan Shenlian Middle School, located in the southeast corner of Guan Shen Town. The location is relatively remote, and the facilities and teaching staff are both simple and crude. The entire school has three grades and six classes, with a total of less than 400 students. It's considered the worst school in our county.

Although the school only had three rows of buildings, the yard was very large. Upon entering the gate, there was a wide road that extended for about a hundred meters before reaching the classrooms. Within this hundred-meter distance, there were no other buildings. On the left was a playground, and on the right was also a playground. The facilities in these playgrounds were also very simple, without any rubber tracks or even simple white lines. There were only lawns and forests. The lawns and forests were also not well maintained, with wild grasses and trees growing randomly. Usually, there were few people to manage them, and over time, the situation looked like an abandoned ancient garden, with a natural atmosphere of horror and dirtiness.

When I arrived at the school gate, it was about ten o'clock. I was riding a bicycle with dry food, bedding, and a backpack tied to the back seat. At that time, I thought that the first day was going to be a boarding day and that I couldn't go home. So, I brought everything I needed at once. It was not until the evening after school that I realized that I didn't need to board on the first day. We only had to choose our beds and started boarding the following day. This made me a bit annoyed because I didn't want to run such a long way back home. Therefore, I decided to stay in the dormitory for that night.

As a result, something unexpected happened on that night, but that's another story. For now, let me tell you about when I first arrived at the school gate. I got off my bike and pushed it towards the school while talking to myself, "Take a look, this is my new school. I'm telling you both now, you can't scare people without my permission. If you scare my classmates, I won't let it slide." It's clear that I was talking to Xiao Hutu and Yun Qingyue, who were still hiding inside my body. Of course, compared to the previous terrible situation, they were much better behaved now, especially Xiao Hutu. Since her resentment dissipated, she played happily with me in my dreams every night. She even had a pet cow and often rode on it while playing the bamboo flute. She was just adorable.

As for Yun Qingyue, she is a bit aloof and mysterious. She rarely speaks, and even when she appears in my dreams, her gaze is shady, and she might even stick out her red tongue to scare me like a ghost. This makes me somewhat wary of her, but she also knows not to mess with me since I have already cultivated my Spiritual Embryo technique to a certain level. Therefore, as long as I am willing, I can easily seal them within my lower dantian and never let them see the light of day again.

Of course, I would never do that. I think it is not a bad thing for them to be able to express themselves freely, and now that we live symbiotically, they also protect me for their own safety. This makes me less afraid of any sinister creatures, and it inadvertently solves the problem of opening the heavenly gates. It's like unintentionally planting willows and creating shade.

But let's put that aside for now and talk about what happened when I arrived at the school gate. As I got off the car and pushed my trolley towards the school, I started talking to myself.

"Take a good look, this is my new school. Let me tell you both, you absolutely cannot scare people without my permission. If you scare my classmates, I won't let you off the hook."

It was obvious that I was talking to Xiao Hutu and Yun Qingyue who were still hiding inside my body. Compared to before, they were now much more obedient, especially Xiao Hutu. Since her resentment had dissipated, she had been playing happily with me in my dreams every night. She even had a pet cow which she often rode and played the bamboo flute on. She was simply adorable.

Since it was my first time at this campus, I stopped on the central avenue for a while to check out the situation and see if there were any unclean things lurking around.

I parked the car and climbed onto the low wall of the flower bed by the roadside. Then, I silently activated my Ling Tai Secret Technique, releasing the essence from my Tian Men. Soon, a light white mist covered my vision, and the hidden aspects of the entire campus came into view. After scanning the area, I found that the campus was relatively clean, with no significant sources of impurities. The only exception was a patch of black gas under the big banyan tree in the southeast corner, which felt abnormal. Instinctively, I walked towards it to investigate. However, when I got to within about ten meters, I smelled a familiar scent - that of a wild fox. As we all know, foxes, weasels, and other wild animals are highly spiritual creatures, and some of them, especially the older ones, can even use their illusionary abilities to confuse people. Therefore, it is entirely normal for these creatures to emit some impure qi. In any case, as long as they do not harm humans, we can coexist peacefully with them. We do not have to exterminate them completely, for all creatures are born equal, and we should provide other living beings with space to survive. Otherwise, we will inevitably face the consequences of our own cruelty and malice.

"It's a fox den, maybe there are little foxes!" I discovered the fox den at the same time as Xiao Hutu and Yun Qingyue. After all, their sight overlapped with mine, and their minds were connected with mine. So at that moment, Xiao Hutu excitedly said to me, as she liked small animals.

Hearing Xiao Hutu's words, Yun Qingyue snorted coldly and said, "This wild fox appears to have more than ten years of experience, and if it wants to cause trouble, it can already confuse people's minds. So you better be careful."

"Hmph, if it doesn't cause trouble, then good, but if it does, I'll beat it to death with my big stick!" I didn't take Yun Qingyue's words seriously and just smiled, turning around to prepare to report. However, at that moment, a person rode a bicycle into the school gate, and when I saw that person, I couldn't help but be a little stunned.

It was a girl, about the same age as me, with long hair tied in a ponytail, a melon-seed face with thin lips, almond-shaped eyes, a high nose bridge, and fair and delicate skin, giving people a fresh and elegant, yet warm and inviting feeling. She was tall and thin, wearing a pink jacket on her upper body and khaki pencil pants on her lower body. Her legs were long and straight, making people's eyes light up. She didn't seem like a child from the mountains.

The girl appeared to be a freshman just like me, who had just registered today. However, her confident and calm demeanor was captivating, and of course, her beauty was even more captivating. I only took a glance and found that she had already captured my heart.

"Hanyin, what's wrong with you? Why are you staring at that sister?" my trance was interrupted by Xiaohutu's voice.

"Heh, it's nothing, just curious," I muttered awkwardly to myself. Then, Yun Qingyue's cold snort came through and she said maliciously, "Your eyeballs are about to pop out, yet you pretend nothing happened. But let me warn you, that girl's forehead is covered in black qi, which is a bad omen. Hehe, who knows, she might be raped and murdered in a few days."

"Shame on you! Shut your crow's beak! No one would believe you if you don't talk!" I angrily retorted.

"I was already dead to begin with," Yun Qingyue smirked triumphantly.