Take him with us

This Chen Qiyuan, I really can't guess him, he is simply the first strange man in the world, not only was he strange when he was born, even when he died he was still so five confused, and what he said was completely unintelligible.


  Zheng Dali Li went up and rolled his eyes, shook his head and got up.

  "It's good to be dead," I nodded, "it's a sin to be alive."


  A cold wind blew by, blowing a piece of snow grains gravel, instantly confused my eyes, and then I hazily seemed to see a red figure floating to Chen Qiyuan's corpse.

  "Xiyu County?"

  Seeing this situation, I immediately secretly run the secret art of spiritual birth, the heavenly gate instantly opened wide, Yuan Qi then poured out.

  Then I took a closer look and found that it was indeed the Yin soul of Lord Xiyu, and at the same time, she was holding a black shadow in her hand, which seemed to be Chen Qiyuan.

  "What are you doing?" I asked, stepping forward in some panic.


  As a result, this time, the old blind man is a grabbed me, remind me to silence.

  "Master, they, you saw?" I looked at the old man and asked, a little puzzled.

  "Well," the old blind man nodded and said to me, "Let them go, this is where they belong."

  "But -" I still can't let go, can't help but is once again raised his eyes towards the Xiyu County Lord's ghost looked over, then can't help but ask in the heart: "What is this suffering? You know very well that he does not love you."

  "But, I truly love him, that's enough." The beautiful female shadow, dark and shadowy, faintly trembling, after leaving a sentence, then took the black shadow, turned around and went away.

  "Langjun, you said, we want to be together forever ..."

  In the distance, a voice came faintly, followed by what seemed to be a scream of fear, then everything disappeared, they were gone, she took him with her.


  The wind blew, the snow fell, the sky was covered with overcast clouds at some point, and the moon was gone.

  "Hiss - it's cold!"

  Zheng Dali shrunken head ran to our side, while rubbing his hands, while then asked: "Hey, I say, old master, young master, next, in the end what to do?"

  "What do you want to do? I am about to die of exhaustion, so I will not accompany you, what I want to do now is to hurry back to the hotel to take a shower, and then sleep until death." I said to Zheng Dali.

  "I like this proposal," the old blind man nodded, then took my hand and said, "Good disciple, hold on to the master, let's go."

  "Good re, master you old finally thoughtful for a time," heard this I do not feel happy, then hold the old man and go outside.

  "Hey, you guys, you're leaving like this, what about me?" Zheng Dali stood there, somewhat helplessly shouted to us.

  "There must be a phone inside the prison, call for support, the next is in your hands, Zheng, back to the merit, do not forget to notify us, goodbye, see you later -"

  Hearing Zheng Dali's words, the old blind man could not help but shout at him.

  "Yes, remember to invite us to dinner when you have achieved success, we will not accompany you!" I also shouted to Zheng Dali.

  "Oops," the old blind man let out a shout, "brat, you will not watch the road, how specifically led me to the pit?"

  "Hey, master, this is how big the pit ah, the disciple is almost buried alive by you, did not say anything?"

  "Brat, just know poor mouth, hurry up and walk!"

  "Yes ..."


  When the day dawned, the old blind man and I finally returned to the hotel, and then I took a solid hot bath, and then to the bed, I did not know.

  This sleep has been until the sunset in the west, and finally was woken up alive starving.

  After waking up, the body aches and pains, the brain also kept wobbling, feeling the whole person is about to fall apart, last night's battle is too intense, I really was tossed almost cried out.

  However, the good thing is that it's all over, so I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

  At that moment, I ignored the old blind man who was meditating on his knees to cultivate, first ran out and bought food back, then we, master and disciple, began to eat together.

  "Master, since you have long woken up, you should also have long been hungry, will not go out to buy some food back? Do I have to go buy?"

  I asked the old man while I was eating.

  "Uh, well, the master's eyes are not good, walking is not convenient, so, you know," said the old blind man.

  "I do not think so, you old man is the heart of a few money, right? What walking inconvenience, at the top of the mountain, you old man running up but not at all slower than me ah." I deliberately poked the old boy's lies.

  "He coughed and then deliberately changed the subject and reprimanded me: "What kind of food did you buy? Why do you put so much chili? I'm choking to death, old man?"

  "Uh, master, we are now eating buns, as far as I know, this bun only meat and bean paste filling, there seems to be no chili pepper filling," I said back.

  "Then this bun is too choking, you clean it up for me!" The old blind man said with hatred.

  "Master, can we be more reliable?" I laughed bitterly.

  "Reliable can ah, today what number, this is almost to the Spring Festival, right? So, after dinner, you pack up, we are ready to go, home for the New Year!"

  Old blind man while gnawing on a bun, while saying to me.

  Hearing this, I could not help but ask with some confusion: "Master, we are going home?"

  "What else do you want? This cold winter months, the Spring Festival days to close the market, then even mouth hot water can not buy, stay directly into a popsicle."

  "But, didn't you say you were going to take me out for training? And the big things you said? This is not yet done? So go back, is not very appropriate?" I doubted.

  Hearing my words, the old blind man smiled and said: "You have not experienced enough?"

  Once I heard this, I understand a little bit, I do not feel is hurriedly nodded and said: "Enough, enough, but your old big event -"

  "Last night is not all done?" The old blind man laughed.

  "What?" This time I was really a bit stunned, so the old blind man said before the big thing, is to refer to Chen Qiyuan this thing? This old man is too divine, right? How did he figure this out? How did he know all this?

  "Master, do you really know how to calculate?" At that moment I couldn't help but ask with some curiosity.

  "The time is not right," said the old man, pinching his beard.

  "You calculate for me to see if I can get into college in the future, and, what is my daughter-in-law like?" I asked, looking at the old man with hope.

  "This well, can not be counted, but I am very sure of one thing is that you -" the old man said here to listen to down.

  "Is what?" I was so anxious that I scratched my ears, could not help but come to him next to him, while pounding his legs, while full of excitement asked.

  "That is, is your future daughter-in-law, is definitely a woman."

  "Master, I'm completely convinced!"