Chicken blood and dog bile

"YinYunShan, you caused the death of my family, I want you to pay in blood--"

  Late at night, cold, the wind blew, the female ghost blood spirit black hair flying, covered in blood, from the forest all the way trembling floating out, while screaming miserably, while running straight to the eight gossip town house formation of the gap.

  At that time, I hid in the dark, peeking at this scene, I could not help but be filled with tension, because I know that the gap in the formation is a very ferocious soul trap, the blood soul if you go in, I'm afraid to be very bad luck.

  This is a matter that I am very torn, one, I am a ghost hunter, my task is actually to exorcise the soul to exterminate ghosts, so I should not go to help the blood spirit, two, if I show up at this time, it may cause YinYunShan misunderstanding, in this case, things may become a bit of trouble.

  After repeatedly thinking about it, the moral heart finally prevailed, so I rushed out from my hiding place.

  After rushing out, I ran straight towards the blood spirit, while running also shouted: "Bold blood spirit, do not try to hurt people, receive my Wuji Daoist law!"

  When I spoke, from the purple space inside the summoned a golden light yuan qi group, then I leapt, the golden light yuan qi group will be light and shadow Huo Huo, in the night sky cut a beautiful arc, towards the blood soul attacked the body.

  The golden light yuan qi group is very powerful, the general Yin is difficult to resist, the blood soul is really hit, I am afraid that the soul will be scattered on the spot.

  However, although this, but my attack, but ultimately did not receive any effect, because I hit empty, the blood soul is fast, she perceived my attack, then dodged.


  A muffled sound, golden light yuan qi group grazed the edge of the blood soul hit the ground, immediately exploded a blinding fire, shining brightly in the night sky.

  Under the bright fireworks, the situation at the gap of the Eight Trigrams Zhenzhu Formation immediately became clearly visible.

  YinYunShan, dressed in black, carrying a lacquer bucket, face painted with black and red blood slips, is waiting inside the gap with gritted teeth, the situation is obviously ready to take advantage of the blood soul rushing into the formation, to give her a headache.

  I don't know what YinYunShan's weapon is, but, looking at his situation, I think the lacquer bucket in his hand should be filled with black dog's blood, or vermilion sulphur and other things to ward off evil and remove yin.

  This guy was obviously prepared, and immediately behind him JIETOU and his son-in-law, one holding a zhahua mourning stick, one grabbing a lacquer mahogany sword, they are obviously instructed by YinYunShan, is now ready to give him help.

  My sudden appearance, as well as the illumination of the golden flame, obviously made YinYunShan some surprise, so at this time he looked a little nervous, subconsciously backward two steps, the situation, obviously do not want to be found by the blood soul.

  In fact, my purpose at this time is to let the blood spirit know that the gap is a trap, I hope she can know the difficulties and retreat, so I first used the golden light yuan qi group to block her path, and then used the power of the golden light flame illumination, so that she can see clearly the situation in the formation.

  But, what I didn't expect was that, at this time, the blood spirit had already clearly seen the situation in the formation, but she continued to charge towards the formation without any rebellion.

  This situation but let me some helpless, anxious, I can only fly towards the gap in the formation ran over.

  "I want to drink your blood and eat your flesh!"

  The female blood spirit was completely in a state of madness, already overwhelmed by hatred, so when she saw YinYunShan, she didn't care about anything at all, and directly flew towards YinYunShan.

  "Get ready, that evil spirit is coming!"

  This time, only to see YinYunShan a cold cry, then he is not only not back, but is carrying a bucket of paint on the blood spirit rushed up, rushed up at the same time, he also did not forget to his son-in-law and JIETOU called: "you two hurry to the cow's eye tears also coated, see that evil ghost do not be afraid, although you use your hands to hit it on the line! "

  "Well ah ah ah, YinYunShan, I want you to die without a burial place!"

  At this moment, the female blood spirit had already rushed to YinYunShan's front, she seemed to hate YinYunShan so much that as soon as she came close, she immediately pounced on YinYunShan with her teeth and claws.

  However, the YinYunShan seems to have already seen her, so, when he saw her rush over, he didn't feel like raising the lacquer bucket in his hand, and then a fishy rain of blood splashed out.

  "Bold evil spirits, taste my chicken blood dog gall, I want to see who is dead without a burial place!"

  A loud shout, YinYunShan will be lacquer bucket containing chicken blood dog gall bladder all thrown on the body of the blood spirit.

  At that time, hearing YinYunShan's words, I could not help but feel a tight heart, because I did not expect him to use to ward off evil things, but the chicken blood dog gall bladder, this thing, but extremely powerful things, not the general Yin can resist.

  As we all know, in the eyes of rural people, black dog blood, male chicken blood are extremely powerful to ward off evil and drive away ghosts, but few people know that in fact, chicken blood with dog guts is really ferocious to drive away ghosts, this thing received both the chicken blood of the strong Yang Qi, as well as the "dog guts" of the fierce and violent, so the chicken blood and dog guts mixed, once Splashed on top of the Yin, the Yin lighter than half of the yuan, the heavier the soul on the spot.

  In the countryside, it is because this chicken blood dog gall is too vicious, so it is not commonly passed down, the purpose is to hope that people do not kill some good spirits for no reason.

  But, what people did not expect is that YinYunShan this guy actually knows this secret method, and actually use it to deal with the blood soul, so it seems that the blood soul is really going to be bad luck.

  As expected, a black blood filth sprinkled, the blood soul immediately trembled and screamed, and at the same time, a burst of black smoke rose from the body, looking at the situation, it seems to be a moment to disperse the soul.

  "What are you two waiting for?

  Seeing that the blood soul was restrained, YinYunShan did not feel is back to a stern shout.

  Hearing YinYunShan's words, JIETOU two people who had been hiding behind him, did not feel shivering hands, each wielding the weapons in their hands to strike at the blood spirit.

  "Bold evil spirits, go to hell!" YinYunShan's son-in-law rushed forward first, and with a wave of the peach wood sword in his hand, he stabbed at the chest of the blood spirit.

  "Well ah, I want you to pay in blood!"

  However, what people did not expect was that at this time, the blood spirit was admittedly drenched in chicken blood and dog bile, but it was still very hostile, so when YinYunShan's son-in-law rushed forward, she just let out a scream, and then with a wave of her hand, she struck a Yin Qi, knocking YinYunShan's son-in-law out of the room.