One identity card

Zheng Dali's words, the old blind man and I naturally do not believe, this kid is now happy, cool to the edge of it, which have time to think about us? He is also just a polite talk.

  However, I also did not poke him, the old blind man is a smile, said a congratulations.

  "Hey, the same happy, the same happy," Zheng Dali laughed and led us inside while asking us: "Two masters, you came here, do you want to know about the case of Chen Qiyuan? Hey, this thing, I'm with you, it's really strange, I've never seen such a strange thing in my life, go, go to my office, I'll tell you in detail."

  "Ahem, that what, Officer Zheng, we are not here to listen to the case, we came here because my master last time to check things in your office, seems to have lost the magic weapon here, so we are here to find something." I said to Zheng Dali.

  "So, do not worry, this is the police station, things absolutely can not be lost, this thing on me, I will help you find." As Zheng Dali spoke, he led us into a bright and spacious office.

  It seems that this guy is really promoted, it's only two days, the office have got.

  "Sit down, I'll have someone pour you tea," Zheng Dali greeted us to sit down, then called a small police officer, let him go to pour tea, the small police officer obediently ran to pour tea.

  This side, Zheng Dali accompanied us to sit down together, and asked the old man what the lost magic weapon is, what it looks like.

  The old man seemed a little difficult, stammering for half a day before he said: "That, it is a small gadget, I can not tell you clearly, I think it is dropped in the room where you put the computer, so well, you send someone to go with me, I will go there to find it."

  Seeing this situation, Zheng Dali did not feel some curiosity, was about to ask questions, but by me a wink, immediately also stopped asking.

  At this point, the little policeman came in to pour tea, Zheng Dali let him accompany the old man to find something.

  After the old man went out, Zheng Dali looked up at me, a smile, then pulled out a pack of red China, throw me a cigarette.

  "Little master, you are a god, in the future if I have what can not do the case, may have to ask for your help, then do not shirk ah." Zheng Dali gave me a cigarette, while flattering.

  "Don't laugh at me, my skills are learned from my master, you should really thank the person, in fact, is my master," I said to him.

  "That's, that's," Zheng Dali scratched his head, then looked at me and said, "So what, little master, want to hear about Chen Qiyuan?"

  "That must, I am wondering in my heart," I nodded my head.

  "Okay, you wait a minute, I'll show you something," see I want to listen, Zheng Dali can not help but full of excitement, while getting up to go to the table to find something, while I said: "these two days, ah, you can not imagine, can make me busy to death, ah, too many things to do, the case to investigate in detail, the prison side The closing work of the prison also to take care of, I am a head two big, fortunately, now all clear, hey, the top is very happy, directly to me transferred, and also ready to let me take over the position of deputy director. This is not, the new allotted office, huh."

  "It's a blessing for you," I said to him.

  "Yes, thanks to the blessing of your master and disciple," Zheng Dali spoke, holding a stack of case files and sat down, and then found an ID card from it and handed it to me: "Look at it, know this person?"

  "I look first," I took the ID card, sweeping eyes to look at a moment, then did not feel is a frown, a little frozen.

  The person on the ID card is very strange, that is a woman, black hair shawl, smile bright, features stretch, neck snow white slender, although it is a black and white photo, but at a glance know is a big beauty, and, most importantly, this woman I look a little familiar, just can not remember where to meet.

  Then, I looked at the name on the ID card, I did not feel more stunned.

  "Chen Qiyuan? Who is this? Could it be that pervert's sister?" I subconsciously read the name on the ID card and asked Zheng Dali.

  Zheng Dali laughed and said, "That kid was born an orphan, where's his sister?"

  "Sh, what do you mean? You have me a little confused, what does this ID card mean?" I asked, looking at Zheng Dali in confusion.

  Hearing my words, Zheng Dali could not help but chuckle, while taking a deep breath of smoke, while saying to me: "This ID card was found on Chen Qiyuan, this is his ID card, we started with this ID card to investigate the case clearly."

  "Crap, so that's how it is!"

  Hearing Zheng Dali's words, I suddenly became a bit enlightened.

  "So we couldn't find out Chen Qiyuan's information that day, not because there was no information about him in the computer, but because we didn't check it right at all, didn't we? We wrote the wrong name and the wrong gender, didn't we?" I looked at Zheng Dali and asked.

  "Yes, that's exactly why we didn't find anything," Zheng Dali said, nodding and laughing.

  "But how is that possible? That guy is obviously a man," I said, somewhat tangled.

  "It's a long story, I also checked a lot of case files based on this ID card, and even turned over the old case files from ten years ago to figure everything out, to say the least, it's a really long and bizarre story. Do you want to hear it?" Zheng Dali looked at me and asked.

  "What do you say?" I looked at him with a skewed mouth and said.

  "Oh, then you sit down first, allow me to organize my thoughts, and then I will tell you," Zheng Dali spoke, while smoking a cigarette, while frowning over the case file, after a long time, as if thinking clearly, then looked up at me and said: "I will start from the beginning to tell you. "

  "Well, you say," I nodded.

  "The first time things started was twenty-five years ago," Zheng Dali spoke, extinguished his cigarette, then lit another, and then said: "At that time in the West Wind Hutong, lived a very young and beautiful widow, named Zhang Yuqing. You know the West Wind Hutong, right? The street where Chen Qiyuan lives, used to be a hutong, later expanded, only to become a street, the boy lived in a large house, is the demolition of the."

  "This I know, you continue to talk about Zhang Yuqing," I interrupted him and said.

  "Well, Zhang Yuqing was widowed at a young age, naturally very lonely, but that era and very feudal conservative, so she can only dry guard. Of course, she could also remarry, but then, because the house she lives in is the husband's family, then still talking about the family, so if she remarries, the house does not belong to her, so she has to be so patient." Zheng Dali said here, paused, took a deep breath of smoke, then rubbed his face, said to me: "Then this woman did not know where to get back a child, about four or five years old, cute looking elf, is a very handsome girl child. Zhang Yuqing adopted her and raised her as her own child in the family."