Sister-in-law, let me help you

"A trace, eat!"

  Just as I was about to pick up again and fuse all that Yin Power pool water in one breath, a shout rang out overhead, immediately waking me up, and I had to stop my cultivation for the time being and get up to finish my meal.

  "Every day the gods chattering meditation and chanting, is it useful?"

  My mother asked me with some disdain while I was walking out the door. Obviously, she didn't think the stuff I was practicing with the old blind man was useful, or at least, she didn't see any real effectiveness.

  My mother's reaction made me only smile. I didn't explain too much to her, because I felt that even if I did, I probably couldn't explain it clearly.

  I went smoothly into the living room, sat down at the table, and started to eat. At this juncture, my father and the old blind man had already pushed their glasses and drank.

  "Sir, come on, let me toast you again, wish you a long life!" My dad was holding a glass of wine, talking with a big tongue, his drunken eyes were already a little hazy.

  "Good, good, come on, drink, drink--" The old blind man's eyes were not hazy, but his hands were already shivering and he could hardly hold the chopsticks.


  See the two old kids, I can't help but feel a sigh of relief, because I can't understand why people want to drink, and it seems that many people also particularly like to get drunk.

  I've never been drunk, but I've heard that when people get drunk, they feel great, and I really don't know what kind of body odor that is.

  Perhaps it is a teenager who does not know the taste of sorrow, I feel that I do not need the anesthesia of alcohol for the time being, but I think I may not be able to avoid the occasional self-induced drunkenness in the future, so that at least temporarily escape from the reality of some worries. Other than that, just today's encounter in Xinyuan district, let me want to get drunk.

  After eating, it was already dark, I simply washed up, and went to bed.

  Of course, I can not really go to sleep, I said to go to sleep, but in fact an excuse to keep quiet, my real purpose, is to continue to refine the purple house in the chaos of Qi.

  The light went out, the light dimmed, I sat down on the bed, closed my eyes and concentrated, once again entered the realm of forgetfulness, the divine sense penetrated into the purple space.

  This time, I was able to cultivate for a longer period of time, a whole night, so I was able to comfortably fuse those golden lights and pools of water in the Purple Mansion together and then absorb them into myself.

  However, I felt helpless, because I did not send a lot of spiritual marrow power to the purple house, so the number of golden light is also limited, so that, but after half a night, all the golden light has been fused away by me.

  At this time, the pool of water is already the bottom of the water, according to reason, in this condition, my achievement is not small, I even thought so at first, but when Yun Qingyue told me that the pool of water is only a hair of my purple house yuan qi, and what I really want to do is actually the whole purple house inside the mountains and water, even the sky and earth are fused together I realized that what I am doing now is just a step in the journey of a thousand miles.

  However, although the achievement is small, but I am not discouraged, after all, the growth of power is obvious, so, at this time, I am still very happy, the only thing that makes me helpless is that I now no longer have the golden light, can no longer continue to cultivate, so the second half of the night, I can only sleep to pass the time.

  This sleep is not very solid, because I still think about the cultivation, because I want to be strong, because I want to go up to the Mo Du mountain to kill that damn soul demon, because I miss the little dodger.

  So, at dawn, I got up, I want to exercise, I want to run, I want to burn fat, I want to release the power of the spiritual marrow so that I can continue to accumulate golden light, continue to fuse the Qi of the Purple House and continue to improve my power.

  As last night's cultivation paid off, after waking up early, the body is full of strength, so that the running speed is a bit swift, feel to participate in the Olympic Games can take the championship, and also pull the second place several laps.

  Around the village of the mountain road a wild run, I did not know that the dawn, I also sweat, but still has not reached the degree of fat burning, which makes me a little helpless, I think it may be a little too much to eat yesterday, so the body a little excess energy.

  At this point, my heart is a bit declined, unconsciously slowed down the speed, and then wobbled to the south end of the village.

  When I got here, I didn't feel like remembering a thing.

  Bai Heng Hua's home seems to be over here, the end of the year, she spent New Year's alone, I think the situation should be a bit bleak, so if so, why I do not go to talk with her, by the way, also help her home to add a little popularity?

  I lifted my feet and walked towards Bai Heng Hua's house.

  Coincidentally, when I arrived at her door, I saw her coming back with a load of water.

  Honestly, when I saw her appearance, I felt a bit sorry for her. Her body is relatively weak, and last time she was injured, so this time, she picked two buckets full of water, people are a little crooked.

  She tilted her head, her lips tightly pursed, both hands grasping the bucket rope one after the other, head down and concentrating on the road, and did not notice my arrival.

  I stood there, staring at her in amazement, until she came close, I did not feel to meet her, directly took her stretcher from her shoulders.

  "Sister-in-law, let me help you!"

  I took the stretcher, and without saying much, I picked up the water and went to her house.

  "A trace, what are you doing here? You're still young, you're growing up, if you carry water like this, you'll be crushed." Bai Heng Hua was obviously a bit surprised, she spoke while following up, trying to take the stretcher back, but she obviously would not succeed.

  "Sister-in-law, don't worry, I'm strong, it's okay, besides, my size is almost grown, even if it is pressed, it can't be pressed much." I laughed, picked the water into the yard, and then poured the water into the water tank, see that the water tank is only half full, I decided to pick the bucket again to go out.

  Seeing this situation, Bai Heng Hua stood there, helplessly shook his head, then could only say to my back: "Then sister-in-law thank you, you pick the water first, sister-in-law make you some delicious food."

  "Hey, hey, good, I love to eat sister-in-law's cooking!" I smiled back, and then went out to go.

  In a short time, I picked five or six quarts of water in one breath, and soon the water tank was full.

  When I saw that the water tank was full, I put down the burden and prepared to take a break.

  At this time, Bai Xing Hua came out from the pot house, saw my head and face full of sweat, could not help but smile, went into the house to find a very fragrant clean towel out, handed me: "quickly wash it, look at you, told you not to pick it, no, tired, right?"