Female corpse crawling

Just when everyone was at a loss, thinking that a dark massacre would follow, one person stepped forward, ready to stop Chen Qiyuan's evil deeds.

  This person is no other than the female corpse controlled by Chen Qiyuan.

  Obviously, the female corpse's action threw Chen Qiyuan into consternation, and I was in a state of confusion, wondering why she would say that.

  "What do you want to do?"

  Hearing the female corpse's words, Chen Qiyuan frowned tightly, did not feel is forcefully pinch the seal decision in his hand, dead control of the female corpse, said to her in a deep voice: "I advise you not to make a fearless struggle, this white bone soul-control nail has penetrated your soul, if you forcefully break this spell now, you should know the consequences."

  "What consequences?" The female corpse looked at Chen Qiyuan with cold eyes and said with a soft smile, "The big deal is a death, even if the soul flies away, so what? I've already died once, am I afraid to die again?"

  "Humph, you have cultivated for a thousand years without giving up, I do not believe that you will give up this hard-won everything, you do not think I do not know, you are afraid of the desire for life, stronger than anyone else, a person like you, will be willing to die? Would a person like you be willing to die? Would you be willing to let your soul fly away and turn into smoke and dust?"

  Hearing the words of County Princess Xiyu, Chen Qiyuan could not help but say with a heart full of disdain.

  "Before, I longed for life because I knew the beauty of life, now I do not fear death because I know the horror of life." Red clothes fluttering, black hair flying loose, Xiyu County princess clear cold eyes looking at Chen Qiyuan said: "In my opinion, if I can't be with my beloved, then it is better to die, besides, now the person I love is wrong at all, moreover, he will turn me into a zombie, turn me into his tool, do you think I still have a meaning to live? "

  "Humph, you don't think so, you want to resist, then you have to pass me first!"

  At this time, Chen Qi Yuan did not feel is tightly frowned, then he gritted his teeth a pinch of seal decision, pointed at the female corpse, the female corpse then as a paper man, is actually straight backward floating out four or five meters away.

  "Hey, even if you are not willing, in the end, you will only be my slave, you have the ability to break my magic ah, I think you do not have the ability, nor the courage, right?"

  As Chen Qi Yuan spoke, his hand seal flipped again, and the female corpse then tumbled down toward the high wall.

  "Kill, kill them, all these police officers, kill them all, I want them all to die a good death!"

  Chen Qiyuan stood on the high wall, shouting loudly, in a crazy mood.

  At that moment, seeing this situation, I could not help but a burst of worry, I planned in my heart, then could not help but first support the old blind to go far away, I want to hide the old man first, and then turn back to deal with Chen Qiyuan.

  But what I didn't expect was that at this time, I suddenly heard a "creak" from the wall, and when I looked back, I found that a small white hand was stretched out from inside the high wall, and then the small hand fiercely picking the wall, and then I saw the head of the Xiyu county princess exposed. She actually climbed up the wall again, she is actually out of Chen Qi Yuan's control.

  "Damn it!"

  Seeing this situation, Chen Qiyuan cursed with gritted teeth, and then desperately squeezed the seal decision, wanting to force the female corpse back, but, at this time, only to see that Xiyu County Lord like a zombie, very mechanical climbing up the wall, then she stiffly raised both legs, step, step towards Chen Qiyuan.

  "No, it's impossible, I've gone to great lengths to refine it for ten years, it's impossible that I can't control you, you stop, stop, don't come over!"

  At this time, Chen Qiyuan does not feel is full of anxiety, then he desperately pinch seal, while subconsciously backward.

  "Hey, hey, hey, hahaha," seeing Chen Qiyuan's situation, the female corpse could not help but laugh, the body of the Yin Qi into a tornado of Yin wind, around her wildly rotating blowing, then heard her harsh voice to Chen Qiyuan said: "husband, do you think ten years is long? I've been waiting for you in the grave for a thousand years, and I haven't felt that it's been too long."

  "Bastard, what do you want to do? You stop, stop!"

  Chen Qi Yuan was full of anxiety, while screaming, while backing up, finally he did not feel is helplessly a strange cry, but violently bit through the tip of the tongue, then he a mouthful of blood sword sprayed into his hand, then he then hand seals, then shouted at the female corpse: "Taiyin Wuji, blood sacrifice to God, I do not believe I can not control you!"


  As expected, after Chen Qiyuan sacrificed his blood to the gods, his seal control instantly shot upward by a large margin, and the female corpse was even pressed by him to directly lie on the wall, and the yin wind around him instantly stopped.

  However, the next moment, just after Chen Qiyuan breathed a sigh of relief, but only to hear a "whirring" sound, the female corpse around the Yin wind is violently blowing again, but not only that, the female corpse even forced to raise her head to look at Chen Qiyuan, and then she struggled to move her hands and legs, like a lizard, just like a general So little by little, little by little to move forward, towards Chen Qiyuan approaching the past.

  "Sangha, my dear Sangha, you, why are you doing this to Yu'er, Yu'er is not willing, Yu'er can't die in peace, Yu'er wants to ask a clear ..."

  The female corpse struggled to crawl forward while calling out to Chen Qiyuan.

  "Ya, don't come over, you female ghost! You stay away from me, what do you want to do?!" By this time, Chen Qiyuan was already at a loss for words in panic.

  "Hahahaha, Sangha, don't run away, Yu'er is coming, Yu'er is coming to you, don't you like Yu'er a lot? Don't you run ah-"

  The female corpse while crawling forward, while the eyes glowing, hideous face shouting, the situation is really bizarre and unusual, I was watching a heartbeat.

  At this time, Chen Qiyuan has retreated to the end of the high wall, back against the tall doorway.

  The top of the door is a small rectangular platform, probably because few people usually go up, so there are some scrap iron and rotten bricks on it, looking more dirty.

  Chen Qiyuan climbed to the platform, then he squeezed the seal, while his eyes wide open, full of fear, looking at the female corpse is crawling like a red snake, then he subconsciously touched up a rusty steel pipe from behind.

  "Sang-ho, Sang-ho, don't run, Yu'er is coming, Yu'er is coming for you!"

  At this time, the female corpse also climbed to the edge of the doorway, but she was not able to climb to the platform. The platform is about half a meter higher than the wall, she can't get up because her body can't lift up, so she can only helplessly hit her head against the concrete pier in front of her, making a "thud" sound.

  Then, at this point, something unbelievable happened, Chen Qiyuan saw the situation, was actually a scream, rushed forward, lifted the steel pipe in his hand, and poked down towards the spine of the female corpse.