knots in the heart

The old man's treasure was found, and Chen Qiyuan's case was clearly understood, so there was nothing more to do, so we said goodbye to Zheng Dali and were ready to go home.

  Of course, at this time, we are not completely out of things to do, at least after returning to Shushihe County, there is still a final work to do, that is to notify Li Guizhi, tell her that the trouble has been lifted.

  The first thing you need to do is to inform Li Guizhi that the trouble is over. The fact that her daughter-in-law was forced to die by her, she is actually guilty, so her experience is admittedly very sad, but does not deserve sympathy.

  The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

  The old blind man found Li Guizhi and told her that things had been solved, and that he had helped her to break the small ghostly formation at home, and also told her to be kind-hearted in the future and never to do evil things again, otherwise she might not have a good end.

  Li Guizhi thanked the old blind man, stuffed him with a large sum of money, this time the old man did not play high and mighty, directly took it and stuffed it into his pocket, that snobbish look, look at me a mouth, can not help but plan to steal his money.

  After talking about things, Li Guizhi offered to treat us to lunch.

  I would not refuse, the old blind man is greedy, so immediately we got into Li Guizhi's car, followed her into a large restaurant, and then eat and drink up.

  During the meal, Li Guizhi moody, does not seem very happy, the old blind man because of blindness, also did not notice this thing, I did notice, and so reminded the old blind man in a low voice.

  "Master, she does not seem very happy," I said to the old man.

  "This is a big hotel, a meal costs a thousand, change you you can be happy?" The old man grabbed a chicken leg with sauce and gnawed on it with relish while saying to me.

  "Well, count me out, you think people are like you, will be pained by that little money?" I rolled my eyes and said to the old blind man.

  "Ahem, that is also, you do not say I forgot, her family seems to be very rich," the old man he he laughed, before wiping his mouth, asked Li Guizhi said: "Sister Li, you seem to have something on your mind."

  "Well, old gods, I'm not going to lie, these days I've hardly slept a wink," Li Guizhi rubbed the dark circles under her eyes, her expression full of fatigue.

  "Oh, big sister Li, I told you before, everything should be open-minded," the old man said with a smile.

  "Net nonsense, when did you talk to people to think about it?" I whispered.

  "Have you eaten enough? If you're full, go out and play, adults talk, less talk!" The old man reached out and pinched me, and it hurt so much that my body twitched, and I quickly turned sideways to avoid it.

  "Old man, you really are right, hey, how to say it, the child is not happy to stay at home, he said that the economic situation in the south is developing well, so he took the money to open a branch over there. Just a few days away, I heard that there met a valuable person, the help of others, but also with their daughters in pairs." When Li Guizhi spoke, his face was full of helplessness.

  "This is not good?" The old blind man laughed and said, "Look at everything, look at it, ha, said, in fact, you do not have to live alone from now on, you can also move your mind, it is not possible to find a suitable person."

  "At my age, what else can I look for?" Li Guizhi said with a bitter smile.

  "As long as there is a heart, the older you are, the older you are," the old man said.

  "Old man, do you think you can tell that I have a third marriage?" Hearing this, Li Guizhi could not help but ask with curious eyes.

  Hearing this, the old man said leisurely, "This is a bit complicated to say, if you have patience, I can help you slowly analyze and analyze."

  "Ahem, Master, I'm full, why don't you guys talk first, I'll go out and take a look around, I have a friend who lives nearby, I'll go see her."

  Seeing that the two were going to have a long chat, I resolutely got up.

  "Go go go, don't come back too late on the line," the old blind man apparently also disliked I was in the way, and immediately waved me away.

  "I know," I bristled, walked out of the restaurant, standing on the street, looking at the vehicles passing through, the pedestrians coming and going, the heart can not help but some tangled.

  Just before entering the hotel, I have inquired, this place is not too far from where Wang Qin Yuan lives, if I want to go to see her, it should be very convenient.

  However, when I really want to make the trip, I hesitate again.

  What would I do to see her? What would I say to her? Is it just a visit between friends? But if it's not a visit between friends, then what can it be? Moreover, if it is just a pure friend, why should I go to see her?

  "Forget it, fuck it, manly man to do it, which have so many hesitant things?

  At that moment, the heart is torn, I decided not to think more, directly to a gift store down the street, ready to buy a small gift, and then go to see Wang Qin Yuan.

  The things in that gift store are more exquisite, music boxes, glass balls and so on, but they are not to my liking, looked at half a day, no satisfaction, decided to walk out, directly to go forward empty-handed.

  In the process of walking, I felt on my body, and then from the pocket of a red rope saved into a pendant to ward off evil, that is the head of the ring to send me Zhu Suo, according to him, this thing can ward off evil, can bring me good luck, I have been carrying it on my body, but have not worn, now give Wang Qin Yuan, but a good gift, just as she gave me a jade pendant favor.

  When the heart has been decided, I also went to the street store to find paper and pen, drew a very small blood Yang talisman, stuffed into the knot of the Zhu Suo, so that the Zhu Suo really has some role in warding off evil.

  After the preparation, I came to the Xinyuan District 3 building downstairs.

  I have to say, the city district and the countryside is different, not only the buildings look good, mainly around the flowers and trees are beautiful, the atmosphere, so that people walk in, feel relaxed and happy.

  Because it is winter vacation, so Wang Qin Yuan should be at home, her family seems to live in 506, is not sure if her parents are at home, if her parents are also at home, then I can be a little embarrassed, how do I say? I said I was her old classmate?

  I was torn, climbed to the fifth floor, found the door of 506, and then resolutely rang the doorbell.

  "Who is it?" After the doorbell rang, a middle-aged woman's voice came from inside, obviously Wang Qin Yuan's mother.

  This situation made me a little nervous, but I answered with a stiff upper lip and said, "Hello auntie, I'm Liu Yichen, I'm Wang Qin Yuan's classmate at Guan Shen Lianzhong, I happened to pass by here today, so I came to see her, is she home please?"