Burying Flowers Chant

Seeing my reaction, YunQingYue but lightly laughed and continued, "Well, what should be said is clear with you, next I'll tell you about me."

  I was silent, just staring at her in a daze, my eyes wanted to pierce her.

  So she's always been a boy? This is too dumb, right? Thanks to the fact that I had coveted her for so long, I now felt like I had eaten a fly.

  "You know what? In ancient times, there are actually two kinds of people in the greenhouse," YunQingYue while talking, while walking to the edge of the pond, the plain hand lightly pick wild flowers, leisurely said: "These two kinds of people are collectively known as YouLing, where You for male, Ling for female, generally speaking, these two kinds of people in the beginning, is to cooperate with each other on stage together to offer skills. "

  "You-ling seems to refer to the actor, not to the prostitute = whore," because of the knowledge of YunQingYue's identity, I suddenly did not have the same obsession and impulse towards her, and the tone of my speech was unconsciously straightforward, not prepared to give her face.

  "You're right," she looked at me and said, "the ancient times, the green house, not what you think, it is not simply used to vent ****, more often than not, it is considered a stage. People who go there, many are to see the show, not to open a room, because want to open a room to get their favorite actress to bed, that is to spend a lot of money, the price, the average person can not afford, and those dignitaries, in general, because of the status and face, also rarely do this kind of thing, therefore, very often, the main work of the actress is to perform some shows, for the spectators For the amusement of the audience."

  When I heard YunQingYue's words, I said sarcastically, "Oh, I see what you mean. You mean that in ancient times, those ticket holders went to the greenhouse to listen to songs, watch dancing, and occasionally play the piano and write poems, right? They did not go to the bed, the women in the green house are pure and clean, and the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting is not a goddess, right?"

  In response to my sarcasm, YunQingYue just blinked at me, and then continued, "My brother and I stayed in YihongYuan for three whole years. From the moment we entered, we were strictly trained, practicing singing, dancing, writing, zither, and many other dirty and nasty things, in short, we never had a day to spare, and we had to be beaten and denied food if we did not learn well."

  "It feels like your youth house is not like a brothel=house, but like a very professional learning class," I continued to snicker.

  "Whatever you say, anyway, the life we lived inside was 10,000 times more miserable than your life in school," YunQingYue said, stopping here and turning to stare blankly at the pool of water in front of her, and only after a long time did she say: "They gave me some strange things to eat. They told me to dress up as a woman, and they said I was beautiful and had a great future."

  "A bright future? I think it's the road to nowhere, right?" I snorted.

  "At that time I was young and did not know too much, I just wanted to be able to eat and wear warm clothes, as for what they want me to do, I actually have no idea in my heart, as long as I can do, I will try to do."

  YunQingYue said here, raised his hand to throw the wild flowers in his hand into the water, and then continued, "When I was six years old, I made my first appearance on stage with my brother, and it caused a sensation."

  "At that time, we performed 'The Burying of the Flowers'," YunQingYue continued.

  "The Burying of the Flowers? Sounds familiar," I frowned, thinking in my mind for a moment, and then did not feel is a sudden realization: "I know, this is inside the Dream of the Red Chamber, I heard Mr. Sing this part when I was a child. The content is said to be Lin Daiyu fallen flowers put away buried, while buried also while reading poetry and prayer, and then that Jia Baoyu listened to the side, and cried wow, feel this sister is too painful. Am I right?"

  "At that time we called this book the Stone Book," YunQingYue looked at me, then smiled bitterly and said, "I was playing Lin Daiyu, my brother played Jia Baoyu. He was YouYue and I was LingQingYue."

  "Hmm?" Hearing this, I felt something was wrong and couldn't help but ask her, "You are a male, Ling is a female, are you a male or a female?"

  YunQingYue did not answer my words, but continued, "After that appearance, we were so popular that we appeared on stage one after another since then, and more and more dignitaries came to support us, and Yi Hong Yuan made a lot of money from us. The nicknames those watchers gave us were Bao Yu and Dai Yu."

  "And then what?" I asked.

  "Then something happened." YunQingYue said here, and then smiled bitterly and said, "Someone had their eyes on us, or rather many people had their eyes on us, and the reason they never moved was simply because the price the pimp wanted was too high for the average person to afford. This continued until the next year, when my brother was ten years old and I was seven, my brother was already primed and dressed and made up, beautiful and beautiful, and his beauty made me envious too."

  "My goose bumps are rising," I grinned.

  "The truth is this, I did not want to disgust you," YunQingYue hummed and laughed, looked a little self-deprecating, then she turned away, continued to look at the pool water said: "This year, a very big official to support our scene, he is high power, a thousand dollars, YiHongYuan pimp Every time you talk to him, you can't wait to get down on your knees and lick = his toes."

  "What did he do later?" I asked subconsciously.

  "He was a military official by birth, extremely rough-looking, full of cross flesh, coarse voice, all over his body emitting a pungent fishy smell, in my opinion he, he is simply a beast. I don't know how such a person became a big official, I heard it was because his uncle was in power in the court, so he also rose to heaven." YunQingYue spoke, her small fists clenched again, as if the psychological shadow left by that beast had not yet dispersed.

  "After he came, he stared at me and my brother, he was particularly fond of me at first, I finished the stage, when I went up to thank the guests, he snatched me into his arms, I was almost scared to death, I cried directly, and even peed my pants, because he not only hugged me, that hand also reached inside my clothes to touch and pinch, I was really scared. " YunQingYue said.

  My fists also clenched.

  "At that time my brother went crazy, desperately up to take me down, and in the heat of the moment, punched him," YunQingYue said here, the small fist has been pinched cackling.

  "Punched him?" Hearing this, I knew something bad, I did not feel is a little nervous to ask: "He put your brother what happened?"

  "He made a condition, five thousand taels of silver, either me or my brother, in any case, to give him one, the brothel pimp did not dare to disobey, that night, my brother was sent to his house."

  YunQingYue said here, suddenly turned to look at me angrily and shouted: "My brother went to protect me, you know?!"