Five Yin Ghost Maggots

The old blind man taught me to ward off evil incantations are very powerful, are critical moments can save lives, but its use is a bit of trouble, need to cooperate with the essence of the blood sword Fang Yang can play a powerful, and the essence of the blood sword is to bite through the tip of the tongue to be able to send out, this thing, just think about it is a bit of effort, bite through the tip of the tongue, easy to say, when you really bite up, that is really painful, painful head sweat The actual pain is sweating.

  I am afraid of pain, so I have not put much thought into these incantations to ward off evil spirits, feeling that I will not be able to use this thing.

  But, to my surprise, it really saved my life tonight.

  In the evil ghost released the black gas will be wrapped around me on the ground, want to put me to death when I was in a hurry, a spell recited, followed by a fierce bite through the tip of the tongue, a blood sword to the evil ghost shot in the past, immediately saw in front of a blood explosion scattered, the evil ghost instantly hit by the blood sword, do not feel is a scream, rolled down to the ground twitching up.

  In this way, the evil spirits wrapped around my body of black gas also naturally receded, I was finally able to get out.

  After regaining my freedom, I did not make any stop, a mouthful of blood spit to the palm of my left hand, then while quickly reciting the incantation, while using the fingers of my right hand dipped in the blood spit on the palm of my left hand to draw a talismanic seal, ready to release my most vicious move to fight ghosts, to give that evil spirit to a tarzan press.

  "oh, fuck, sonofbitch, actually is the essence of Yang blood spell, it seems that you really have a high person behind you, but if you think that this can defeat me, then you are very wrong!"

  What I didn't expect was that just as I was getting ready to make a move, the evil spirit on the ground actually let out a burst of bird language, and then actually jumped up from the ground, and then scurried in the direction of the window, the situation is obviously trying to escape.

  However, the evil spirit may also be a little too underestimated me, he thought he could not defeat me, at least can still escape, but unfortunately, I actually have long guarded against it this move, so when I saw him to escape, while I prepared the pressure top blood spell, while quickly summoned the small muddle, she pushed in the direction of the window.

  The little muddle and I have a heart to heart, no need to communicate, she came out, immediately leap, up and dragged the evil ghost of a leg, the evil ghost immediately stagnant figure, by the little muddle dragged down to the ground.

  "Fuck, you little *****, let go of me!"

  After the evil ghost landed on the ground, did not feel while cursing, while kicking around the legs, trying to stomp away from the small paste.

The little muddle strength is limited, not able to support two, has been the evil ghost kicked away, and seems to be injured, so she landed with a low muffled grunt, the situation is very painful, which makes me a heart, full of heartache, can not wait for a palm will be the evil ghost slapped into mush.

  Fortunately, by this time my blood spell had finished preparing, so I rushed to catch up with the evil spirit before it jumped out of the window, with a stern cry, the left hand five fingers forked, blood light Huo Huo, pressed down on the evil spirit's body.


  As the blood palm pressed down, the air in the whole room vaguely vibrated, the ear heard a low rumbling sound like a yellow bell, the mid-air also vaguely appeared a glimpse of Buddha's light, which makes the power of the top of the blood spell was further enhanced, but also made me extremely happy, because the mid-air Buddha's light was summoned by me, I recited the Vajra Sutra at the end of the blood spell, which was not taught by the old blind man, purely I So I can't help but feel excited about it, because it not only shows that I am extremely enlightened and can create my own moves, but also confirms the old blind man's saying "Buddha is the Way", Buddhism and Taoism are not separate, they can be used together.

  This thing, for me, is like discovering a new continent, because from now on, I may be able to double cultivate Buddhism and Taoism, and truly become a generation of miracle masters.

  "Suffer death!"

  The Great Lue shook, the Buddha's light appeared, and the blood hand crushed the top like a hundred thousand mountains, steadily smashing down on the evil ghost.

  This moment, the evil ghost is finally a look of fear, the body of the black gas also unconsciously receded, the original face, but a very clear eyebrows of a teenager, wearing a student uniform, look at that appearance, not older than me.

  I did not expect the evil spirits actually so young, so then the mind is a bit dazed, the blood palm down speed also unconsciously slowed down.

  At this moment, the evil ghost saw me look a little fluctuation, perhaps see a glimmer of hope of escape, so he did not feel is shivering hands, full of fear shouted to me: "Do not kill me, I can tell you a secret, about Wang Qin Yuan."

  "Wang Qin Yuan? What secret?"

  Hearing Wang Qin Yuan's name, I was immediately stunned, and my blood palm couldn't help but stop.

  "Her secret is--" The evil ghost slowly stood up from the ground as he spoke, a weak look, while speaking, while reaching out to support the windowsill, then but suddenly raised his hand, a purple-brown ghost claw towards my head.

  "Her secret is that she is really a slut = goods, when I play with her, she can enjoy it!"

The fierce ghost claw instantly fell, hit me right in the head, immediately I only feel the Yin Qi drenched body, all over a cold, purple House, a dark current gushed out, rushing me a mouthful of blood spurted out, almost fell directly to his knees on the ground.

  However, at this time, understand that the evil spirit's evil intentions, know that he is a fraudulent surrender, the purpose is to take advantage of my carelessness to give me a fatal blow, so I immediately also gave up, gritted his teeth a roar, the left hand of the blood palm instantly fell, directly to the evil spirit's body.


  A muffled sound, the blood palm right into the shoulder of the evil ghost, the evil ghost immediately as hit by a car in general, let out a scream, the whole thing towards the window.

  Seeing this situation, I flew to chase out, lying on the window, only to find that this is the second floor, four or five meters above the ground, if I jumped, it is tantamount to looking for death, so at that time I could only be hatred clenched fist to the outside a burst of angry curses.

  "Hahahaha," heard my curses, outside a burst of laughter, and then heard the evil spirit harsh voice: "Liu Yichen, you wait, this time you did not kill me, you will certainly regret it for life. I have already punched the Five Yin Ghost Maggots into your body, and my snake spirit has heard my summons and started to move, hehehehe, next, you will have a good taste of ten thousand insects etching your bones, hahaha, goodbye."

  The evil spirit's voice fell, and then disappeared.

  I am full of helplessness, can only hate to turn around, ready to clean up the mess in the house.

  But what I didn't expect was that at this very moment, all of a sudden, I just felt an itch on my head, as if there was a caterpillar lying on it.

  I reached out and touched it on my head, and as a result, I was shocked to find that the skin above my head was bulging with a strip of flesh, and underneath that strip of flesh, I could vaguely feel a worm wriggling above the bones.