Lascivious, nasty, shameless

For my question, YunQingYue is not denied, she turned her back, slightly crooked head looking out of the window, and then is to me: "That was a military years."

  Seeing YunQingYue to tell her life, I also stopped talking and no longer asked her brother's whereabouts.

  But what I didn't expect was that after YunQingYue said one sentence, she didn't continue, but turned back to look at me curiously and asked, "What is your impression of people in ancient times?"

  This question is a bit interesting, I did not feel interested, and then I sat up and said to her: "I feel it, the ancient people, ah, are very elegant, they live a quiet life, although not rich in material things, but very happy. Look at that what Li Bai, raising his head to look at the moon, head down to think of the hometown, how well written, the mood is very evocative. Another example is the ancient people, are a family living together, the family concept is stronger than the current people much better. And what Lao Tzu ah, advocate of the old death of the way of life, a small country, think about it is very beautiful, and Peach Blossom Source, and Yugong Yishan, in short, I think the ancient people are much better than the people of today."

  Hearing my words, YunQingYue but some strange look at me said, "This is your opinion?"

  "Well, what's wrong? Am I not right? That's what it says in the book." I looked at her and said.

  Facing my answer, YunQingYue shook her head with a bitter smile and said, "I've read your textbook, it's too one-sided and too idealistic. What you wrote above are the lifestyles of some rich people, or people who are officials, and they are glorified lifestyles."

  "Uh, what do you mean?" I didn't quite understand her words.

  "Li Bai was an alcoholic, he was an official, he even stayed with the emperor and the noble consort, do you know how great an honor that is? That's why he didn't worry about money, that's why he was debauched, that's why he wrote so many acidic poems," YunQingYue said.

  This is a bit of a reversal of my concept, I did not expect Li Bai because of the material life is too rich, so the construction of a great poetry class superstructure.

  "As for the small country and the peach blossom source, it is even more ridiculous, are idealized things, never realized, what old death, more impossible," YunQingYue dismissed a large part of my words, which makes me do not feel is a little embarrassed.

  "Then what do you think the ancient people are like? You have spent time in ancient times, you must know more than I do," I said.

  "In your words just now, only one point really involves the real ancient society," YunQingYue looked at me and said: "Family. Yes, in ancient times, the concept of family is very heavy, but it is not as beautiful as you think, what a family living together, mutual help and love, mutual solidarity. This is all deceptive stuff, the real truth is that even within the family, there is a strict hierarchy, there are also many people living extremely humiliated and no status, and sometimes even become the sacrifice of the family."

  "What exactly are you trying to say?" By this time, I was a little confused.

  "I want to tell you the real history," YunQingYue laughed lightly and said, "The real history is the stench of wine and flesh, the road has frozen bones, this is the real ancient society, the poor people can not eat, the official sons and daughters are shameless, living in luxury. "

  "You may think that modern people are indifferent, think that modern people are mean, but, you know what? Modern society is really a hundred times better than the ancient times, ten thousand times better, because it has really effective laws, although there are still some ugly phenomena, officials and eunuchs still do bad things, rich people are still powerful, but at the very least, the laws of the current society will make people fear, the most important thing is that the moral standards of the current society is very high, many ugly phenomena, can only survive in an extremely hidden situation, and Do not dare to openly, but, do you know what the ancient people, what kind of? They were barbaric, cruel, without any morality to speak of, they were simply animals."

  YunQingYue said at the end, actually subconsciously clenched a small fist, look at the situation, her heart seems to be very resentful of this, and may have been hurt by this.

  I did not say anything, just quietly listened.

  YunQingYue took a few deep breaths, easy to calm down, then did not feel is turned to sit down, hugging his knees, stunned looking out the window hazy sky light said: "In that era, only in the hands of the money, or power, you just want to do what you do, so the people of that time is very dirty, they are completely driven by instinct to do They were even worse than animals. They kept concubines, room after room, I don't know if you've ever read the Golden Lotus, what's written in that book is the truth."

  "I've heard of this, but I've genuinely never read it, I've heard it's very yellow," I said awkwardly.

  "Oh, isn't that what human nature is like?" YunQingYue laughed a little, and then said to me, "Can you imagine that state of lawlessness? What do you think they would do in such a condition? Tell you what, they will try every possible way to satisfy their desires, they are looking for excitement everywhere, some of them are simply perverts, and they are even worse than animals."

  Hearing this, I stopped talking, because I had a feeling that the situation was not good.

  "Tell you another knowledge that can not be learned from books, in ancient times, male style is very prevalent," YunQingYue said.

  "Male style?" I wondered.

  "It is like Chen Qiyuan, male and male," YunQingYue hummed: "At that time, basically many rich families, will keep some molesters. These so-called molesters are actually handsome looking male children."

  "Uh, what are they used for?" I wondered.

  "You say," YunQingYue shook his head: "At that time, many poor families, forced to make ends meet, will sell their children to those dignitaries. These children once into the hands of those noblemen, life and death by the fate of the rich and noble, it is difficult for them to meet with their families again, because they do not have any freedom, they can only serve as domestic slaves to those noblemen in their lives."

  YunQingYue said here, once again smiled bitterly and said: "These children who were sold to the dignitaries, in fact, is still good, at least they can eat, wear warm clothes, and if they serve their masters comfortable, may also get very good treatment. In addition, some children are even worse, they are not sold to the dignitaries, but directly sent by their parents to the youth house?"

  "A youth house? Isn't that the kind of place-" I looked at YunQingYue with some consternation, the ominous feeling in my heart getting heavier and heavier.

  "Yes, it is that kind of place," YunQingYue said here, turned to look at me, smiled bitterly and said, "I was sold into the youth house with my brother back then, when I was only three years old and my brother was six."