Five yangs in addition to yin

By the time I suppressed the five Yin ghost maggots of the Yin Qi, open your eyes to see, outside is already dawn, early morning has come.

  Wang Qin Yuan and Xu Qin, at this time are still in a coma, they are lying on the bed, one lying on the floor, wearing thin pajamas, this late autumn October, is already freezing.

  Seeing this condition, I rushed over to try to transfer Xu Qin to the bed.

  However, what makes me itchy is that Xu Qin is in a coma, so if I do something to her, she must be completely unaware of it, and I've been salivating over the two balls on her chest for a long time, so I pulled her up from the floor and half-hugged her in my arms, while my eyes couldn't help but look through her neckline, to the depths of the snow-white gully, and even wanted to go in a few times. The first time I tried to try my hand.

  "The first trace brother, no rogue, what are you doing? You want to take advantage of my sister while she is asleep, right?

  Just when I couldn't stop, the voice of the small confused sounded suddenly, immediately let me a jolt, the mind then came to its senses.

  Yes, I am a ghost hunter, I am a noble person, how can I take advantage of people to do such an obscene thing?

  The mind thought of these, I hastily dismissed their own thoughts, honestly carried Xu Qin to the bed and settled, after which began to plan the next step countermeasures.

  Xu Qin and Wang Qin Yuan are infested with the evil spirit's Yin Qi, their situation is not very serious, but to wake them up, but also requires some effort to do, the first thing I have to do is to get rid of the Yin Qi entangled in their bodies to do.

  The good thing is that this matter is not difficult, after all, the two of them did not open the Heavenly Gate, so they are stored in the surface of the Yin Qi, it is easier to get rid of, and even better, when I followed the old blind man to learn the art, he just taught me the method of dispelling Yin Qi, now it just comes in handy.

  "Little confused, later brother to perform the small five yang yin removal technique, you can not peek at me."

  The mind has been decided, I will go out of the room, while looking for the things needed to cast the spell, while and the small paste Tu teasing fun.

  "I still have to peek ah, what part of your body I have not seen?" The little paste Tu voice came, sounding obviously in the white eyes plus skimming.

  "Hey, I was not wrong, you really are a little rascal," I smiled smugly, hands movement non-stop, and soon have found what I need.

  The two young girls are back in the room, and then I started my Little Five Yang Yin Removal Technique.

  This small five yang to remove yin art, is the old blind man taught me, according to him, the human body, the most vigorous yang five, respectively: eyebrow, tongue, finger tip, and the root of life and foot heart, so the small five yang to remove yin art is to take the blood of these five places mixed, and then with the bottom of the pot ash and fragrant oil, stirred well after taking, the most can drive away the yin.

  Of course, the person who takes the blood needs to be a man, preferably a child, I was just in junior high school at the time, has not begun to develop, there is no dreaming and other broken things happen, so I am pure child body, so my blood is the most effective.

  The bottom of the pot and sesame oil are found from the kitchen of Wang Qin Yuan's house, the rest of the matter is to take the blood.

  This is a bit of a struggle for me, because taking blood is more painful, I was gritting my teeth to do it, especially to take the blood of the root of life, no one who has not tried it, absolutely can not imagine the pain.

  However, more pain is worth it, because these two ninnies were saved by me this time, the future will certainly be grateful to me, maybe it will be a promise, hehehehe.

  I mixed the blood paste, then sat on the edge of the bed, very carefully fed the paste to the mouth of Xu Qin and Wang Qin Yuan.

  These two girls are really good, eat everything, so difficult to eat, they sleep, but also eat into the bar, which saves me the matter, I was ready to mix water to them to pour it down.

  Two people smoothly eat up the blood paste, I also put my mind at ease, but there are follow-up things to do, that is, to give them a massage, so that they will be the cold Qi out of the body.

  This step is a bit obscene, because according to the traditional practice, when pushing, is to take off clothes, but I am after all a noble ghost hunter, so I had to take a compromise, I did not take off their clothes, I also did not lift off their quilt, I lay the whole person to the quilt, pressed them to play a few rolls.

  A few rolls down, I myself was tired and sweaty, after all, their bodies are relatively soft, the quilt and fragrant and warm, so this thing is a bit of a struggle, I rolled when the heart is always itchy, more than the ear itchy, do not know what is going on.

  But the good thing is that my method worked, Xu Qin first woke up with a wooing=sound. After waking up, she was first full of nervousness looked up at the room, and found that there was nothing strange, and I was also sitting at the table with a calm face, crossed his legs, while pulling out his ears while drinking tea, she only put her heart down, some shy pulled the quilt to the chest of the two bulges covered, and then was red-faced asked me: "That, the ghost was killed? "

  "Not killed, but chased away, I will deal with him after, you do not worry about it, you were hit by the evil spirit last night, I have cast a spell for you to exorcise, how do you feel now?" I grunted a mouthful of hot tea and asked Xu Qin.

  "I feel still, okay, just a little fishy in the mouth, did you give me something to eat?" Xu Qin spoke, a little suspiciously looked over towards me.

  I quickly waved my hand: "No, I didn't give you anything to eat, that, maybe it's your illusion."

  "Really?" Xu Qin frowned slightly, still seemed a bit doubtful.

  I hurriedly waved my hand again, indicating that I had not moved, I did not want her to know that she had drunk the blood on my life root, otherwise, I guess she would chase me three blocks with a knife.

  "How is Xiao Yuan? Is she okay?" Xu Qin turned back to look at the still unconscious Wang Qin Yuan, then turned her head to look at me and asked again seriously, "Did you secretly take advantage of Xiaoyuan while I was unconscious?"

  "What kind of person do you take me for? I told you a long time ago, I am a righteous, noble ghost hunter, how could I take advantage of someone?" This time I got a little angry, my voice unconsciously raised a little.

  Seeing my look, Xu Qin immediately put his head back, sticking his tongue out and said, "I'm just asking, what are you so serious about?"

  "This is a matter of principle, I want to take advantage of you, certainly openly and honestly, I do not like to do sneaky things," I sternly state the position and attitude, get up while walking out, while waving to her: "Her situation should also be stabilized, the evil spirit should also be two days You can wake her up and get ready for school, it's getting late, I'm going to school, see you later!"