Bell made of bronze

Just when I was carrying two evil treasure books in my pocket and was about to flee home, I realized that I had forgotten an important thing on the way. I left the thing that the evil god of the black moon entrusted me to hand over at the police station.

I couldn't help but struggle with this matter for a while. I didn't know what to do for a while. I wanted to go back to the police station to get the things, but I was worried that He Wei had already discovered the theft of the secret book. If that happened, he would definitely suspect me. Come on, things will be a little troublesome, maybe he will open a film with me, but if I leave, the things that Black Moon Cthulhu entrusted to me will probably be lost, so things will be a little troublesome , because that black moon evil god is obviously not a good stubble, since he entrusted me with this matter, and if I can't handle it well, I don't know how I will be tortured by him.

The car stopped on the side of the road, I scratched my head for a long time, and finally felt that the black moon evil god was more terrifying. After all, I didn't know which road god he was. Since there is an "evil" in his name, it means that he It's not easy to mess with, so I'd better be careful.

Thinking of this in my heart, I rode my bike back and finally arrived at the police station before sunset.

When I walked into the police station, I was still in a panic. Fortunately, He Wei and the others didn't have any abnormal reactions, which made me feel relieved. I got my clothes back and took all my things back. Black Moon Cthulhu I also saw what was given to me, a pair of bells.

The bell is obviously old, the surface is covered with green rust, and it feels very old.

I don't know what the function of this bell is. I held it in my hand and shook it, and found that the sound was very clear.

I put away my things and waved goodbye to He Wei and the others. This time, I was really ready to go home.

He Wei walked me all the way to the door, and when he saw me stepping into the car, he stepped forward to hold me, and said to me in a low voice: "Little master, remember, it's okay, don't practice by yourself, okay? promise me."

Hearing this, I couldn't help being startled, then I looked at He Wei, smiled understandingly, and said to him, "Don't worry, I'm sensible."

"Well, I believe you will too. Goodbye then, there may be many things that need your help in the future," He Wei smiled at me.

"Come to me if you have anything to do," I finished speaking, got on the bike, and galloped away against the wind.

"Today is a good day..."

I was in a good mood, the spring breeze was triumphant, and the horseshoes were in a hurry. I rode the car so fast that I was already at home before dark.

When I got home, my parents naturally asked me what I was doing on the weekend. I probably told them about the situation, and they felt relieved when they saw that I hadn't done anything bad.

Afterwards, I ate dinner and went to bed. I was really tired, so I slept soundly and sweetly.

In the morning when the sky was getting bright, I was woken up by my mother. This made me a little depressed, so I couldn't help but muttered and got up slowly.

"It's still early for school. Why did you wake me up so early? Is the meal ready?" While talking, I put on my clothes and walked out, yawning. When I arrived in the living room, I realized something was wrong. , It turned out that the white apricot blossoms came.

She came here so early, which made me a little curious. I quickly wiped my face, cleared my mind, and greeted her, "Sister-in-law, you're here, you, are you okay?"

"Well, it's much better, thanks to you that day," Bai Xinghua smiled, and then took out a cloth bag with floral patterns from her pocket, carefully took out five hundred dollars from it, put it on the table, and said to me and me Mom said: "Auntie, this is the money from my last hospitalization. I told you yesterday. At that time, you said that Yihen didn't come back. You don't know about it yet. It's not easy to collect the money. Now Yihen is here. Just take the money."

Seeing this situation, I felt a little stunned. Before my mother could say anything, I pushed the money back and said to Bai Xinghua, "Sister-in-law, what are you doing? As I said, you don't need to pay for the money. I've got it all done."

"Oh, Yihen, why are you like this? Do you think I don't know? You borrowed money from your classmates. Don't worry. Although my sister-in-law is not in good health and doesn't do much farm work, she is okay anyway. I have some savings, you must keep this money." Bai Xinghua stuffed the money into my hand again.

Seeing this situation, I couldn't refute it for a while, and I didn't want to tell about my going to the casino to gamble, so in the end I had to ask my mother for help.

Seeing the look in my eyes, my mother stepped forward to hold Bai Xinghua and said, "His sister-in-law, are you out of touch now? All right, you can take this money back. Yihen owes his classmate the money, let's pay it back." You saved Yihen's life at least last time, this is what we should do."

"Auntie, this is not good," Bai Xinghua still insisted on giving the money, but in the end she was pulled out by my mother.

After seeing off Bai Xinghua, my mother came home and asked me how much I owed my classmates.

I thought about it and told her it was two hundred yuan. My mother believed it and gave me the money. I took the money, had breakfast, and then went to school.

When I arrived at the school, I sat down in my seat, subconsciously looked at Wang Qinyuan's desk, and found that the seat was empty, and only then remembered that Wang Qinyuan had left.

I couldn't help being sad, and I always felt that life was a bit impermanent, which made me think of Zhu Qun.

Speaking of which, Zhu Qun himself is a very sad person. He was wrong, but also sympathetic.

I don't know if that Bai Yuexia really made any promises to him, or if the whole thing was his wishful thinking, but anyway, Zhu Qun made a fatal mistake from the very beginning, he was too lonely to put Emotions are too simple to imagine.

According to his thinking, since he gave up his eyes to save Bai Yuexia, Bai Yuexia should give her body and spend the rest of her life with him. In fact, this is a very unrealistic request.

Love and gratitude are completely irrelevant things.

This also made me understand a truth, that is, when we do things, especially when helping others, we must be more realistic, either we seek benefits, or we don't expect anything in return, and we must be a purely good person. As for the promise of body, it's better not to think about it, it's impossible.

"Liu Yihen, what are you thinking?"

Xu Qin's voice interrupted my thoughts. When I looked up, I found that this girl was wearing a bright yellow coat and paired with a pair of blue jeans. It made her whole body full of youthful temptation.

I also had a feeling that my eyes were bright, and I couldn't help laughing and said to her: "Xiaoqinqin, you are really getting more and more fresh, hehehe, how about it, do you want to make friends with my brother? Oh, magic."

"Go to hell!" Xu Qin gave me a blank look, sat down on the seat, and then said to me while tying up her hair, "The final exam is coming soon, and you have been dizzy since you came here for most of the semester. Don't hang red lights on every door, if that's the case, I guess you'll have a great New Year."

Xu Qin's words reminded me that I have been a bit wasted on my studies during this period of time, so I hurriedly took out my textbooks and started to study, but I still said to Xu Qin with disdain: "Don't worry, I will Just reading a book can kill all of you in seconds, just wait and see."

"Cut," Xu Qin curled her lips at me, obviously not taking my words seriously, but I smiled to myself and didn't argue with her anymore, because I really have to work hard and I want to prove myself.