Big Tongue

The matter of the blood spirit can not be understood for the time being, can only be put aside.

  It was already light at this time, and I knew that my grandmother might be waking up soon, so I hurriedly cleaned up the room, and then went out to clean up last night's battlefield, and only then put my mind at ease.

  Of course, the broken bolt on the door of grandma's room can not be repaired, I do not know how to explain to her, so I am prepared to pretend not to know about this matter.

  I just finished packing up, the coughing sound rang out in my grandmother's room, it looks like the old man woke up.

  Seeing this situation, I rushed back into the room and covered up to pretend to sleep.

  As expected, after the old man got up, soon found the broken bolt, and then the old man could not help but make a surprised sound.

  This time, I put on a sleepy look, rubbing my eyes and came out of the room.

  When she saw me coming out, her grandmother waved at me and asked me with concern on her face, "Yichang, come on, come here, are you okay? Did you sleep well last night?"

  "I... no... uh... nothing... uh... "

  As a result, this time, when I spoke, I realized that my tongue was numb, and I couldn't get the words out smoothly with my big tongue.

  I didn't expect the burning power of the chalcedony to be so strong that my tongue still hasn't healed.

  This time, the grandmother saw my condition, do not feel is full of worry to come forward, took my hand, reached out and touched my forehead, up and down to check me out, found me in addition to the big tongue, and no other abnormalities, she then put her mind at ease, then asked me if I heard any movement last night, tongue is what happened, is not eating something that should not be eaten.

  "I, did not hear, movement, and I do not, do not know what happened to my tongue." I watched the old man finish, then asked in mock surprise: "Grandma, is, is something happening?"

  Hearing my words, grandma pulled me to the door of her room and pointed to the broken bolt and said to me, "See? Such a thick bolt is broken, something has come in the night. But fortunately, the Bodhisattva blessing, there is no danger, that thing should not be able to make any mess. Your tongue, I guess also by the dirty gas washed. Okay, I'll give you some green bean tea to remove the fire, you should be fine tomorrow."

  "I was worried that I wouldn't be able to explain it to the old man, but I didn't think he would find the answer himself.

  After we finished talking, my grandmother started to make breakfast, and I fetched water and washed up.

  When I washed up, I looked at the wellhead and couldn't help but sigh a little in my heart.

  Yun Qingyue ah Yun Qingyue, in the end you are making a mess of what ah, in the end when you can come out of it, and last night the blood soul, where in the end you get it, that thing is fierce and fierce, you do so, is not to add to my mess?

  At that time I thought so, I could not help but lie at the mouth of the well, looking down inside, and then could not help but speak with a big tongue, muttering: "Not you, you said yourself? No, do not like this well, now, and now run in and not out, you, what do you mean in the end?"

  No response, I can only shake my head helplessly, get up and pour out the dirty water in the basin, and then turn around and go to the house.

  As a result, just at this time, suddenly a sweet song came from outside the wall.

  "The stars in the sky don't speak, the dolls on the ground miss their mothers ..."

  That voice came from a little girl, no surprise, it must be Xiao Ying. The little girl actually got up so early today, but some people are surprised.

  However, what I care about at this time is not the matter of her getting up early or late, what I care about is the song she is singing.

  That song sounds familiar to me, Yun Qingyue also seems to have sung, that between the two of them this song, is there some kind of strange connection between them?

  At that moment, thinking of this, I did not feel is hurriedly put down the basin, and then flew out to meet Xiao Ying.

  "Xiao Ying, why are you up so early today?" When I saw the little girl, I couldn't help but go up and take her hand and ask.

  "Mom and dad are going away today, let me come to stay at grandma's house," the little girl pouted, pulled out a candy from her pocket and handed it to me, "Cousin, here's some candy for you."

  "Little Ying is so good, cousin do not eat, you eat," I laughed a little, pulled her, squatted down and looked at her and said, "cousin ask you a question, okay?"

  "Okay, cousin you ask," Ying said to me while peeling the candy paper.

  "Well, cousin asked you, the song you just sang, who taught you that?" I asked Xiaoying.

  "Daddy," the little girl said to me with fluttering eyes.

  "Uncle taught you?" This was a bit of a surprise to me, I originally thought that this was what my mother had taught Ying, but I didn't think it was my uncle.

  "Yes, Dad loves to sing this song, he can also sing catch the loach," Xiao Ying said to me.

  "And catch the loach?" Hearing this, I couldn't help but feel a stirring in my heart, and immediately thought of something.

  Yun Qingyue also sang catching loach, could it be that the reason she went back to that well again, but not because of other, but because of my uncle?

  At that moment, thinking about it, I could not help but stand up in a daze, and then I led Xiaoying to go to my grandmother's house, while I did not feel in the heart of this matter of the ins and outs once again.

  Indeed, it should be correct, if I'm not wrong, the reason why Yun Qingyue returned to the well again, most likely really because my uncle.

  You know, my uncle at a very young age, is already and Yun Qingyue acquaintance, not only that, they used to play very happy, and even deep affection, this thing also led my uncle has been mistaken that he has a sister, and every time because of this and the gods.

  So, since my uncle has always been nostalgic for Yun Qingyue, then the opposite thought, Yun Qingyue naturally also has some love for my uncle.

  With this in mind, everything is logical, and I have finally found a solution to this problem.

  Yes, to try to get them to meet, to allow them to be able to speak properly for once only, at least to have a decent goodbye to do, otherwise, only afraid that Yun Qingyue heart, will always have regrets about this matter.

  "Hahahaha, great, I finally understand!"

  Figured everything out, I do not feel is happy to laugh out loud.

  "Cousin, what's wrong with you? Have you found something funny?" Seeing me laughing, Xiao Ying couldn't help but ask curiously.

  "Ah, no, it's not funny, well, in any case, Xiaoying, cousin has to thank you for that, come on, cousin has some sesame candies here, all for you to eat, as a reward for cousin!"

  I spoke, the pocket of snacks a brain are stuffed to small Ying, happy little girl little face into a flower smile.