Bloodshed Formation

The Blood Soul Fury was so powerful that even though Little Puzzler had grown up, he was still no match for it.

  When the old blind man had taught me this thing, he had told me that it could save my life at a critical moment, and now was the moment when I needed it to save my life.

  At that moment, I drew the talisman on the floor with the blood of my middle finger, then I recited the incantation silently while running the secret technique of Spiritual Birth, injecting my vital energy into the blood talisman, wanting to draw the ground and use the blood talisman to cover the whole room, so that I could keep the Soul Demon under deadly control.

  I have to say that my idea was very creative and my use of the technique was very flexible. I was even cheering and applauding myself in my heart because I could imagine how the Soul Fiend would look like in the next few moments. It will be trapped in this room and die alive.

  The only way out is for its soul to be scattered, there is absolutely no second way out!

  I was confident because I had once used this move to defeat the evil spirit Hu Qingshan, so I thought that this move could also subdue the soul demon.

  However, what I never expected was that when I actually started to perform the blood talisman formation, I found that the blood talisman did not move for half a day. No matter how loudly I chanted the incantation, and how much energy I poured into the blood talisman, the blood talisman remained like a corpse that had breathed its last, without even the slightest thought of swindling.

  What was going on?

  The unexpected change made me nervous, my forehead was sweating and my hands and feet were shivering.

  "Hey, Liu Yichen, ghost hunter, what a great name!"

  At this time, the evil creature looked at me coldly with a mocking look on its face, then without realizing it was clutching the scissors in its hand, it walked towards me step by step and asked me in a deep voice, "How many scissors do you think you can withstand?"

  "Even if I can't destroy you today, someone will naturally take care of you in the future, and you will be sent to the eighteenth level of hell and never be allowed to live again!"

  As my tricks were no longer effective, I could only shrink back while cursing at the Soul Fiend.

  Hearing my words, the spirit demon sneered and said, "Heavenly justice? What do you mean by heavenly justice? When I was young, I was all about good deeds, and I was always seeking Buddha's advice, doing thousands of good deeds, but what happened in the end? In the end, the Buddha did not save me, the Tao did not care about me, and only the King of Hell wanted to take me in. They skinned me and hung me from a tree in the sun for seven days, turning me into a dried human being. If there really is Divine Justice, where was it at that time?!"

  "You, you died a miserable death, which I sympathize with and can understand your resentment, but you came to wreak havoc on innocent people after you died, that's your fault, if you have any grievances, you should go to the King of Hell and sue, instead of acting rashly on your own." I looked at the Soul Fiend and said.

  "Hades? Do you think that thing really exists? To tell you the truth, you have all been deceived, there is no such thing as Hades in this world, for earth is the greatest purgatory!" As the Soul Fiend spoke, he raised his hand and poked a pair of scissors at me, looking fierce, obviously wanting to end me on the spot.

  When I saw this, I was able to endure the pain of my wound and rolled over with my teeth, dodging its blow, while at the same time I rubbed my bloody middle finger and poked at it.

  "The blood of my middle finger was as strong as fire and as rigid as iron, and when it struck, a puff of black smoke immediately rose from the Soul Fiend's body.

  "How dare you resist at the end of your life!"

  Seeing my action, the Soul Fiend was furious, and then he shouted and rushed towards me with his teeth and claws like a madman.

  "Bastard, don't you dare try to harm my brother!"

  At this time, Little Puzzler got up from the ground and shouted, and then he was about to rush towards the Soul Fiend again.

  However, at this moment, the Soul Fiend shouted angrily, "Kid, behave yourself!" With a fierce fling of its hand, it summoned two streams of black air from the wall, which directly wrapped Little Doodle into a ball and bound him to the wall.

  "Ummmm, bastard, let go of me..."

  Little Paste Tu's entire body was leaning against the wall, and he couldn't help but cry out and struggle desperately.

  At this time, when I took a cold look at the situation around me, I could not help but feel astonished, and finally understood why my blood talisman formation was not working.

  It turned out that not only was the whole room completely wrapped up in Yin Qi, but it also seemed that the Soul Fiend had laid a very sinister formation beforehand, which had suppressed the power of my blood talisman, thus causing my blood talisman to fail.

  After I understood this situation, I could not help but feel remorseful and self-condemned, because when I was studying with the old blind man, the thing I did not like to learn was the formation. I just turned a deaf ear to all of them.

  As a result, I fell into the formation this time.

  When I looked at the formation with a cold eye and carefully recalled what the old blind man had taught me, I realised that the formation was actually the legendary Bloodshed and Ghostly Formation, which is a first-class sinister and evil formation.

  Of course, the reason why this formation is so powerful is not that it kills people, but that its main function is to allow the person who has set up the formation to spread Yin over a thousand miles.

  I finally understood why, when I first saw the house, I found that the house was heavy with Yin energy, but I could not find the source of the Yin energy. It turned out that at that time, this Soul Fiend was not here at all, it had only set up this formation here, so that it could freely enter and leave this place when it needed to.

  Obviously, this Soul Fiend should have come here late at night every day, and when it appeared, it was silent. Its target should have been Tai Hong Hao, and every time it came, it should have possessed Tai Hong Hao's grandmother, and then it manipulated Tai Hong Hao's grandmother to suck Tai Hong Hao's blood energy, so as to achieve the purpose of enhancing its own Yin power.

  At this point, many of the mysteries that had been piling up in my mind had been solved, but there were still two questions that puzzled me, the first being why the Red Hat's grandparents had not taken any measures to counteract the spirit demon. Even if they could not deal with the spirit demon, they could still escape, right? But why didn't they do that?

  This is a very puzzling question.

  Another question is, of all the women in the world, why did the Soul Fiend take a liking to Tai Hong Hao? What secret was hidden in Red Hat's body, and what was so different about her that she became the target of the Soul Fiend, and was ready to suck her to death?