Not a Buddha Hall, but a spiritual hall

The head of the ring said the words while wiping sweat and ran to the front.

  He went not long, and then hurried back, picking up a pile of scallion pancakes and went out.

  This time he went out for a longer time, about an hour before returning.

  "Are you done?" When I saw him come back, I couldn't help but ask with a yawn.

  "No, but they are out, hahaha," the ring head laughed, and then cleaned up the pot house, and then waved to us: "Come on, go ahead, I will entertain you, now I am the owner of this house, everything is under my control! "

  I did not expect in such an adverse situation, the head of the ring is still so optimistic mood, which makes my heart also open a lot, then did not feel is followed him into the living room.

  The table in the living room was a mess, full of leftover food, the Qin family is really strange, the time to eat is not early or late, can not tell whether it is breakfast or lunch.

  "Come on, come on, sit down, I made all this food, it's delicious, grandma, now it's finally my turn to eat, you guys eat more too, don't waste it!"

  The head of the ring greeted us while sitting down, then picked up the rice bowl, began to gobble up, look at his appearance, is obviously hungry for a long time.

  Xiao Ying and I sat down together at the table, but did not eat, although we are poor children, but also do not want to eat other people's leftovers, always feel a little dirty.

  "Why don't you guys eat? It's delicious, I, I made it, it's all I did ..." the ring head while picking up the rice, while talking, at the end of the day, but the rice bowl to the table, turned around and covered his face, did not move for a good half day.

  "Quit head, quit head," see this situation, I hurriedly went over and patted him.

  "Oh, no, it's okay, the sand just got in my eyes," his voice was a little sticky, and he hastily wiped his eyes, then stood up and quickly cleaned up the dishes, while saying to me: "You guys wait a little longer, I'll wash the dishes first, and then I can play with you. You haven't gone upstairs yet, have you? I'll take you upstairs to see, the decoration up there is awesome, with carpets, usually have to change slippers up there."

  The head of the ring said so, I can only nod, with a small Ying waiting there.

  Soon, he washed the dishes and put them away, then he hurriedly ran towards the backyard.

  I followed him, only to find that he had entered a small wooden house in the corner.

  "Okay, let's go, I'll take you up to play!"

  In a short time, the head of the ring came out of the hut, his clothes had been changed into a set of cleaner clothes, although the clothes were also very old, with patches on the knees, but at least a lot more neat and tidy.

  Seeing this situation, I realized that the cabin was his residence.

  I smiled, did not say anything, followed him up to the second floor.

  The second floor is indeed very luxurious, the corridor is covered with scarlet carpet, the walls are also hung with a lot of framed pictures, the fence by the side is white marble, westernized style, standing on the edge of the fence, looking over the fence, just looking into the distance to the end of the street, the landscape is very good, is a typical "city tail down blessing" pattern, feng shui is also excellent, it can be seen that Qin When he first built the house, he chose the site with care, and he himself, obviously, has some knowledge and understanding of the yin and yang gossip.

  "How is it? Pretty good, right?"

  The ringleader stood by the fence, opened his arms and took a few deep breaths, looking so relaxed and comfortable, and seemed to be in a good mood.

  "Unfortunately, I don't have the key, otherwise I could show you into the room, which is even more luxurious inside." The ringleader turned to look at me and said.

  "It's okay, even the best houses are for people to live in, I actually don't envy this," I smiled, my eyes fell to the end of the canal and found a golden mantle hanging there, and it seemed to be lit with incense and candles, which made me a little curious, and subconsciously asked the ring head, "That, they still believe in Buddhism? How come there is a Buddha Hall?"

  "That," hearing my words, the preceptor also stretched his head towards the bottom of the tunnel to look, and then said to me: "That is not a Buddha hall, that is a spiritual hall."

  "A spiritual hall? How is that possible?" Hearing his words, I couldn't help but be stunned, feeling as if there was something going on here.

  "How is it impossible? I've been here for so many years, how could I not know? That is indeed a spiritual hall, do not believe you go in to see it." The head of the ring said to me.

  "Spiritual Hall? Whose spirit hall is it?" As I spoke, I couldn't help but lift my foot toward the bottom of the tunnel.

  "Hey, guess whose it is?" As a result, at this time, the head of the ring was dodged to block me.

  As soon as I saw his face full of smugness, I couldn't help but laugh: "Could it be your parents'?"

  "The answer is right, haha, how about it? They are still very good to me, right? My parents were kind to them back then, they have always remembered it, so they have always put the spirit of my parents in the house, kowtowing to worship every day, can be diligent." The head of the ring speaks, full of pride to take the lead in lifting the feet towards the bottom of the canal spirit hall.

  But, at this time, my mood is very different from the head of the ring, because I always feel that the spirit hall some strange.

  According to my experience, the general spirit hall, the color is mainly plain, rarely hanging gold mantle red lights of the hall, but this hall is exactly hanging gold mantle, lit with red lights, which is a bit strange, this situation, so this place does not look like a spiritual hall, but rather like the Buddha Hall.

  And the role of the Buddha Hall, and the Hall of the spirit is obviously the opposite, the role of the Hall of the spirit is to enshrine the dead, so that the dead enjoy incense and animal rituals, while the Hall of the Buddha, is used to suppress the soul to drive away ghosts. These two things, how in Qin Yunshan's house, organically combined together?

  Look at the feng shui pattern of Qin Yunshan's house, he does not seem to be completely ignorant of yin and yang matters, so he did this, what exactly is the purpose?

  At that moment, with questions in mind, all the way to the spirit hall.

  Into the spirit hall, I swept a look, the heart of the doubt is more heavy, because at this time I have obviously seen, this is indeed a Buddha Hall, definitely not what the spirit hall, but not only that, and the Buddha Hall or "Golden Body Ghost" pattern, this pattern, as far as I know, are generally used to seal the evil spirits.

  In that case, could it be that there is really something fishy inside this spiritual hall?

  "Dad, Mom, how are you guys doing over there? My son is kowtowing to you, my son is doing well, don't worry, they treat me well, I eat well, live well, and dress well."

  Just when I was wondering, the head of the ring had already knelt down in front of the spirit, and began to kowtow to his parents and pray.

  At that time, seeing this situation, my eyes could not help but fall on the table, I found that the table does have two spirit tablets, seems to be the head of the ring's parents, but, at the same time, I also saw a golden body Buddha statue behind the spirit tablet, the Buddha statue under the foot high black wood, which makes the Buddha statue is more than a foot above the two spirit tablets, just to form the "golden body Zhen ghost" momentum, the situation is not in worship of the head of the parents, but to use the golden body Buddha statue will be completely crushed their anger.