General Physiological Knowledge

We walked from village to village, not knowing how far we had travelled, and we simply ate a little dry food for lunch, and that was it.

  "Just go on ahead," the old blind man said to me.

  "Master, can you be more specific? You can't see what's around you, we're walking in the middle of nowhere, there's no one in front of us," I said to him, a bit torn.

  "Heaven's truth cannot be revealed," the old blind man said, blocking me out.

  I found that the old blind man had a characteristic that whenever he didn't want to talk about something, he would use the phrase "Heaven's information must not be revealed" to muddle through.

  The old blind man paid no heed to my condition, his walking stick scratching the road and walking along, surprisingly not much slower than a person with good eyes.

  Seeing his actions, I was so angry and furious that I gritted my teeth and climbed up to catch up with him, and could not help but say to him, "Master, take a break, I can't carry it anymore, these things are so heavy that my vital energy is almost depleted."

  "Didn't I tell you to draw the essence of heaven and earth from the surroundings?" The old blind man said back.

  "That's no good either, the income is not enough," I said.

  Hearing this, the old blind man stopped and asked me, "So, you are exhausted now, are you?"

  "For sure, feel me here, my cotton jacket is soaked through," I gasped, sitting down on my butt on the ground.

  "Good, I've been walking for most of the day, I've been waiting for you to do this," the old blind man said, giving me a shake of his cane, "Get up and keep walking."

  "No way, Master, you want to tire me out?" I was full of struggle.

  "Hey, don't worry, you won't die of exhaustion, Master is helping you, get up, keep walking, Master will pass on a secret method to you," the old blind man's tone eased down and he spoke as if it were true.

  I took the words with a grain of salt, but there was nothing else I could do but grit my teeth and hang on, carrying my things again and following him.

  "Do you know where the strength of the human body comes from?" The old blind man asked me just as he walked.

  "When you eat and digest nutrients, you have strength," I said, breathing heavily.

  "Well, that's the way to talk, so how is that nutrition digested and where does it go afterwards?" The old blind man continued to ask.

  "That-" I hesitated a little, because I wasn't really familiar with this stuff.

  "Thanks to your schooling, you don't even understand this point," the old blind man grunted when he saw my situation, and then said to me, "Let me tell you, according to modern medical science, after this nutrition is digested, it first goes into the blood. The blood carries the nutrients and then passes them to all the limbs and bones. Of course, in the process of passing the nutrients through the blood, the body is already consuming these nutrients, so ah, in ancient times, we call human strength as blood energy, and teenagers are called blood energy, meaning sufficient yang energy, strength and health."

  "Okay, Master, I've learned, and then what, do these things have anything to do with the secret method you're going to pass on to me?" I asked the old blind man with some displeasure.

  "Of course it has something to do with it, but before that, I have one more question for you, let me ask you, what happens to all that nutrition and energy if the human body is over-nourished and cannot be consumed for a while?" The old blind man asked me.

  "This, one will become fat and will grow fat." I said back.

  "What is fat?" Old Blind Man asked again.

  "What is fat?" I froze, and then after scouring my shallow medical science, I finally came up with an answer that looked pretty good: "Fat is oil."

  "What kind of oil?" Hearing my answer, the old blind man sighed somewhat depressingly and said to me again, "Thanks to your schooling, you don't even have this common sense."

  "Come on, I'm only in my first year and I study on my own in biology class," I said, full of angst.

  "Forget it, it's useless to ask you, I'll tell you," the old blind man sighed, and then said to me, "When people are over-nourished, they get fat, and they get fat because they have too much fat. This fat is usually found under the skin, called subcutaneous fat, which is more important. Some women cannot have children because they have too little subcutaneous fat. But too much fat is not good either. Look at those chefs and pig killers, their bellies are bulging and full of fat, because there is too much fat, not only under the skin, but also on the belly, in the internal organs and even in the blood vessels, all stuffed with fat. Nowadays, there are diabetes and hypertension, which are mostly caused by obesity."

  "It has nothing to do with me, I rarely eat meat twice a year, I'm so skinny I'm skin and bones," I muttered, at the same time wondering, once again, why the old blind man was giving me such knowledge.

  Just as I was wondering, the old blind man turned to me and said, "There is no possibility of you being obese now, but your condition is similar to obesity."

  "What do you mean?" I was completely confused.

  "Didn't you drink that Spiritual Marrow Hundred Flowers Dew earlier?" Old Blind Man said to me, "At that time, didn't you feel like your five insides were burning and you were about to die?"

  "That was the case, but it all got better later," I told him.

  "That's because someone helped you store up the yang power of that spirit marrow, and he knew you couldn't digest it for a while, so he took a compromise," the old blind man said to me.

  "It was that Black Moon Evil God who did that," I said with a nod.

  "And do you know where all that excess spirit marrow now resides?" Old Blind Man asked me.

  "This-" I hesitated for a moment, and then unconsciously said to him, "It's in my stomach, I think."

  "It is in your stomach, but not all of it," the old blind man said, pausing for a moment, and then said to me, "To tell you the truth, this time since I saw you, I noticed that something was not right with you, and then you told me about your experience, and said that you had drunk that spiritual marrow, and only then did I understand what was But I was curious at the time, wondering how that Black Moon Evil God had helped you to suppress the Yang and fire energy of the spirit marrow.

  Hearing this, I couldn't help but ask, "Master, what method did he use that made you praise him so much?"

  As a result, what depressed me was that when I heard my words, the old blind man once again put on a profound expression and said to me, "This matter of heaven cannot be - cough, this time I can divulge it, he used the fat in your body to wrap up all those spirit marrow, that's why you were not burned to death, otherwise But then, if you want to absorb the energy of the spirit marrow, you will have to consume that fat first. That's why I let you run so far with a big bag on your back, in order to consume the energy in your body so that you can release that spirit marrow power. Now do you understand Master's painstaking intention?"