Meat bubbles rupture

Unexpectedly, as soon as I opened the ossuary of the little ghost, the little ghost came back to life instantly, and then it bared its teeth and wanted to pounce on me and bite me.

However, I was also very vigilant at this time, so when I saw its behavior, I immediately slapped the lid of the ossuary, and with a "click", I locked the little ghost in the ossuary.

"Hey, bang bang bang—"

The kid in the box realized the danger and couldn't help struggling desperately.

I ignored its struggle, turned around quickly, followed the path I came from, all the way to the outside of the cellar.

Outside, it was noon, the sun was shining brightly, and everywhere was dry, hot and anxious.

When I got here, I slammed the box onto the hard ground, and immediately there was a "snap" sound, the box was torn apart, and the kid was exposed to the sunlight instantly.


Under the sunlight, the little devil's whole body twitched immediately, fist-sized blisters bulged up on the skin, and then the blisters burst with a bang, and a foul-smelling pus flowed out.

"Brother, is it going to die?"

Seeing this situation, the kind-hearted little fool couldn't help but feel a little unbearable.

"It's not over yet," I looked at the kid coldly, waiting for its next move.


Sure enough, just as I was looking at the little ghost with full vigilance, the little ghost struggled to get up from the pool of blood, then let out a strange scream, and then rushed towards me.

It wants to bite me temporarily and die with me, to be exact, it wants to die with Tian Hao.

This is something I absolutely cannot promise.

So at that moment, I turned around abruptly, yelled at Little Muddy, and ran forward.

"Little muddleheaded, you control Tian Hao to go back to the yard first, and join me later, I'll go back and deal with that bastard first!"

While running, I separated my consciousness from Tian Hao's body and returned to the casino room.

At this time, a full five minutes had passed since the last match between me and Zhu Qun. During this short period of time, I kept my eyes closed in a daze, Zhu Qun didn't rush me, and the other people in the room were whispering. These mortals obviously couldn't see what Zhu Qun and I were doing.

"It's time to draw the cards. The winner will be determined in one game!" After my consciousness turned around, I looked at Zhu Qun and said.

However, at this moment Zhu Qun was in a daze, his teeth clenched on the cigarette, his fists clenched, his whole body twitching, the only remaining one eye kept turning, the situation was obviously something happened matter.


Just when everyone was curious, Zhu Qun suddenly let out a strange cry, jumped up from the chair, and then sprayed a mouthful of blood onto the center of the table.

"Oh, what happened? What's wrong with Boss Zhu?" Seeing this situation, the people around were immediately in a commotion, and Xiaoling stepped forward to support Zhu Qun full of worry.

"Boss Zhu, are you all right? Could it be that you failed in the fight? Is this kid that good?" Several people who watched the excitement came forward and asked Zhu Qun.

"Go away!" Zhu Qun pushed those people over, and then he panted heavily, stared at me with one eye, pointed at me with gritted teeth, and said to me viciously: "Boy, you are so wicked, you actually went Copying my lair, hmph, you have the guts, but let me tell you, if you do this, it will only irritate me more, because you will never get out of this house today, come on, do it, beat him to death for me!"

"What are you doing?!"

Seeing this situation, Zhang Huai, who was standing behind me, immediately took out the steel pipe and pointed nervously at the people around him.

"Zhang Huai, don't be nervous." As I spoke, I stood up with a smile, leisurely took out a folding knife from my pocket, opened the blade, and while trimming my nails, I looked at Zhu Qun and said, "Zhu Qun, you have done a lot of evil and harmed innocent people. Today is the time when you are full of sins and suffer retribution, don't you know how to repent?"

"Hahaha, boy, you want to teach me a lesson before you even grow your hair. Fuck me!" Zhu Qun raised his chair and threw it at me while he was speaking.

I flew to dodge, and the chair hit a few innocent people behind me.

"Boss Zhu, what's going on? Are we really going to kill this little boy?"

Seeing Zhu Qun's actions, several tough-looking burly men who looked like they were just watching the scene could not help but move to Zhu Qun's side at once.

"Irrelevant people get out, Zhang Yu, guard the door, and don't let this kid get away!" Zhu Qun covered his blind right eye with one hand while giving orders.

Hearing this, several big men immediately took action and drove out the irrelevant people, only me and Zhang Huai were blocked in the room.

"You, what are you guys trying to do? In broad daylight, do you really dare to kill people?!"

Seeing this situation, Zhang Huai was so frightened that his hands and feet trembled, and he couldn't speak fluently.

"Murder? I've done a lot of things, come on, kill them!" Zhu Qun yelled, and several burly men rushed towards me and Zhang Huai.

"What are you going to do?" Seeing those people rushing over, Zhang Huai was so anxious that his voice became hoarse.

"Follow me closely, don't be afraid!"

While I was speaking, I blocked Zhang Huai behind me, with a folding knife in my left hand and a shiny black seal in my right hand, I rushed out first.


With a muffled sound, a burly man who was trying to grab me was hit by my fist, and then his whole body twitched and flew backwards.

"Good boy, you have some skills, brothers, pay attention, copy guys!"

Seeing this situation, several big men echoed each other. They all picked up the chair sticks, and then attacked together.

Now I feel a little helpless, I can't touch their bodies, so I can't exert my power, so, after a while, Zhang Huai and I can only hug our heads and be beaten.

Seeing that we had basically given up resisting, the big men stopped, looked at Zhu Qun and asked, "Boss, are you really going to kill them?"

"Do it, what are you waiting for?!" Zhu Qun roared ferociously.

"Boom boom boom—"

However, at this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door, and then someone shouted in a low voice outside the door: "Boss Zhu, we're leaving soon, the police have entered the village!"

Hearing this, Zhu Qun and those people couldn't help being shocked.

"Boss, the police have entered the village. If we do anything at this time, all of us will be unlucky, and none of us will be able to escape. This time, the brothers are sorry for you, and we will withdraw first!"

Seeing this situation, several big men couldn't help throwing down their weapons, then opened the door, and dispersed in a crowd.

After they ran away, only Zhang Huai, me, and Zhu Qun were left in the room.

At this time, I saw Zhu Qun staring at me fiercely, and then he suddenly grabbed an ax from the corner, and then rushed towards me with a loud cry.

"Run away!"

I grabbed Zhang Huai and rushed out the door with him.

However, what we didn't expect was that as soon as we rushed out the door, we bumped into a person head-on, and when we were hit by that person, we both fell back naturally, so that Zhu Qun took the opportunity to catch up, with the gun in his hand When the ax fell, it fell right on my head.