"Turn into a little pervert?

From the beginning, I underestimated Chen Qiyuan a little bit. I was shocked by his strange and outrageous behavior, which made it impossible for me to calmly observe and analyze him. In my heart, I actually regarded him as a lunatic.

However, I overlooked the fact that in addition to being a lunatic, Chen Qiyuan is also a spirit painter who can cultivate ancestor gods and draw happy gods. How could such a person be just an ordinary person, and how could he not have a trick or two up his sleeve?

Therefore, when Yun Qingyue reminded me to be careful of Chen Qiyuan, I suddenly became nervous and realized the problem. But at this time, the person I was most worried about was not myself, but Zheng Dali.

Zheng Dali was a pure-headed young man who had been deceived and was about to arrest Chen Qiyuan. I knew that if he really entered that room, it would be a tragic end for him.

So, at this point, I didn't have time to think too much. I jumped down from the balcony and wanted to stop Zheng Dali. But unfortunately, I was one step too late. When I jumped down from the balcony, there was already a banging sound from the second floor.

"Open the door, police!" Zheng Dali's righteous voice came, followed by a "clatter", and he seemed to have broken into the room.

It's over! Faced with this situation, I couldn't help but feel a little helpless and sighed. In a hurry, I could only flip over and climb back to the balcony, ready to rush out and rescue Zheng Dali when he was in trouble.

"Don't move, all of you, put your hands on your heads and squat against the wall!" When I returned to the balcony, I saw Zheng Dali holding an electric baton and pointing at Chen Qiyuan and Fang Min on the bed.

However, Chen Qiyuan's reaction was different from what I had imagined. I thought he would immediately take action to subdue Zheng Dali, but he didn't do that. At this moment, he just frowned, got up from Fang Min's body with a displeased face, and covered her body with a piece of clothing, revealing her snow-white body that was already semi-conscious. While doing so, he turned his head and looked at Zheng Dali, saying, "Do you know who I hate the most?"

"Don't talk nonsense, put on your clothes and squat against the wall with your hands on your head, or else I will take action!" Zheng Dali glared at Chen Qiyuan.

Chen Qiyuan didn't engage in conversation with him. He slowly put on his clothes while leisurely lighting a cigarette, then glanced at Zheng Dali and said, "I hate two types of people the most. One is the police, and the other is anyone who interrupts me and my mother when we're being intimate. You happen to tick both boxes, haha." "Stop talking nonsense! Behave yourself!" Zheng Dali apparently didn't realize the danger of the situation, so he stepped closer to Chen Qiyuan. At this point, I was so nervous that my palms were sweating. I wished Zheng Dali could hear my inner voice and turn around to run away, so at least I wouldn't be so constrained in my actions. But Zheng Dali obviously couldn't hear my thoughts, so he continued to confront Chen Qiyuan. Chen Qiyuan remained calm and not nervous. He raised his hands above his head, smiling, and slowly backed away. At this point, I looked up and noticed that he was backing up towards a corner where a painting stand was placed, with an unfinished painting of a fruit seller on it. Needless to say, the person on the painting must be Fang Min. Seeing this situation, I realized that Chen Qiyuan might take action, but I couldn't figure out what he would do, so I didn't dare to act rashly. "Officer, you may have misunderstood. I'm actually a painter. Look, this is my work. I'm not ****ing, I'm just communicating with my model. We're both devoted to art," Chen Qiyuan said as he approached the painting stand, picking up a pen from the shelf. "Don't move! Put the pen down, do you hear me!" At this point, Zheng Dali seemed to realize that Chen Qiyuan was going to take action, so he became a little nervous. He spoke loudly while approaching Chen Qiyuan, apparently wanting to control him. But what he didn't expect was that at this moment, Chen Qiyuan suddenly lifted his hand, and the pen in his hand turned into a dart and flew towards Zheng Dali.

"You still dare to resist arrest and attack police? You're looking for death!"

Zheng Dali was no easy opponent. He dodged the brush and then activated the electric baton, thrusting it towards Chen Qi Yuan's body with "zzz" electric sparks crackling from the tip.

Chen Qi Yuan shook his head with a smile, seeming somewhat helpless. Suddenly, his brows furrowed, and his body shook. Two purple lights scattered from his eyes, and as soon as the lights locked onto Zheng Dali, he froze in place, his expression dull, and his movements stopped.

"Ghastly Hypnotic Eyes!"

Seeing this situation, I was surprised. I didn't expect that, like the female corpse, Chen Qi Yuan could also emit hypnotic purple light from his eyes. This was something I had not thought of. Could it be that Chen Qi Yuan was as powerful as the ancestral goddess's corpse?

Just as I was wondering, the light in the room suddenly flickered, and then Chen Qi Yuan reached out and took the electric baton from Zheng Dali while casually picking up a pen from the easel. Then he dipped the pen in oil paint and began drawing on Zheng Dali's face. At the same time, he spoke up, "Liu Yihen, are you not coming out yet? Are you really going to wait until I kill this annoying cop before you show up?"

Chen Qi Yuan's words surprised me. Had he already noticed me?

Helpless, I could only jump in from the window sill and greet him with a smile. "Hello, bro."

"Your mental toughness is quite good. It's rare for someone as young as you to have such skills. No wonder you could escape from my house. It seems you are not simple," Chen Qi Yuan said as he sat on the bed, smoking and casually removing the clothes covering Fang Min's body. Then he began painting on her body with the pen. "What do you think? Is she beautiful? Do you like looking at her?" he asked me as he focused on his drawing.

"She is beautiful, but what I want to know is what you did to her," I frowned and asked him.

Upon hearing my question, Chen Qi Yuan smiled and said, "What did I do to her? You've seen it all, haven't you? Tsk, tsk, I'm a bit curious. You are so young, yet you can handle seeing such scenes. I wonder if this will affect your psychological development. Will you become a little pervert in the future?"

"I'm not as perverted as you!" I snorted, and then the secret technique of the Lingtai began to work. The white handprint on the back of my left hand appeared, and I said, "Stop talking nonsense and show me what you've got. Today, I will subdue you, you perverted man!"