Golden Light Yuan Qi Cluster

JIETOU's reaction made me feel guilty, but I still said to him seriously: "JIETOU, I know you have some resentment in your heart, but I still have something to say. I tell you the truth, since the last time I hit a ghost, I followed a master to learn the Tao, he taught me a lot of yin and yang ghost affairs, so yesterday I saw your parents' spiritual hall, a glance to find the weirdness of it. I'll tell you frankly, your parents that the way the spiritual hall is arranged, not to pray for your parents, but to suppress the anger of your parents' dead souls, that is a feng shui bureau, I think you may have been deceived by them."

  Hearing my words, JIETOU did not feel is frowned, some hesitation looked at me and asked: "You say is true? But what does this have to do with your stealing?"

  JIETOU this is what I asked, so now I do not feel is a little stammering, for a long time before he said: "I stole that thing is extraordinary, sealed inside a blood soul evil ghost, I think that evil ghost may have some grievances."

  "Well, you do not make up with me, what evil ghost, what blood soul? Do you think I'm that easy to fool because I've never read a book? I'll tell you what, I don't believe in these superstitious things. All right, if you have nothing to do, go away, I just ask you not to cause me any more trouble. I still have to cook, and if I don't do it right, I'll get beaten up again. Don't worry, I won't expose you, you stay at your grandma's house for a few days, then hurry home and go about your business, okay?"

  JIETOU obviously do not believe my words, at the moment do not feel to push me out.

  When I saw that I couldn't talk to JIETOU, I could only sigh helplessly, and then turned around and walked out.

  When I got to the door of the pot house, I suddenly remembered one thing and couldn't help but turn around and ask JIETOU: "JIETOU, that, how did your parents die? Can you tell me about it?"

  "Say what? I was still young, only four or five years old, how can I remember what happened? They told me they died of a disease, who knows if it's true?" JIETOU watched me finish, and then was a little impatient to me: "Okay, you go, do not ask questions, these have nothing to do with you, please do not pry blindly, okay?"

  "Okay, then I'm leaving. But you should be careful at night, do not just run outside. At night, the blood spirit may still come looking for trouble." I said to JIETOU.

  "Okay, okay, I know, you go and do your job." JIETOU waved his hand at me, his expression was already annoyed.

  Seeing this situation, I could only shake my head helplessly, and then came out of the backyard of the Qin family.

  After I came out, I raised my eyes and found that Qin Yunshan was carrying a stick, coming from a distance, looking at that look, obviously because it failed to catch me, so now is angry bulging.

  Seeing this situation, I quickly dodged to the woods next to hide, and then watched him go into the yard, I quietly ran out, all the way back to grandma's house.

  When I got back to my grandma's house, it was time for lunch.

  After lunch, I felt bored, so I climbed into bed and prepared to take a nap.

  But after lying in bed for half a day, I couldn't sleep, so I had no choice but to get up and start practicing. It just so happens that I absorbed some of the Yang Lie power of the chalcedony last night, so I wanted to see if that thing worked or not.

  I sat on my knees and meditated, clearing my mind and concentrating, unconsciously entering the realm of forgetfulness, and then my divine sense naturally entered the Purple House space.

  The scenery here has not changed much, just a lot less angry, little Doutu is no longer there, Yun Qingyue also left, so I stand alone in the vast world, instantly feel lost and lonely.

  Little Paste, how are you doing now? Don't worry, brother will definitely get you back, brother will definitely kill that Soul Fiend!

  Yun Qingyue, when will you return again?

  My heart was full of sighs, and I almost forgot the real purpose of why I came here.

  The good thing is, after a few moments, I calmed down, then I put my eyes to the sky, carefully search, I really found that there is a golden light is rapidly flowing fly over, the situation as before I have refined the spirit marrow golden light.

  At that time, seeing this situation, I have been lost in the heart and soul did not feel instantly uplifted, then I thought of a move, beckoned the sky to call the golden light, found that the golden light really like the arm, very obedient to my words, which I do not feel more pleased, then I subconsciously want to use this golden light to fuse the remaining innate turbid Qi in the purple space.

  However, just as I was about to carry out, I suddenly felt a movement in my heart, I feel that this approach, seems a bit wrong.

  Why do you say so? Because, before that, I had been relying on Xiao Duzhu and Yun Qingyue to manifest the black and white yin and yang hands, and now they are both gone, so I can't manifest the black and white hands at this time, which directly led to the fact that when I fought the blood spirit last night, I could only rely on the neutral essence of yin and yang balance to deal with her, and that neutral essence is admittedly pure and thick, but it is far from the pure yang or pure yin qi So, at this time, I can't help but think about how to keep this golden light, so that in the future, at some critical moment, maybe I can use it to save my life.

  But how to store this golden light, and how to use it to be good? I remembered that when I summoned this golden light before, I would burn myself to the point of numbness in the arms and blackened limbs, so this thing is also a double-edged sword, used well to save lives, used badly, is tantamount to suicide, so I must be careful and think of countermeasures to do.

  At that moment, I manipulated the golden light rotating around the circumference, while unconsciously pondering in the heart.

  Yes, previously Yun Qingyue has always said that I am stupid, that I have no understanding, then I have to break through today, I have to come up with a trick to make good use of the golden light, so that if I perfectly solve the problem, then when the little niece back, will certainly envy me.

  Thinking of these, I do not feel more energetic.

  This time, I unknowingly summoned a neutral yuan qi, and then I tried to use that yuan qi to wrap up the golden light.

  The only thing I need to pay attention to is that I have to take my mind off to control the golden light in the yuan qi group, so that it does not move, otherwise, it may have to merge with the yuan qi.

  Then I tried to introduce the yuan qi group into the veins of my left arm, and finally, I blasted it out with all my might, and then I heard a "boom" sound, the golden yuan qi group like a cannonball, from my left hand impacted out, but the result was that the table in the center of the room was knocked over, and the table had some flames on it. There are also some traces of flame burns on the table.