Is there no purity

"No, no, Yu'er, listen to me," seeing the appearance of the female corpse, Chen Qi Yuan did not feel is full of nervousness, he some panic hugged the female corpse, explained in a deep voice: "Yu'er, sorry, you, you misunderstood me, just now, just now I had such a thought in my heart, but that is not Really, I didn't always think that way, I was just a little angry because I was angry, I thought you didn't love me enough to save me in time, so I was just a little angry."


  Hearing Chen Qiyuan's explanation, that female corpse did not feel is a little puzzled to look at Chen Qiyuan's eyes, then is helplessly smiled, shook his head and said: "Impossible, I know what you think in your heart, I, I do not want to lie to myself again."

  The female corpse spoke, but put Chen Qiyuan on the wall, then she turned around to face the prison yard, the ghostly voice said to Chen Qiyuan: "Anyway, no matter what you think, I finally help you this time, we are also the end of this fate."

  "Yu'er, no, Yu'er, you can't do this, you can't leave me, sob, Yu'er-"

  Hearing the words of the female corpse, Chen Qiyuan did not feel is shivering hands, tears flowing all over his face, whimpering and crying, he cried, while fumbling to stand up from the wall, went forward and took the hand of the female corpse.

  At this time, the people in the prison compound also stopped talking, I think they are also a bit baffled by the identity of the pair of men and women in front of them, a bit can not understand them.

  "Sang-ho," seeing Chen Qiyuan's appearance, the female corpse face hanging ice beads, full of emotion looked at him and said: "Sang-ho, do not worry, even if Yu'er left you, Yu'er heart will always love you, do not worry, after this, if you are in trouble, you just follow the method I taught you before, Yu'er I will definitely come to your rescue at the first time, all these years, the kindness of your husband, jade will not forget."

  The female corpse is sincere, let people pity, at that time I look at her that infantile appearance, can't wait to go up to hug her, comfort her some.

  But what no one expected was that just when the corpse was talking emotionally, Chen Qiyuan was outwardly crying, but in fact, one of his hands reached into his coat pocket and fumbled around without moving.

  The corpse apparently did not notice his movements, but I stood under the high wall, but his actions clearly, I found that he seemed to feel a few white nails from the pocket.

  When I saw this situation, my heart subconsciously sank, vaguely aware of what, I could not help but shout to the female corpse: "Be careful, that is the white bone soul-control nails!"

  But, unfortunately, my voice ended up being a step too late, at this time, see the blinding light shining, Chen Qiyuan suddenly rushed forward, a fierce hand into the arms of the female corpse, and then his right hand flew forward to push, instantly five white bone soul-control nails into the body of the female corpse.

  "Well - ah -"

  Suddenly met with a shock, the female corpse was caught off guard, did not feel is issued a harsh scream, then she did not feel is the arms open, jaws staring at Chen Qiyuan, step by step backward, at the same time, can not help but keep mumbling: "husband, husband, you, you - "

  "Hey, Sang-ho?"

  At this time, Chen Qiyuan is a fierce light, grinning a despicable smile, then he hands fiercely squeeze the seal, the empty air to draw a circle, the female corpse like a puppet control, then he is coldly looking at the female corpse, full of disdain for her: "You think I really take you as a wife? Tell you what, you are not wrong, I really just treat you as a corpse, as a tool, hey, unfortunately, you understand too late, you still want to leave? Hmph, tell you what, it's impossible, I want your soul pearl, not only the soul pearl, I also want your skin, heh heh heh, so, next, you'll fight for me, do your job, you are a tool, you are a killing knife, ha ha ha ha. These five white bone soul-control nails, I have been refining for a whole decade, for today, just in case, hum hum hum, I guessed correctly, you really did turn against me at the end of the day, fortunately I was prepared, otherwise, I would have let you have your way."

  "Chen Qiyuan, you, you have committed a great evil!"

  Faced with Chen Qiyuan's words, the female corpse before she could speak, I first roared out in anger.

  I am now very angry and shocked, because, until now, I have always felt that Chen Qiyuan is not what evil, he is at most to use the female corpse's soul to help him psychic scare people, so profit, but now, when I saw the white bone soul control nail, I was instantly understood, so, Chen Qiyuan has been disguised, he has not been telling us the truth.

  Other than that, the white bone soul-control nail, which can only be made from the five bones of a fresh corpse. This thing, the old blind man and I mentioned something before, he said that this thing is incomparably sinister, it is basically the use of the deceased bone plant grievances, in order to achieve the role of soul control lock yin.

  This thing is extremely resentful, so in the refining, the first thing that needs to be done is to let the person who will be refined in the extreme resentment of death. In other words, as long as there is the appearance of the white bone soul control nail, then behind it must be a resentful spirit that died of torture and humiliation.

  So, because of this, I am now sure that Chen Qiyuan must have killed someone, and should have done so at a very early stage, and he, like Zhu Qun, committed an unforgivable sin.

  So, now I have made up my mind to defeat this bastard, I want to bring him to justice, I want him to get the punishment he deserves.

  So, at this time, when I realized the truth, I couldn't help but be filled with shock and anger in my heart.

  However, even if I am shocked and angry, even if I am very emotional, but I think, at this point, even if I am rich in emotions, I think it is still not as much as the Xiyu County princess one ten thousandth.

  She should not be shocked and angry at this time, she should be completely silly.

  So, because she was directly silly, the questions she asked at that time were a bit upside down, and the first person she cared about was not even herself, but someone who had nothing to do with her.

  "So, so, ten years ago, that young man at that time, you, you didn't let him go in the end, did you?"

  The female corpse looked at Chen Qiyuan in a daze and asked.

  "Hmph, let him go? Do you think that's possible? He touched my woman, and he still wants to live?" Hearing the female corpse's words, Chen Qiyuan couldn't help but reply with a cold laugh.

  "But, but he, he is the one you brought back ..." the female corpse was confused.

  "That also can not, that I can not accept, hum, speaking of this, I have not said you, you bitch, you really let me down, I bring them back and you accept, you pressed no point of chastity to speak of, you are nothing but a ****!" Chen Qiyuan spoke, cold eyes at the female corpse, the god resentful attitude continued: "So, from that time, I have been completely disappointed in you!"