Chasing the murderer at Black Moon Ridge

Although the car was very broken, it was not driving slowly. We had already arrived at Heiyue Ridge before it got dark.

On the way here, He Wei gave me a brief introduction to the two young police officers. One of them is Zhao Fei and the other is Li Bin. They are not locals. They just graduated from the police academy this year. It is an experience.

Zhao Fei is from Hubei, and he has a good personality. Li Bin is from the Northeast, so he is even more stalwart.

That's good too. Both of them are familiar with each other, which makes me feel a lot easier.

He Wei pulled a big wolfhound in the carriage. It is said that it is a well-trained police dog. If you give it a smell of the criminal's things, you can find the criminal by smelling it.

So I asked He Wei, since that wolfhound is so powerful, why didn't he keep chasing him last time and catch Zhu Qun directly.

In the end, he said that he was worried about accidents. After all, Zhu Qun was proficient in some evil techniques, and he was a little worried that there would be no one who knew how to follow him.

This made me a little helpless. In fact, I am also a novice, and I am not very knowledgeable, but I can't tell the truth about this matter, so I don't say anything right now, and follow them to move on.

Heiyue Ridge stretches for hundreds of kilometers from east to west, and 20 to 30 miles from north to south. After turning over, it is the next county.

In ancient times, there was no road on this mountain, so it became an area occupied by bandits and bandits. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, for the convenience of transportation, a road was opened in the middle, about three meters wide, barely enough for a car to walk on.

He Wei drove the car up the mountain road and went all the way until it reached the center of the mountain before stopping.

"Everyone get out of the car, take your fellows, get ready to work, don't forget the flashlight, it's getting dark." He Wei called everyone to get out of the car, and asked people to lead the wolf dog down as well.

It was indeed a very mighty big wolfhound, with scars on the corners of its eyes, and it looked a little vicious.

He Wei led the wolf dog, pointed to a winding path not far away, and said to me: "We caught up here last time. If there is no accident, that guy should still be hiding in the woods."

"It's been a day and a night. He might have already arrived at the opposite county," I said to He Wei.

"You think I'm stupid. I've sent someone to guard the station over there, and I haven't seen him. Otherwise, I wouldn't be too lazy to touch the hills in the middle of the night," He Wei said.

"He has the Heaven-shielding Gu, so even if he appears, your people may not be able to see him," I argued.

He Wei sighed helplessly, looked at me and said, "My people are all guarding in secret. No matter how powerful he is, it is impossible for him to discover my people in advance."

"Okay, you're amazing," I had no choice but to let him arrange.

"Xiaoxiao, get a set of equipment for little master, just in case," He Wei took out a pair of underpants from a canvas pocket and put them in front of the wolf dog's nose for the wolf dog to smell, while instructing Xu Xiaoxiao to give I take equipment.

Xu Xiaoxiao didn't reply, but turned around and pulled out a green leather box from the car to open it, then took out things from it very quickly, and put everything on me.

"Steel helmet, there is a searchlight in front, and it will light up when you press it, and the belt must be fastened, so it will be more secure."

"Belt, tighten it. The buckle on the side can be used to hang flashlights and electric batons."

"This is a flashlight, and this is an electric wand. Take it, and hang it on your belt when you don't need it."

"This is a kettle. It is worn across the body. Use a belt to tie the strap of the kettle so that it won't sway back and forth when running."

Xu Xiaoxiao helped me tidy up my equipment while talking, then got up and looked at He Wei and asked, "Deputy He, do you want to equip him with a gun?"

"You might as well find him a grenade to hang on his body!" He Wei glared at Xu Xiaoxiao and said.

Seeing this situation, Xu Xiaoxiao pouted a little aggrievedly, and muttered in a low voice: "You yourself valued him so much, and you didn't make it clear. Now you still blame me."

"Okay, are you all ready? Let's go!"

He Wei interrupted everyone's voice, waved his hand, led the wolf dog, and walked forward first.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa—"

The wolfdog stuck out its tongue, lowered its head and sniffed wildly all the way, as if it could really smell the scent left by Zhu Qun, and soon led us deep into the woods of Heiyue Ridge.

At this time, the sky was already dark, the surrounding pine forests were dense, and the mountain wind blew past, making rustling noises, and the green grass under the forest also swayed. The whole atmosphere instantly became terrifying.

We turned on the searchlights on our heads, held the electric batons in our hands, and He Wei and Xu Xiaoxiao held the pistols tightly, as if they were facing a big enemy. Then we followed the wolfdog and continued to drill into the depths of the forest.

During this process, just in case, I called out Xiao Mutu and asked her to explore the way ahead, and if she found anything unusual, she would notify me in time.

After I went out, my Heavenly Gate was naturally wide open. To be honest, in this kind of barren mountains and mountains, where there are many dead tombs, opening the Heavenly Gate is a very dangerous thing, and it is easy to be deceived. Some inexplicable dirty air lingered.

But now the situation is compelling, just in case, I can only take a risk.

The searchlight above the head shot out a beam of bright white light, sweeping the surrounding plants and trees, carefully detecting any suspicious places.

During this process, I would inevitably see some inexplicable things, for example, on a graveyard covered with weeds, I saw a white shadow hanging there, with a long red tongue sticking out, and white eyes glowing, Another example is that in a pile of withered grass, I vaguely saw a small face with a mustache and eyes like mung beans. It should be a skunk with some skills.

Fortunately, these inexplicable things are quite honest and didn't come up to make trouble. Otherwise, let alone chasing the murderer, it would take a lot of effort to deal with these guys alone.

Just like that, I walked forward for a certain distance with a start, and felt that the surrounding woods were getting denser and the atmosphere was getting more and more gloomy, and then the little muddled suddenly made a voice and shouted to me: "Brother, be careful, There's something running over from the right!"

Hearing this, I couldn't help being startled, and quickly turned my head to look to the right, warning He Wei and the others to be careful.

As a result, what I didn't expect was that before my voice could fall, I suddenly heard a "rustling" sound in the grass layer in front, as if something was running fast inside, and then , Only about two seconds later, I suddenly saw a black figure flying out from the grass layer, jumped to a grave mound not far away, and squatted there with red eyes.

At this time, the five of us, the five dazzling lights, all focused on that thing in an instant, and after we took a closer look, we were all a little stunned, because we couldn't tell what that thing was.

It has a pair of small pointed ears, about the size of a puppy, its body is the color of a civet cat, but its face is a human face with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, and even a white beard. It looks so strange no matter how you look at it. I always feel that that thing is examining us with ulterior motives.