No such person

Although I complained to the old blind man, but in the end I still told him what I saw when I followed Chen Qiyuan, although I said a little vague, but with the old blind man's experience, many things naturally understand a little, so, finally, after he heard, he could not help but is stroking his beard and laughed.

  "Interesting, this Chen Qiyuan, really is a strange person, ah, I previously only thought that he is hidden some secrets, did not expect his life is also so wonderful, simply breathtaking ah." The old man sighed with admiration.

  "Also breathtaking, you did not see him holding a man nibbling around, and then holding an old woman in bed rubbing around the scene, I tell you, that is not breathtaking, is strange, is disgusting, more disgusting than eating flies, I feel like I ate a bunch of maggots, now think about it still want to vomit," I was full of depression to The old man said.

  "Well," the old man nodded, then turned around while walking back, while I said: "Come on, let's go back to rest, get enough spirit to say, tomorrow I think of this Chen Qiyuan a good investigation."

  "You do not pit me again, this person is too demonic, I absolutely do not want to have any more contact with him," I said to the old man.

  "Don't worry, you don't need to be on tomorrow, but the day after tomorrow is impossible to say," the old man finished his speech, laughing, striding towards the front, where the situation is still like a blind man.

  Nothing to say, back to the inn, hastily wash up, fell asleep, this toss and turn, is too tired.

  Sleep until dawn, outside the street is already a traffic, a bustle, the old blind man also got up a long time ago, is sitting cross-legged on the bed, facing the window to do morning lessons.

  Seeing this situation, I then tiptoed, very carefully washed up, and then went to the street to buy breakfast, and only then called the old blind man to eat together.

  "Master, you are so profound, still do the morning class every day?" While eating, I couldn't help but ask with some curiosity.

  "Cultivation is a boat against the current, no progress is regression, a little diligence is always right." The old blind man said here, a pause, and then said to me: "You kid is a lazy, I guess you can not do this, but I still advise you to be more diligent, otherwise, it will be a waste of good years."

  By the old blind man said so, I can not help but some shy, because I also know my weakness, I am indeed lazy, not only in cultivation, other things are also similar, this I have to correct more in the future to be right.

  Soon, we finished eating, the old blind man simply cleaned up, and then took me to the street.

  "Master, where are we going?"

  Walking down the street, I could not help but ask with some curiosity.

  "Later you will know," the old blind man walked all the way forward, halfway to find a few passers-by to inquire about the direction, and finally stopped in front of the police station in the Pan Long District of Liuhe County Wenyuan Street.

  "A trace, help me see if there is a public phone nearby," after stopping, the old blind man asked me.

  I looked around and soon found a store with a pay phone, so I led the old blind man to walk over.

  When we got to the store, the old blind man sat down in front of the pay phone, then picked up the phone and dialed a number.

  After the number was answered, a small voice was heard inside saying, "Hello, who is it?"

  "It's me," the old blind man said in his usual tone, "I'm at the Wenyuan Street Police Station in the Panlong District of Liuhe County, do you know anyone on this side?"

  Hearing the words of the old blind man, the phone immediately came a sharp laugh: "Hahaha, I said the old master? Are you touching the fetus of someone's daughter-in-law again? What was it that got you arrested this time?"

  When the old blind man heard this, he immediately made a big red face and said angrily: "What are you talking about? You think I am you? I was not arrested, I am here to do something, I need an acquaintance to help me check something, can you help? If you can, hurry up, I do not have time to delay."

  See the old blind man said so, the other party stopped laughing, then he told the old blind man to wait a moment, a moment later, then to the old blind man said: "Old master, you go to the police station entrance, someone will come to pick you up, the other party is a young man, the name is Zheng Dali, you call him Xiao Zheng on the line. He is my disciple, you have anything to let him do, if the rabbit does not do it properly, I get him killed!"

  "Okay, that's it, I'll trouble you." The old blind man finished, hung up the phone, then got up and took me towards the entrance of the police station.

  We arrived at the entrance of the police station, found a small public security is really looking around. The young man looked good, a straight uniform, is a sharp person.

  "Hello, is this Mr. Heaven's Eye?" Seeing the old blind man, the young man went up to him and asked.

  "You are Xiao Zheng, right?" The old blind man nodded his head and said.

  "Yes, yes, oh, hello sir, Master just called me and asked me to come pick you up, that, may I ask what you want?" Xiao Zheng asked the old blind man.

  "Not a big deal, please help me check a person to see what his record is," said the old blind man.

  Hearing this, Xiao Zheng hesitated for a moment, then still nodded and said, "This is good, sir, you come with me, this to the computer to check, I take you to our microcomputer room, there quiet, talk is also convenient."

  The old blind man nodded, then we followed Xiao Zheng into the police station, and then to a room.

  The room was decorated with several computers, feeling very elegant.

  This is the first time I saw a computer, so there was some novelty, would like to touch the keyboard, but because the old blind man to do business, so I can only honestly stay behind him, did not dare to move.

  Xiao Zheng moved a chair, let the old blind man and I sat down, then he opened a computer, in a box knocked a few black dots, into the desktop, and then open a program, then asked the old blind man: "Sir you want to check what people? Give me the name and gender for a moment."

  "Chen Qiyuan, male, its is the other its, yuan is the yuan of yuanbao," the old blind man said to Xiao Zheng.

  "Okay, I'll help you check ha," Xiao Zheng spoke, the name and gender of Chen Qiyuan into the computer, and then the program popped up some content, I peeked, and found that it actually says "no such person, please confirm before entering". The program was a little bit of a mess.

  Seeing this situation, Zheng asked the old blind man a bit suspiciously: "Sir, I checked, but in our county database can not find this person, you are not the person's name to confirm again, to see if the wrong word?"

  Hearing this, I subconsciously fished out the business card that Chen Qiyuan gave me, then handed it to Zheng Dali and said, "Look at this, the name is correct, he lives not far from here, should be your local people."

  Zheng Dali took the business card and looked at it, frowned and said, "This address is very remote, I'm not very familiar with that place, I don't know this person, how about this, I'll help you expand your search, check on the networking platform, there is a national database, should be able to find, I'm afraid there are too many people with the same name, not very good to identify."

  "It's okay, I know that person, you show me the photo, I'll know if it's not." I said to Zheng Dali.

  Hearing this, Zheng Dali then reopened a program and began to start looking up, this time popped up more content, about 50 or so people, all named Chen Qiyuan, Xiao Zheng opened one by one to me, but unfortunately, but all wrong, and not the Chen Qiyuan I was looking for.

  Seeing this situation, Xiao Zheng began to think outside the box, Chen Qiyuan's name changed, tried "Chen Qiyuan" "Chen Qiyuan" and so on, a series of dozens of similar names, but in the end are not the right number, my eyes have been looking at that computer The photos on the computer are a little blurry.

  In this way, we are a little helpless, can only stop, and then the situation with the old blind man said.

  The old blind man frowned and thought, but he couldn't seem to think of anything, so he finally got up and thanked Zheng Dali, and then took me away.

  "Master? What happened? That person used a fake name?" After coming out, I asked him with some curiosity.

  "I don't know," the old blind man frowned for a moment, and then said to me: "There is no way out, the public road can not go, the next we have to rely on ourselves. That person did not ask you to find him? How about this, you go to him tonight, continue to explore his bottom."

  "What? I have to go again?" Hearing this, my legs immediately went weak and I almost knelt down on the spot.