Yun Qingyue killed out halfway

Unexpectedly, just when I was ready to kill the blood spirit, the blood spirit is a series of strange words to say.

  At that time, listening to her tone, it seems that she and Qin Yunshan have a great grudge between, this situation aroused my curiosity, and then, just when I was distracted, the blood spirit is instantly penetrated the side wall, rushed into the room inside the grandmother.

  This situation is anxiously sweating, the heart is jumping, because I know that once the blood soul close to the side of the old lady, the old man may have to suffer, her old man is not any defensive ability.

  So, when I saw this situation, I could not help but scream loudly, and then flew towards the door of the grandmother's room, ready to break the door and enter, to stop the blood spirit.

  But, let me feel depressed is that the door of the grandmother's room is actually extraordinarily strong, I hit the door, but not to open the door, but is to hit himself.

  "Fuck you grandmother, the blood spirit inside you listen to me, if you dare to touch my grandmother a hair, I will let you suffer the torture and die!

  At this time, I can only be a loud threat to the blood spirit, while continuing to fly into the door.

  The good thing is, grandma's house is very old, and the bolt behind the door is also a bit rotten, so I repeatedly hit, finally "clatter" a sound, broke the bolt, pushed open the door, staggered into the room.

  "Damn, you dare to lay hands on my grandma, see if I don't beat you up so you can't even find your grandma's house!"

  After rushing into the room, I did not feel like cursing while getting up from the ground.

  But what I didn't expect was that when I got up from the ground, I saw an extremely bizarre scene.

  At this time in the room, is not only the blood spirit of a ghost, the cloud Qing Yue and the snake spirit are actually also in.

  Of course, these are not the most critical, the key problem is that I found my grandma is lying crookedly on the bed, the situation seems to be fainting, and at the same time, the cloud Qing Yue and the snake spirit together in front of the old man's bed, will be the fierce blood spirit to stop.

  "Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

  The blood spirit was covered with Yin Qi and cold Qi, and was staring at Yun Qingyue and the snake spirit with fierce eyes, clearly wanting to break through their protective layer.

  "I advise you not to make a move," Yun Qingyue said with a cold expression and furrowed brows, looking coldly at the blood spirit.

  "Go to hell, you all have to die!"

  Yun Qingyue's words failed to wake up the blood soul, so the blood soul did not feel a strange scream, and then rushed towards Yun Qingyue with teeth and claws.

  "Do not know how to retreat, if you have a grievance, go to the right person, do not harm the innocent!"

  Seeing the blood soul's action, Yun Qingyue did not feel is cold snort, then both arms raised, a Yang Lie Qi impact out, but instantly overturned the blood soul out.

  Blood soul a scream, rolled over and landed on the ground, twitching, seems to be a little unable.

  Seeing this situation, I couldn't help but feel happy in my heart, and hastily raised my left hand, and with a cold cry, an essence Yang blood spell was pressed down towards her.

  "Stop it!"

  But what I didn't expect was that, just when I thought I could strike a fatal blow and scatter the blood spirit, I didn't expect Yun Qingyue to cry out, and then she flew up and actually met me with a palm, breaking my Essence Yang blood spell.

  "What are you doing?!"

  Faced with this sudden change, I did not feel is a shock, subconsciously called out to Yun Qingyue.

  "What are you doing?" Yun Qingyue looked at me with cold eyes and dodged to block the blood spirit.

  "I'm dealing with that blood spirit, don't you see? Her resentment is too heavy, can't keep it, otherwise it will definitely harm people!" I glared at Yun Qingyue and said.

  "Then you'll break her soul? Who do you think you are?" Yun Qingyue a cold snort, then is a small hand, then the snake spirit behind her is quickly rushed over, a moment will be the blood soul wrapped up, then broke the window to escape out.

  At that moment, seeing this situation, I did not feel anxiously sweating, could not help but yell at Yun Qingyue: "Which side are you helping in the end? You will get into big trouble if you do this, do you know that?"

  "I am a ghost, of course I am helping the ghost," Yun Qingyue sneered, and then also dodged towards the window.

  "You stand still!" Seeing this situation, I couldn't help but shout angrily and said to her, "What happened to my grandma? Did you do the strange? I warned you before, could it be that you forgot?"

  "Grandma just fell asleep," hearing my words, Yun Qingyue twisted her head to look at me for a moment, and then was determined to leap out of the window and disappeared into the night.

  Fuck, what is this matter?

  At that time, in the face of this situation, I was at a loss for a while, I did not know what to do in the end to be good.

  After a few moments, I finally calmed down, then I first checked the situation of the grandma, found that the old man really nothing wrong, then put down his heart. I think the old man should be awake at first, and then Yun Qingyue put her to sleep again, she should do so because she did not want the old man to be frightened.

  So, Yun Qingyue is still very kind and respectful to the old man, she is a very competent "housekeeper ghost".

  It's a pity that I can't figure out what's on Yun Qingyue's mind right now, so I don't know how to deal with her for a while, so I can only sigh in frustration.

  I settled the old man and helped her cover up, I went to the courtyard to see if the blood spirit was still there.

  As a result, a look, only to find that the blood spirit has long since disappeared, and Yun Qingyue and snake spirit also re-entered the well, which can make me a little depressed, and finally can only sigh, back to the house.

  After arriving at the house, I remembered the chalcedony, and then I took a look at the ground, only to find that the chalcedony had actually broken, which made me a bit broken, I really did not expect the chalcedony is so fragile, so a drop on the broken, where is this still what chalcedony, is simply the heart of glass ah.

  At that moment, I found a broom and dustpan, the chalcedony pieces carefully swept up, want to end out to throw away. As a result, when I was sweeping, I inadvertently found that the chalcedony fragments, but some purple-red cream condensed, looking a bit like toothpaste, which made me curious, subconsciously reached out to twist some to, but this twist, but found that the cream is hot as fire, pure and abundant Yang Lie Qi, which made my heart moved, almost excited to scream out.

  Chalcedony, this is the real chalcedony, it is indeed correct, it is Yang Lie, I did not find the wrong!

  At that moment, the heart to understand this, I can not help but is a moment to lie down on the ground, and then stretch out his tongue to those chalcedony licked over.