I'm going to flog his corpse

"When Chen Qiyuan was fifteen years old, do you know what happened?"

  Zheng Dali asked me as he looked through the case file.

  "How would I know that? Such a big oddball, if I can guess it, unless I'm not normal," I laughed.

  "Hey," hearing this, Zheng Dali can not help but is a bad smile, and then narrowed his eyes at me: "I will give you a description of his appearance at that time. He was already in junior high school at that time, already a big girl, ahem, this is a little awkward to say, but the truth is this, he was indeed a big girl at that time, and you know, boys grow tall, development, thin body shape, so ah, you can imagine is that he would be, very beautiful, very moving."

  "I have goose bumps," I rubbed my hands, feeling awkward inside.

  "No way, things are like this, look at the description here, said he was melon face double eyelids, small lips, nose, chin pointed, long soft neck, tied a ponytail braid, a windy and weak quality, eyes pulsating with love, let a person look at the heart drunk, at that time many boys in the school crazy like chasing him, f*ck!" Zheng Dali said here also some can not stand, can not help but curse a foul mouth.

  Seeing this situation, I subconsciously rubbed my face to clear my mind, and then said to him: "In fact, this thing can not be strange, in ancient times, many opera singers, that is, the flower girl or something, is not also more than a woman is a woman? Chen Qiyuan was just born in the wrong era, on the wrong stage."

  "Powerful, this is transparent," Zheng Dali gave me a thumbs up, and then continued: "But this next thing, it is a bit lamentable."

  "What is it?" I asked curiously.

  "Chen Qi Yuan's school at the time, there is a beast teacher," Zheng Dali said.

  "What? He gave Chen Qiyuan that?" I asked.

  "You do not rush to ask, listen to me to give you details," Zheng Dali stop my words, continued: "This guy called Cao Tian amazed, a formal college graduate, usually wearing an eye, a face gentle, can not see a bad guy. And he looks quite handsome, so, at that time, there are a lot of young girls infatuated with him, he was coaxed into the hands. He often pretends to give students extra lessons, the students tricked into their own dormitory rape = defilement, according to later rough statistics, in the five or six years he taught, he spoiled the girls no less than a hundred people. These more than a hundred girls, when violated, should be no more than fifteen years old."

  "Damn, beast, Magpie, such a scum, chopped up and fed to the dogs are insulted dogs, this should be executed by lynching, death by a thousand cuts, death by exposure for ten thousand years," heard here, I can not help but cursed, "No, this is still too small punishment for him, I think he should be castrated I think we should castrate him, then cut the mouth on his body, sprinkle salt into it every day, let him grow maggots, let him die a little by maggots! Fuck, don't let me meet this kind of person, or I will definitely make his life worse than death, let him suffer and die."

  "Eh," in the face of my anger, Zheng Dali did not feel is baffled scratching his head, until I finished cursing, then smiled sarcastically and said to me, "Little master, did not see, you actually so righteous."

  "Nonsense, I am a student, I know the psychology of students. Do you know that those little girls, in fact, are very simple, are very cute, they are flowers, really flowers, what they need is pampering, what they need is care, do you know what that beastly behavior means? This is the shadow of a lifetime, which will make those girls inferior for life, they later married how to do? Husband is not suspected that she was not chaste before? There are many good and normal girls who would have given up on themselves and embarked on the road to debauchery, and even fall into the streets, you know what this is? This is to ruin people's lives, this is not just beastly, is simply killed by God, is unforgivable, is absolutely unforgivable crime!"

  I clenched my fist and said with hatred.

  "Okay, I understand your feelings, I also understand, but that, this issue, we do not discuss first, we first tell the next story, okay?"

  Seeing that I was too excited, Zheng Dali hurriedly persuaded me.

  I took a few deep breaths, it was easy to calm down, I did not feel is nodded to him and said, "Okay, you continue to tell, but you have to tell me the whereabouts of that bastard after you tell, I want to kill him with my own hands."

  "Uh, I'm afraid you can't fulfill this wish, because he's already dead," said Zheng Dali.

  "Then tell me where his grave is, and I'll dig him up and whip his body!" I said angrily.

  "Okay," Zheng Dali shook his head helplessly and could only smile, "Let's get on with Chen Qiyuan's story."

  "Go ahead," I rubbed my face, feeling distracted.

  "That, that is, this Cao Tian amazed, since there is such evil behavior, then you can imagine is that he certainly will not let go of Chen Qiyuan, because Chen Qiyuan at that time is a flower in the school, who saw are fond of not, not to mention the beast." Zheng Dali said.

  "This is fun, Chen Qiyuan is a man, so if he knows this thing, will not be depressed to death?" I said with a smile.

  "Eh," hearing my words, Zheng Dali could not help but scratch his head and said, "depressed if he is a man?"

  "What else can I do if I'm not depressed? Could it be that it would be extra exciting?" I said casually.

  "Yes, you're right, he is extra excited," Zheng Dali agreed.

  "What? You, what did you say?" I couldn't believe my ears and couldn't help but look at Zheng Dali with wide eyes and ask.

  "This, this is what is written on the case file, saying that at that time Cao Tian was surprised to learn the true identity of Chen Qiyuan, felt extraordinarily excited," Zheng Dali again stressed.

  This time I broke down, could not help but jump up, turned around and punched the sofa sound, roared: "Really, beastly!"

  "Yes, who said it is not, this guy, hey, is also considered unprecedented, said he died very early, but I think his life is really enough, his grandmother, more than a hundred budding little girls, ah, this damn, think about it let people- "

  "What are you talking about? What's on your mind?!" I turned around and glared at Zheng Dali and asked.

  "Cough cough, that what, I'm far away, forget it, I continue to talk about it," was I scolded, Zheng Dali immediately full of embarrassment, then hastened to hold the case file, continued: "The thing is this, that Cao Tian was surprised day and night want to get Chen Qiyuan, but Naihe Chen Qiyuan on this matter Cao Tianzhi was really anxious at that time, this heart ah, all day long with a small mouse scratching, every time you see Chen Qiyuan, want to swallow him to the stomach."

  Hearing this, I do not feel is to pick up a cup of tea and drink it, and then breathed a sigh of relief and asked: "Then he finally got it? How did he know the true identity of Chen Qiyuan?"