The Old Story of Green Mountain1

During that period of time, since the appearance of Miss Xiaomei, everyone found that Hu Qingshan obviously became cheerful and smiling, although his neurosis has not yet changed, but at least every time he fights with others, as long as Miss Xiaomei arrived, he will immediately quiet down.

  The way Xiaomei stopped him was also very strange, she usually hugged him tightly, that situation, in those days, was very controversial.

  Because of this matter, it was later rumored in the school that Hu Qingshan and Xiaomei teacher were in love.

  For this rumor, Xiaomei teacher tends to laugh it off, do not take it seriously, but, unfortunately, Xiaomei teacher did not take this seriously, Hu Qingshan took it as his lifelong pursuit.

  "When I get rich in the future, I will definitely marry Ms. Xiaomei!"

  Hu Qingshan has said this several times in public, and his actions have put Xiaomei's teacher in an awkward position, and the school has begun to interfere with this matter, warning Xiaomei to stay away from Hu Qingshan, or else she will be expelled.

  She was so helpless that she had to deliberately distance herself from Hu Qingshan, but she never thought that this would lead to a big trouble.

  Hu Qingshan went completely crazy, he did not study all day and fought with people everywhere, in order to make Xiao Mei teacher appear.

  But the school authorities always prevented Ms. Xiaomei from stopping him.

  The school took very strong measures, and they even sent Hu Qingshan to the bureau and detained him.

  It is said that after Hu Qingshan was detained, he lost a whole lot of weight and his body was covered with bruises.

  I heard that it was Xiao Mei who went to pick up Hu Qingshan, she cried and hugged him for a long time, after which they had a very long talk.

  They had a gentleman's agreement between them, and Miss Xiaomei promised Hu Qingshan that as long as he studied well and became successful in the future, ten years later, as long as he still adhered to his original will, Miss Xiaomei would marry him.

  Hu Qingshan therefore quiet again, study day and night, just in time for the midterm examination is also coming, he is ready to test a good result, or return Xiaomei teacher's hard work.

  However, many things in this world are often very difficult to make people as they wish.

  Now pursue up, I believe that anyone can understand Xiaomei teacher's approach, she did a good job, very right. In her opinion, students like teachers, this is a very normal phenomenon, but also able to understand, and even know how to defuse this emotion.

  According to common sense, generally speaking, students like teachers, in fact, is a very ignorant emotion, they may feel unable to extricate themselves at the time, deep in it, but after a few years, they naturally will look down on all this, and may even laugh at themselves in their hearts, how did they fall in love with such a rubbish teacher.

  The teacher also treated Hu Qingshan as this type of student, so he came to a gentleman's agreement with him, but actually wanted to stabilize him and let him look away from it all.

  In fact, Ms. Xiaomei could not really fall in love with Hu Qingshan, she may like him, but she would never entrust herself to an older boy who is almost ten years younger than she is. She has her own life and even her own lover.

  Her lover is her college classmate, a very good man, handsome and elegant, a man of choice.

  However, all of Ms. Xiaomei's nightmares began after the appearance of this man of choice.

  The two were very affectionate and compatible, and because they were young people, it was inevitable that they would show their affection, all of which was seen by Hu Qingshan.

  The final result is predictable, he scored fantastically poorly, and was at the bottom of the entire school. This thing shocked the school administration, and teacher Xiaomei seemed to realize something, so she blamed herself, so she found Hu Qingshan in the evening of the day the results of the midterm exam came out, wanting to comfort him.

  Everything happened that night.

  What exactly happened that night, no one knows anymore, but when everyone found Xiaomei's body, she was naked and full of scars, not only had she been violated before she died, but she had been extremely cruelly abused.

  Everyone present at the time was horrified, and the guys unanimously thought of who the killer was.

  Yes, the murderer is Hu Qingshan, who killed Xiaomei teacher.

  However, to everyone's surprise, when the guys found Hu Qingshan, they found that he was also dead.

  He used a shoelace to hang himself in the woods in the east of the mountain. It is said that when he died, he had a grim look on his face, seemingly laughing, and seemingly full of hatred and anger.

  You can imagine, such a thing, once spread, will be how sensational, so, in the end, in order not to cause unnecessary panic, this thing was blocked, not to mention that it was on holiday, so there are truly not many people know this thing.

  Thus, the story of Hu Qingshan and Xiaomei teacher ended.

  After listening to their story, I stayed alone in the corridor for a long time.

  I felt very sad and weird at the same time.

  Whose fault was this, Hu Qingshan's or Xiaomei's?

  In my opinion, they are not wrong, the fault is life.

  Perhaps in the eyes of those who experienced this matter back then, Hu Qingshan is undoubtedly hateful and deserving of death, but for this kind of people's mentality, I can only say that they are too superficial, they did not really get to know the truth, the judgments they make are only based on some superficial phenomena and innocent rumors, and the judgments made based on appearances and rumors are often wrong. Because they don't know what kind of person Hu Qingshan really is, and they don't know what kind of torture Hu Qingshan has been suffering.

  According to the facts to evaluate, Hu Qingshan this person is very sad, he lost to fate, I believe that at that time the reason why Xiaomei teacher valued him like that, also because of understanding him, but unfortunately, they all lost to fate in the end.

  Fate is unpredictable, that's the conclusion I finally came to.

  The good thing is that all this is now completely over, so we can also breathe a sigh of relief, but such tragedies, in fact, there are many more, they are staged all the time, so I hope we can be kind to the people around us, can understand those who are born strange, try to give the world a touch of warmth and light, this is the meaning of our lives.

  "Brother, well said, so well said that you could write a book!"

  Just when I was sighing, listening to my heart's voice, the little muddle not feel is full of excitement and shouted to me.

  "Write a book?" Hearing the little girl's words, I do not feel is scratching my head, a faint smile, said to her: "is a good idea, so that I can write down what I experienced, just do not know what the name of the book is good ah."

  "What else can it be called, 'Genius Ghost Hunter', hurry up and write it, it's guaranteed to be a hit, I'm waiting to read it ..."

  "What do you do when you're done?"

  "Of course, it is sent to the Internet, so that you can also make money."

  "Readers will definitely look at the pirated version."

  "What are you afraid of, don't you still have me? When the time comes, who reads the pirated version, I will go to him, hehehe!"

  "Okay, it's settled!"
