Dead body sinking into a deep pool

I see, you really know how to beat around the bush on such a simple matter, if you had told me clearly, I would have woken up Qing Yue by now."

  I couldn't help but be a bit annoyed by the fact that the old blind man was so good at selling me short.

  "Hey, there are many things that are sometimes easier said than done, you'll know when you try it yourself later, hey, I've been walking for most of the day and I'm tired, so I'll take a nap first, so you can toss and turn on your own." As the old blind man spoke, he lay down on the hay and pulled a big cotton jacket over his body, looking at me with a jealous look.

  Seeing this situation, I pondered for a moment and could not help but stop and ask, "That, Master, don't sleep yet, I still have a question."

  "Speak," said the old blind man, lying motionless.

  "That after I release the Yang power of the spirit marrow, how do I stop it? As you know, the yang power of that spirit marrow is too prevalent for me to absorb that much at once," I said to the old blind man.

  When I heard this, the old blind man laughed and said to me, "You're a little smart to have thought of this ahead of time, I was going to tell you when you were too burned up to come to me in a hurry. Look, carry a piece of pancake in your arms and eat when you feel that the Yang energy released is almost enough, that way, the fat will stop burning and the Yang energy from the spirit marrow will naturally stop."

  "I couldn't help but complain to the old blind man as I took the pancake and put it in my arms.

  The old blind man turned over and went to sleep, not hearing me.

  I shook my head helplessly and walked out, shouting and running across the snow-capped wilderness.

  "The river flows eastward, the stars in the sky are in the Big Dipper..."

  "Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go.

  "Let's go when we see injustice, let's go when we have to, let's go in a blaze of glory..."


  I sang the good man's song, ran like flying, kicked the snow and hung the Ling, and before I knew it, it was time for the sun to set.

  At this time I felt something strange coming from my body, my internal organs were burning, which means that the heat of that spiritual marrow was being released.

  I didn't have time to check the surroundings, so I jumped into a snowy nest and sat down on my knees, concentrating on the secret technique of the Spiritual Birth, and began to channel the heat into my Purple Mansion.

  The heat was so strong and domineering that when my energy touched it, a large part of it had to be burned away before I could hold it in place and channel it into the Purple Mansion.

  In this way, the whole work of channeling was very hard and my Yuan Qi was consumed very quickly, which made it difficult for me to hold on for too long.

  However, even so, I kept gritting my teeth in order to wake Yun Qingyue up sooner.

  However, what depressed me a little was that as strands of Yang Lie Qi entered the Purple Mansion, I still did not sense any response from Yun Qingyue, she did not seem to have received the Yang Lie Qi, or perhaps it was too little to wake her up.

  This situation made me feel torn for a while, so I finally had no choice but to stop, then pulled the pancake out of my arms, sat on the ground and nibbled on it while I started to doze off.

  After a long day of carrying heavy loads, running like hell for so long, and not eating anything, my body was too weak to carry the load, so I was so drowsy that I fell asleep in the snow before I could eat half of a pancake.

  In my dream, I was standing in a cold pool of water, the sky was full of stars, and the green grass and lush mountains were on all sides.


  When I looked down, I realised that I was floating in the pool of water, which was extremely cold and deep, and as soon as my mind moved, I sank into the water and sank towards the bottom.

  Because of what happened to Little Muddle, I was afraid of drowning, so I couldn't help but struggle desperately, but after a few moments, when I realised I didn't feel any suffocation, I realised it was just a dream.

  But I wondered why I was having such a dream, did it have any special meaning?

  "One Trace, help me -"

  As I was wondering, a voice, if anything, came to me, causing me to look around subconsciously in disbelief, but all I saw was a deep pool of water.


  But at that very moment, a sudden rush of water came from the pool, and when I looked up, I saw a bucket-thick black python rushing towards me with its scales and horns open and its teeth bared.

  My whole body shook and I was so scared that I turned my head and swung my legs desperately to escape.

  However, the black python was too fast for me to avoid it, so I had no choice but to change my strategy and plunge down into the water with a jerk.

  This time, my speed was much faster and the python brought up a white bubble of water and skimmed over my head, allowing me to escape.

  But that was just the beginning, because the python then turned around and came at me again.

  The only thing I could do was to dive deeper and deeper to try and avoid the python.

  I found a gap in the rocks and dived in. The python came after me and swam through the rocks, but eventually failed to find me and swam away.

  After the python swam away, I carefully crawled out of the crevice and looked upwards, ready to escape quietly when the python wasn't looking, but at that very moment, a voice came from far away again.

  "One Trace, I am here..."

  The voice was so ethereal and clear that it sounded familiar, making me feel very suspicious.

  I subconsciously swam over to the voice, only to see a sight that shocked me in the middle of a rocky forest.

  A small female corpse, dressed in ancient costume, with green silk coiled high and silk ribbons fluttering, was lying quietly on a delicate beach.

  I was so excited when I saw this, I swam over to her and tried to pick her up, but at this moment, she suddenly opened her eyes and two blinding lights shot out from them.