Itchy and hard to bear

When I came out of Wang Qin Yuan's house, the sun had risen a ten feet high, the weather was good, the mood was bad.

  I didn't expect Wang Qin Yuan to be such a person, and I really looked away from the foreigners.

  At this time I tasted the bitterness of lost love, yes, did not begin to love, has begun to lose love.

  The street is crowded with people, traffic, although it is still morning, but the atmosphere has begun to boisterous, it turns out that today is the market, people from several villages near and far will come to the market, so this small town will only be busy all day.

  I walked in the street in a daze, looking mute, let the little confused in the heart screaming mountains, asking me what is wrong, I am also completely ignored.

  I passed by a bun store, I bought two meat buns, gobbled them up, and then rushed back to school.

  The most important thing is that my ears itch unbearably, I took a cotton swab and kept pulling it out, but it didn't work at all, and finally I wanted to chop off that ear.

  So I went around the class to borrow an ear spoon, but it was so annoying that I borrowed one, but none of them had one.

  When class started, Wang Qin Yuan and Xu Qin did not come, they both took a leave of absence, I guess they are not in a good mood.

  They did not come just right, otherwise, we will be very embarrassed.

  The sun shone down warmly at noon, so I quickly ran out of the classroom and used a cotton swab to pull out my ears while walking down the street.

  "Brother Yichang, what's wrong with you? Why do you keep ignoring me?"

  The little muddled voice sounded again, full of aggression.

  Perhaps because the sun shone and the warm breeze blew, my mood was much better and I felt lazy all over, Wang Qin Yuan's matter was unconsciously thrown into the corner by me, so I said to Little Paste, "Don't worry, brother is fine."

  "Really?" Little Paste obviously did not believe my words.

  "Actually, it's nothing, it's just that pretty sister, the one that brother likes, is a bit of a foreigner and makes brother very angry," I said to Little Puddle.

  "What is a foreigner?" At this age, it is obviously difficult to understand this term.

  "It's thinking that the moon is fuller in foreign countries than at home," I explained.

  "The moon in foreign countries?" The little muddler was really confused this time, "Is there a moon in a foreign country?"

  I was amused by the little girl's naive, moody, and light on their feet, do not feel is to her said, "Well, do not talk about this, brother take you to the street, buy you fun toys, what do you want?"

  "I want a rattle!" The little girl was full of excitement.

  "Good, just buy the rattle, ha ha." I flew up and soon came to the street.

  At this time, the street, really shoulders, the crowd like a sea, I squeezed in half a day, only to find a small store, first went to buy an ear spoon, and then turned around ready to go to buy a rattle for the little paste.

  However, what I didn't expect was that just as I was walking out of the store, I inadvertently saw a familiar figure in the crowd.

  The figure was soft and smooth, with green silk and a small jacket of green flowers, carrying a small bamboo basket with eggs covered with red cloth, which should be brought to the street to sell.

  Xu is tired of rushing, her temples slightly moist, broken hair on the delicate face, but let her more show a few female flow of weak style.


  I don't know why, at first sight of Bai Xing Hua, my mood was inexplicably excited.

  "Yichang, what are you doing here?" When Bai Heng Hua saw me, she was obviously also a little surprised.

  "I go to school here, now on lunch break, out to buy something," I said, looking at her.

  Hearing my words, Bai Heng Hua nodded, smiled a little, looked up and down at me and asked, "Is your body all right now?"

  "Yes, now the body is strong," I waved my arms, about to show their own strong, but at this time a strange itch in the ear, so I involuntarily frowned, subconsciously ran to the roadside, take the ear spoon desperately pulled up.

  When I saw my condition, Bai Heng Hua followed me and asked, "Are you okay, Yichang?"

  "No, I'm fine," I responded casually, and when my hand exerted itself, my ear hole was already pierced and blood was flowing.

  "Aiya, you kid, what are you doing? You'll go deaf if you pull out your ears like that!"

  Seeing this, Bai Xing Hua hurriedly pulled my hand to prevent me from pulling out any more.

  "Sister-in-law, leave this alone, I'm fine, really!" I didn't want Bai Heng Hua to know the truth, for fear of losing face, so I tried to break my hand away and leave.

  As a result, Bai Heng Hua pulled me all the way to the street alley, found a stone bench, let me sit down, and only then asked me seriously: "A trace, you tell me the truth, is there something happened? The blood inside your ears is black, Yin Qi cohesion, not a normal phenomenon, you do not lie to sister-in-law, sister-in-law is not uneducated."

  Hearing Bai Heng Hua said so, I do not feel a little helpless, but also a little aggrieved, then can only be lowered head, the evil ghost of the matter told her.

  "In that case, the ghost maggot happens to be hiding in your ear hole, that's why you keep feeling itchy in your ears, right?" After listening to my account, Bai Heng Hua looked at me thoughtfully and asked.

  "Pretty much, I blame my incompetence, if I had learned the techniques taught to me by my master, the ghost maggot would not have been a match for me, I could have dissolved it long ago." I said with a helpless sigh.

  Hearing this, Bai Xing Hua thought for a moment, then sat down next to me, put the basket also on the ground, pulled out a handkerchief, then she pinched my ear, while helping me wipe the blood on it, while I said: "theoretically, such a situation, you should go to the hospital, let the doctor help you to get the ghost maggot out. But I think this ghost maggot is not a good stubborn, then it may want to harm the innocent, so how about this, let me help you, I will help you to take it out."

  "This is good, sister-in-law you are really my savior!"

  Bai Heng Hua's words made me burst with excitement and I couldn't help but twist my head towards her.

  "Don't move," Bai Heng Hua stopped me, and then she removed a slim hairpin from her head, then leaned down and took my ear, and began to pick the ghost maggot out of my ear hole very carefully and seriously.

  The white apricot flower's look is very focused, the action is very gentle, let me feel very comfortable, the spirit unconsciously wander up, not to mention her body's breath is also very fragrant, which also let me some intoxication. At that time I looked at the warm sunshine, feel the breeze, could not help but have a strange idea in my heart, this idea is to hope that the movement of white apricot flowers can slow down a little, and then a little slower, then I can get along with her a little longer, and then a little longer.