Snake Queen's Dark Shadow

The moon was shrouded in mist, and the big snake on the cedar tree was staring at me with a cold, red-eyed gaze. I stood there, knowing it was a dream, but still feeling a sense of horror. I could see the scales on the snake's head slightly raised, giving off a sinister and slippery texture.

I didn't know what the snake was planning to do, and I was even more surprised that Xiao Hutu and Yun Qingyue were nowhere to be seen. Weren't they the ones who liked to appear in my dreams the most?

As I was thinking this, the snake suddenly lunged at me, opening its mouth wide to bite me. I shuddered in fear and instinctively reached out to scrape the ground, looking for something to defend myself with.

But to my surprise, just as I was frantically searching for a weapon, there was a loud "thud," and the snake fell from the tree. It then began to thrash and twist on the ground, its appearance resembling that of a helpless eel thrown into boiling water.

The moon was hazy, the mist was thick, and the big snake on the cedar emitted a dark red glow from its eyes, coldly staring at me. I stood there, transfixed, knowing it was a dream but feeling genuinely terrified. I could see the scales on the snake's head slightly raised, exuding a sinister and slippery intensity.

I didn't know what the snake wanted to do, and I was even more surprised that Xiaohu and Yun Qingyue were nowhere to be found. Weren't they the ones who loved to appear in my dreams the most?

Just as I was thinking this, suddenly the big snake lunged at me, opening its mouth wide to bite me. I was so scared that I jumped backwards and instinctively reached down to scratch at the ground, trying to find something to defend myself with.

But what I didn't expect was that just as I was frantically searching for a weapon, there was a sudden "thud" sound, and the big snake fell from the tree. It then writhed and twisted on the ground, looking very strange, like a mud eel thrown into hot water, struggling helplessly.

This situation made me feel strange. I approached it unconsciously, wanting to see what was wrong with the big snake. It turned out that when I got closer, I found that the big snake was covered in wounds and was bleeding black, foul-smelling blood.

What did this mean?

I was confused and felt that this dream was not a good sign. Just as I was wondering, suddenly there was a gust of wind next to me, and I clearly saw Yun Qingyue fly towards the big snake.

"Qingyue, don't go, be careful!"

Before I could even say a word, Yun Qingyue had already rushed to the side of the big snake. Then I saw her reach out and grab the snake's neck, lifting it up from the ground. Her eyes turned blood-red, and she opened her mouth, biting down on the snake and then starting to suck its blood with a whimper.

I was horrified and trembling, never expecting her to be so brutal. I hurriedly tried to stop her, but as soon as I reached out, her wrist had turned into a fierce big snake, coiling around me and making my whole body creak.

I was both shocked and anxious, reciting the Diamond Sutra in my mind while also trying to use the Secret Technique of Lingtai to suppress Yun Qingyue's aura.

Just as I was struggling, suddenly a cry of surprise rang out in my ear, and I woke up from the dream, opening my eyes to find that the dormitory was dimly lit, in the middle of the night.

The outside was noisy, and I wasn't sure what was happening. As I sat on my bed listening closely, I overheard words like "long worm" and "giant python". This situation left me confused and I wondered if there really was a snake outside my dormitory. Thinking quickly, I threw on some clothes and grabbed a broken table leg before rushing outside to see what was happening. Upon arrival, I noticed that the hallway and entrance lights were on, and a group of people were gathered outside looking tense and nervous, as if something had really gone wrong. "What happened?" I asked as I ran forward to investigate, but before I could get close, I was pushed back by someone. The same thing happened to a few other students as well. "Go back inside, we'll handle this!" shouted a group of teachers who lived on campus. These teachers were all physical education instructors, but also served as security to protect the students. The teachers didn't look good at all, as they held wooden sticks and shovels, clearly on guard against some dangerous threat. Realizing that the situation was serious, I didn't ask any more questions and quietly moved forward, standing on tiptoe and peering out to see what was happening. What I saw made my heart skip a beat.

At that moment, there was a spotted snake, as thick as a bowl, coiling and moving aggressively on the cement road outside the dormitory. Its posture seemed to indicate that it was trying to charge into our dormitory. Simultaneously, behind the snake, I saw a dark, smoky figure. This figure was obviously not a living thing, and besides me, no one else present seemed to be able to see it. Otherwise, I believe the teachers would not have dared to confront the snake and would have fled long ago. The situation was very strange. The snake was obviously being bewitched by the dark figure to attack us, but why was the figure doing this? It was a little confusing. "Teacher Hu, let's go together!" Just as I was wondering, two brave male teachers, one holding an iron shovel and the other a stick, rushed towards the snake, trying to kill it. However, what no one expected was that when they had just rushed in front of the snake, the snake suddenly half-raised its body from the ground, reaching a height of one person, and then opened its big mouth and followed it with a piercing laughter. "Wahaha - ya -" It can be imagined that the teachers and students present were shocked when they saw the snake's actions and heard that strange laughter. Many timid students even directly squatted on the ground and cried.

"The snake let out a piercing scream and a weird laughter, "Wuwaaa - Jiaaa - Jiaaa!" The two brave male teachers were scared stiff and dared not approach. Seizing the opportunity, the snake suddenly lunged and bit one of the teachers. "Help! Save me!" The bitten teacher screamed and fell to the ground. The other teacher, who had rushed out with him, dropped his shovel, howled in terror, and ran away. The whole area in front of the student dormitory was now in chaos. Students were running frantically towards the dormitory, afraid of being bitten by the snake. The remaining teachers were shivering and retreating, none of them daring to confront the snake."

The teacher who was bitten by the snake was in an extremely tragic state. He crawled on the ground desperately, trying to escape the snake's attack. However, the snake showed no intention of letting him go. It stretched out its head and then wrapped its thick body tightly around the teacher, immobilizing him completely. The snake then leisurely closed its eyes and slowly tightened its body, preparing to strangle the teacher to death.