Serious friends

At that time, when I saw my uncle's reaction, I subconsciously looked towards the mouth of the well, and as a result, my heart was stunned, because I saw that the mouth of the well was actually a small black shadow floating in vain, it was obviously no one else, it was Yun Qingyue.

  The small silhouette flickered away, apparently not winning the heat of the sun, can not stay outside the well for a long time.

  However, it was just a moment, uncle still felt something, he looked at the mouth of the well in a daze, mumbling, look full of doubt, that situation, seems to see the cloud Qing Yue.

  This situation made my heart move, seems to have caught something, but for a while can not think of that specific what, and finally helpless, can only temporarily put this page past.

  Uncle finally went out, I went into the house, and grandma said a little, and then turned out, ready to go on the street to go around.

  Because it is the next year, the street is indeed very busy, there are many people, but, I do not know why, I walked in the crowd of noise, but feel lonely, not only not happy, but more lost.

  I couldn't bring myself to do it, so I finally went to my uncle's house to see if Xiao Ying was up and ready to take her out to play.

  When I arrived at my uncle's house, I found that Ying had already gotten up and her hair was being combed by her mother.

  Not to mention, the little girl is not very old, but looks cute pixie, hair comb, immediately appeared the unique gentle temperament of women, which is a bit surprising to me, because I usually only see her as a child, basically did not pay much attention to her gender, now look, the heart can not help but fall into the association.

  At that time I pondered, I wonder what this girl will become after ten years, then, maybe another seductive existence.

  "Cousin, take me to play!"

  I was contemplating when Xiaoying tied her hair and ran over to take my hand, the affectionate intimacy, making my heart a warmth, the mood unconsciously let go of some.

  "A trace, take her to play, remember to watch a little, do not let her run blindly, years off a lot, be careful to touch," the truth followed her, to me instructed a sentence.

  Hearing this, I nodded my head, and then led Ying out the door.

  After coming out, I first took her to the street, stuffed her coat pocket with snacks, and then bought her a big balloon, and only then took her to the street.

  "Cousin, where are we going?"

  Seeing that I was not going in the right direction, Xiaoying asked me suspiciously.

  I thought for a moment, but still said to her, "I want to go see the ring head, I have some money in my hand now, and I want to buy something for him."

  "Cousin you are talking about the flower boy who herded geese?" Xiaoying looked at me and asked.

  "What flower child?"

  Flower son in our side, is the meaning of beggars.

  Hearing this at that time, I couldn't help but be a little puzzled.

  "It's the brother of the goose, he wears dirty and torn clothes, we call him flower child." Children's words, Xiao Ying said to me full of innocence.

  Hearing her words, I could not help but sigh again.

  Yes, the head of the ring is indeed a "flower child", even worse than a flower child, he is just a slave without status.

  But, what can he do? This is his life, he has the ability to change?

  "Xiaoying," sighing in my heart, I squatted down, took Xiaoying's hand and said to her seriously: "When you see your brother, don't say he's a flower child in front of him, okay? That will make him very sad, you know?"

  "Well, I know, I know it is trash talk, so I usually did not call it," Xiao Ying nodded very good.

  When I saw this situation, I put my mind at ease, then I bought some candies and pastries from the fruit store on the street, wrapped them in greaseproof paper, then carried the stuff and led Xiaoying towards Qin's house.

  When I arrived at Qin's house, the time was about ten o'clock, I thought the head of the ring should be free, so I went up and knocked on the door.

  As a result, what I didn't expect was that after knocking on the door, the person who opened the door was actually the brother-in-law of the ringleader, that is, the young man with greasy hair.

  When the man saw me and Ying, he asked with some confusion, "Who are you looking for?"

  "Hello, I'm looking for Ring-head, I'm his friend, I came to see him." I said to the man.

  Hearing my words, the man could not help but be a little curious to look up and down at me, then it was a snicker, said to me: "Go back, he is working, no time to play with you."

  "I'm not looking for him to play, I'll give him something to eat," I shook the fruit in my hand.

  "Aigoo, great, our head of the ring actually has a serious friend!"

  Seeing my action, the young man could not help but let out a strange cry, and then turned his head and called out to the inside.

  He shouted, the ring head of the strange sister, plus the ring head of the adoptive parents came out of the house together.

  "What? The head of the ring has a friend? Xiao Guo, get out of the way, let me take a look."

  A middle-aged woman of 40 or 50 years old, fat and round, squinting a pair of small eyes, the first pointed voice to come forward, looking at the age, must be the head of the ring's foster mother.

  The fat woman was followed by a middle-aged man wearing a leather coat with a shady face and a pipe in his hand, which, not surprisingly, should be Qin Yunshan, the adoptive father of Quit Head.

  Quit Head's oddball sister, on the other hand, was holding her child and walked at the end, her chest clothes were a bit confused, and she seemed to be breastfeeding her child.

  "Huh, isn't this Jiang Tianqi's granddaughter Xiao Ying?" The fat woman came forward and pulled the young man away, and then she looked at me and Xiao Ying, and first recognized Xiao Ying. The "Jiang Tianqi" she was talking about was my grandfather, who had died many years ago.

  "Hello cousin," said Ying, who apparently knew the fat woman, and greeted her sweetly.

  "Good, hey," the fat woman nodded, then looked me up and down and asked Xiaoying, "Xiaoying, who is this?"

  "This is my cousin, Liu Yichen," said Xiaoying.

  "Yichang?" Hearing Xiaoying's words, the fat woman couldn't help but look up and down at me with surprise in her eyes, and then somewhat dazedly went up and grabbed my hand, sighing with emotion, "Oh, you're Yichang, tsk tsk, look how many years I haven't seen you, I didn't expect you to be so big in a flash. Do you still remember? I hugged you when you were little."

  "Oh, I don't remember much," I smiled awkwardly, then asked, "Well, cousin milk, is the head of the ring home? I want to see him."

  "Oh, you child, called poor, Xiao Ying called me cousin milk, you can not call me so, you have to call me aunt cousin milk, hey, but it does not matter, go, go, fast house to sit, see what ring head ah, we have not seen each other for so many years, it is the right quack!"

  The fat woman said, dragging me to go inside, which can not help but let me a burst of helplessness and embarrassment.