kill wife refining the fetus

"Smile, when I came here just now, I found a few people in the vegetable market acting suspiciously. They might be pickpockets. Why don't you go and check it out? If you find anything unusual, please notify me in time."

Speaking of the specific case, He Wei dismissed Xu Xiaoxiao first.

Xu Xiaoxiao stood up, looked at us suspiciously, opened his mouth as if to say something, but in the end he turned around and left without saying anything.

"Why did you send her away? Is there anything wrong with what we said?" I looked at He Wei and asked suspiciously.

He Wei smiled, and said to me, "It's not that it's ulterior, but the following content is a bit taboo. She's a girl after all. I'm afraid she won't be able to bear it after hearing it."

"What do you mean?" I asked puzzled.

"You will understand after listening," He Wei smiled mysteriously, looked around, and found that no one was eavesdropping, then lowered his voice, and said to me with a mysterious face: "This is what I checked some old years. The declassified files only know things."

"According to the archives, since ancient times, there has been a kind of ghost raising master among the people. They can achieve some ulterior purposes by refining and raising little ghosts. But this phenomenon, after the founding of the country, after several severe crackdowns , in the Central Plains, it has basically become extinct, and most of the remaining ghost-raising masters are entrenched in the border areas of Yunnan and Guangxi. In the 1950s and 1960s, this ghost-raising technique spread to Vietnam, Thailand, and Laos. Thailand is the most popular. They are not only proficient in raising ghosts, but also lower their heads, and Gumanthong. After the reform and opening up, with the intensification of international exchanges, Thailand's ghost raising skills came back and spread in Yunnan, forming There is a secret sect that specializes in raising ghosts, commonly known as Xueloumen. These people can not only raise ghosts themselves, but also help others raise ghosts. It is said that many celebrities and some nouveau riche businessmen make their fortunes by raising ghosts of."

He Wei seriously explained to me the problem of raising a ghost teacher.

I was overwhelmed with mist, and it took me a long time before I couldn't help but say to him: "You seem to be dragging things too far. We are talking about Zhu Qun now."

"What I'm talking about is Zhu Qun's matter. Listen to me slowly." He Wei took a deep breath of smoke, and then continued: "The Xueloumen's technique of raising ghosts is very powerful, and among them, raising ghosts by blood relatives is the most brutal and domineering. What Zhu Qun used may be the method of raising ghosts by blood relatives."

"How?" I asked curiously.

"That cellar, you have been in it before," He Wei asked me.

I nodded.

"What did you see inside?" He Wei asked.

"Human skin, human head, and a frying pan. By the way, there is also an altar for the little ghost. The little ghost has been killed by me. I threw it in the sun to dry, and it rotted on its own." I said.

"Fortunately, you got rid of that little devil, otherwise, it is estimated that this time things will be dangerous." He Wei took a breath of fear and said: "Tell you, the person you saw The skin and head, including the body in the frying pan, most likely belonged to Zhu Qun's wife, and that brat, if nothing else happened, should be his own son."

"How is it possible?!" Hearing this, I couldn't help being shocked, and subconsciously stood up.

"Don't get excited, I know it's hard to accept, just listen to me tell you slowly," He Wei pulled me to sit down, and then continued: "This is where blood relatives raise ghosts is so cruel. According to the records in the file, This technique of raising ghosts needs to use one's own children as the carrier. When the woman is pregnant for about three months, the fetus has just taken shape. At this time, the fetus is cut open and the fetus is taken out at midnight. , and then smelt the mother's body, water the fetus with the mother's fat, and turn it into a little ghost. In this way, a blood relative kid is formed. Of course, the things here are definitely not that simple. When it is actually implemented, there must be There are many secret methods, which are unknown to the outside world. What we know is that after a blood-related kid is cultivated, because of the blood relationship with the ghost raiser, the kid is extremely loyal and basically will not betray the ghost raiser. In this way, it will do everything it can to help the ghost raiser get rich. It can be said that once you develop a blood relative kid, basically you don't have to worry about it for the rest of your life, and you can become a rich man just by sitting at home."

"In order to get rich, you actually want to kill your own wife and children. Isn't that too cruel? What's the point of doing this even if you get rich?" I frowned, feeling depressed, and couldn't accept this idea Certainly.

"People live their whole life, just care about the present, who really thinks about the aftermath? Anyway, I can't understand those people's thoughts." He Wei also smiled helplessly.

"How do you know that the female corpse and the kid in the cellar are Zhu Qun's wife and children?" I looked at He Wei and asked.

Hearing this, He Wei flicked the cigarette ash and continued: "I have visited and investigated. Zhu Qun went to Yunnan three years ago to work. Last year, he came back and brought back a daughter-in-law from Yunnan. Said it was bought with money. The girl was very handsome and she didn't want to spend time with Zhu Qun at all, so she wanted to run away all day, but Zhu Qun locked her at home and didn't let her out. It's useless, you know the place in Xiaozhuzhuang, the people there are all in groups, so since the woman has entered the Zhuangzi, it's hard to get out, not to mention she can't even speak our side, Even if I run out, I guess it won't go very far."

"This is human trafficking, which is against the law. To be exact, there are a series of crimes such as illegal detention, rape, etc., which are enough to drag Zhu Qun to be shot. Why do you sit and watch this happen?!"

I couldn't help hearing this, and couldn't help questioning He Wei.

He Wei smiled wryly, his face embarrassed, and he said to me after a long time: "Do you know how many unmarried bachelors there are in the countryside now? Do you know how much harm these people will bring to society? Yes, buying and selling people It's not true, but as long as those bastards can live in peace, we will be thankful, so we can only turn a blind eye to this kind of thing. We didn't expect Zhu Qun to be so cruel, let alone no one at that time Reporting the case, we have no grasp of this situation at all."

"It's all nonsense to say now, tell me, what did Zhu Qun do to that woman later?" I interrupted He Wei and asked a question. After I asked this question, I regretted it because I Already guessed the result.

"That woman was imprisoned by Zhu Qun for half a year, and she became pregnant," He Wei said here, pinching the center of his brows, exhaled fiercely, and then continued with a sticky voice: "Later, Zhu Qun said that The woman escaped. The neighbors around—"

"The neighbors around didn't know, and they all thought that the woman really ran away," He Wei said here, obviously a little bit unable to continue, couldn't help but clenched his fists and smashed the table, and then shouted at the counter: " Boss, bring a bottle of wine!"