Dive into the room late at night

The night, really dark, no stars and no moon tonight, cold wind swishing, a look at it is not a good sign.

  I finished my dinner and came to hide outside the courtyard of Wang Qin Yuan's house as I had agreed with Xu Qin.

  Wang Qin Yuan's yard is not very big, but a look at the appearance of the family know that the family is very well-off, her family's gate is a gatehouse, the courtyard wall is also relatively high, the wall is buckled with tiles, planted with cactus, has a very good defensive role, one because those tiles are placed in the virtual, a hand picking off, which is easy to make a sound, play a warning role, and then one of the above planted cactus is not a good thing, this thing, who was The first insidious and poisonous concealed weapon in the jianghu.

  Of course, in addition, Wang Qin Yuan's house is not the same as the surrounding, her main house is a small two-story building, flat roof, behind the house is a row of tall poplar trees, left and right there are two large mulberry trees, the yard planted with figs, put up a grape frame, so the yard from the outside looking over, is a very quiet and pleasant home, such a yard, let people know at a glance that the owner of this house is very tasteful, very This is also in line with Wang Qin Yuan's identity, deep mountain hut, fairy beauty, think about it is fascinating.

  But I'm not here to enjoy the scenery of Wang Qin Yuan's house, I'm here to catch ghosts, so I'm in a bit of a nervous mood.

  The old blind man didn't teach me much during the summer holidays, so I have only a half understanding of ghost hunting, to say that I have something different from normal people, at most, I can practice the secret art of spiritual birth, and I can open the eyes of the sky, and then there is the ability to use the power of the little muddle and Yun Qing Yue's power to turn out black and white hands, to deal with the evil, but the problem is, Yun Qing Yue since the last time to help me erase the memories of classmates and teachers, has been in a deep sleep did not wake up, so I only have a black hand left, and the black hand is Yin, and can not restrain the ghosts, can only fight them physically, which makes me a little helpless, very worried that I can not cope, or perhaps I'm worried that I won't be able to handle it, and if I don't, I'll be devoured by the ghosts, and that will be the end.

However, no matter what, Wang Qin Yuan is my goddess, since she is now violated by a lecherous ghost, I absolutely can not sit back and watch, so I must touch with this lecherous ghost to do, even if he can not destroy him, will be able to scare him away.

  The sky is gloomy, the night is dark and no one is around, I came outside the door of Wang Qin Yuan's house, first cats waist to learn a few barking dogs, then I hid in the darkness and waited silently.

  This is the code word that Xu Qin and I agreed on, previously agreed on the water pond, she is responsible for coming to Wang Qin Yuan, and then at night when it is almost time to go to bed, then secretly put me in, so that I can hide in their bedroom.

  As expected, I waited for a while, I heard the door "creak" a sound, slowly opened, and then someone reached out to look around, not Xu Qin is who?

  I hurriedly went over and whispered to her: "Done?"

  Xu Qin shushed me and told me not to make a sound, then dragged me in, closed the door and pulled me towards the main house and ran over.

  The second floor of the main house is dark, no one, the second floor is lit, should be Wang Qin Yuan's study and bedroom, just do not know what Wang Qin Yuan is doing now.

  At this time, I did not dare to make a sound, I could only follow Xu Qin upstairs, and then she directly pulled me to the door of a room, and then reached out to another room with lights on and said, "Xiaoyuan, you help me solve the problem first, I'll make a bed and come."

  "Okay," Wang Qin Yuan's voice came, Xu Qin smiled smugly at me, then pushed open the door of the room and dragged me inside.

  The room was fragrant, and since there were no lights on, it was hard to see what was going on.

  Xu Qin did not turn on the lights, directly pulled me to the corner, open a closet, tucked me in, whispered to me: "You stay here do not move, do not make a sound, the closet just opposite the bed, you leave a crack on the line, okay? Do not make a sound, you hear?"

  "I know, don't worry," I replied in a low voice, and gave her an "ok" gesture.

  After putting me in place, Xu Qin then turned on the light to make the bed.

  Xu Qin was right, the closet I was hiding in was indeed facing the bed, so from my position, I could just see Wang Qin Yuan's bed.

But, unfortunately, because the gap in the closet door is really too narrow, so I can only see the bed, and can not see all, which makes me depressed, but there is no way, at the moment can only patiently squat down and meditate to observe the situation.

  I have to say, Wang Qin Yuan's bed is indeed full of the warm taste of girls.

  It is hung with a light pink tent, which makes the whole bed look hazy and lovely, that bed quilt and blanket are also beautiful, the blanket seems to be the pattern of lotus flowers, water green lotus leaves, pink large flowers, very eye-catching, the quilt is light cyan, the top is a cartoon pattern, in those days, is considered very fashionable items.

  The bottom of the bed was empty, and a row of shoes was placed, which should all be Wang Qin Yuan's. Wang Qin Yuan's feet are very small, so those shoes are also very delicate, in short, I was looking at the bed, the mood is very excited, almost forgot their mission of the trip.

  After talking about the bed, and then about the cabinet where I hid, it seems to be filled with Wang Qin Yuan's clothes, I have to say, the girl's closet, is comfortable, soft and fragrant, at that time I was almost drunk, the whole person could not help but be smoky.

  Just when I was drunk, Xu Qin went to the bed and started to make the bed.

  This girl's psychological quality is quite good, from the beginning to the end are pretending to be fine general, not even look at my side, but I have been looking at her, especially her back, because she made the bed, just when the back is facing me, so I put her back to see very clearly, especially when she bent down, the round, upright somewhere, really hooked my mouth watered down.

  But soon, Xu Qin made the bed and walked out, then I heard the two girls laughing and laughing, they seemed to be washing up and getting ready for bed, which made my mood more and more excited, because I knew I could see Wang Qin Yuan soon, I dare not imagine what she looked like before she went to bed, so I was nervous at this time, my palms were sweating.

  I was nervous and excited when a figure appeared in my sight, it was Wang Qin Yuan, wearing a sky blue nightgown, long hair draped over her shoulders, two slender white legs from the hem of the skirt, the appearance is indescribably moving and lovely.

  However, just when I was looking fascinated, Wang Qin Yuan suddenly turned towards the closet and walked over, the situation seems to be to open the closet to find something.

  This time, I was shocked cold sweat down, I was found by her, I really do not know what I will become.