Her head is in the well.

It was dawn, and I stopped practicing because my vital energy was depleted.

  I opened my eyes, exhaled a breath of foul air, smashed the taste of soy sauce in my mouth, and then I got up and went out.

  Outside, Mom and Dad have already started cooking breakfast, cooking smoke curling, the morning light clear.

  I simply washed up, and then told them I was going out today.

  Hearing my words, my mother asked me with some curiosity what I was going to do.

  "I'm going to see my master, I have some questions to ask him," I responded casually.

  "Then you go, how long will you be back?" When I heard that I was going to the old blind man, my parents were quite relieved.

  "I don't know, about two or three days, but I'm sure I'll be back in time for the start of school." I said.

  "That's fine," my mom nodded and told me to clean up the dishes and get ready for breakfast.

  When I was eating breakfast, my mom asked me what happened last night, I spoke so impulsively, if I had encountered something unhappy.

  At that time I looked at her and my father, lamented in my heart, and finally did not say the truth out.

  Yes, I am also considered to have grown up, and when people grow up, they will have worries, they will have their own secrets, and they also need to bear some burdens.

  "I'm not feeling too well last night," I casually agreed, and after a smooth breakfast, I set off on my bike.

  I went to the market and found a store selling funeral supplies and bought a black lacquer colored carved urn.

  The urn was about a foot long and wide, with a simple and heavy style, and very fine workmanship, which made me very satisfied.

  I tied the urn to the back seat of the car and rushed all the way to the small village where my grandmother's house is located.

  Once there, I first did not go to grandma's house, but directly to the east end of the village black forest.

  The black forest, to put it bluntly, is a chaotic graveyard, scattered with a deserted graves and dead mounds, many graves have collapsed, revealing the coffin, some of them were hollowed out by wild animals black hole, scattered all over the white bone slag.

  I got out of the car outside the woods, and then was carrying the urn, all the way towards the woods.

  The dark grass is frightened, the atmosphere inside some eerie, dry grass and white snow, the cold wind blowing, whistling.

  As I walked, I asked YunQingYue where her bones were.

  Hearing my words, YunQingYue told me to turn to the left and keep walking.

  I followed her directions and went all the way to the front, and finally came to a small hill covered with snow.

  The hillock was covered with green and shady horsetail pines, which made the atmosphere there very shady.

  "Under the third tree, there is a small mound of earth," YunQingYue's voice rang out.

  Hearing this, I lifted my feet towards the mountain break, then stopped under the third horsetail pine, looked down and found a small mound of dirt not too inconspicuous, covered with snow and dead grass.

  Seeing the mound, I knew I had found the right place, and then I put the urn down, opened the lid, and then prepared to dig the soil.

  As a result, when I was ready to dig, I realized that I had forgotten to bring my tools.

  This situation makes me a little helpless, but it is not good to go back to get the tools, so I can only pull out the pocket folding knife, from the next tree to cut some branches, then I used those branches to turn the soil.

  The good thing is that the ground is relatively moist, the soil is soft, very good to turn, so I quickly broke the top skin of the small mound of floating soil.

  After the floating soil broke open, I did not dare to continue to use the branches to dig the soil, for fear of damaging the bones of YunQingYue, so I directly used both hands to dig the soil.

  A handful of dirt dug out, I do not know how long it took, and finally until my fingernails are a little split, which came across a little hard, and then I used both hands to pick up the dirt on that hard object, only to find that it seems to be a leg bone.

  The bone was obviously a little decayed, and when I touched it, it broke off directly.

  This condition gave me a shock, I quickly said sorry, and then I pulled the urn, very carefully picked out the bones in the soil and put them in the box.

  However, because the bones were so decayed, many of them were broken into slag and mixed with the soil, which made me a little helpless, and finally I could only put some soil into the box, which made the weight of the urn increased instantly.

  After the bones were collected and the time was past noon, I covered the lid of the urn and, without saying a word, carried it towards the outside.

  When I got outside, I strapped the urn to the car seat, then found a small puddle and washed my hands, then rode up the street.

  When I got to the street, I first found a small restaurant and ate, then I pushed the car and wandered all the way to the front. Now the time is still too early, I am ready to wait for darkness and then go to grandma's house, I went this time, can not let grandma know, because I went to YunQingYue to find the head, her head in the well.

  In this way, I unknowingly came to the end of the street, and then after arriving here, I remembered the matter of YinYunShan and that blood spirit. This matter is not yet finished, the blood spirit is still unknown, she and YinYunShan have a grudge between them is not quite clear, so, in the two days I was gone, between them, there are no new developments?

  At that moment, thinking about this, I then parked the car to an alley and locked it with a car lock, and then I quietly touched the outskirts of the Qin family compound from the path.

  Here, I first checked the eight trigrams of the house formation, found that the formation is still in place, which means that YinYunShan is still defending the blood spirit.

  Other than that, the courtyard is not too different from the usual, if I have to say there is any difference, is that the courtyard gives me a very quiet feeling, so quiet that it is scary.

  I walked while checking the weather of the courtyard, unknowingly came to the back door of the courtyard, and then, after arriving here, I naturally remembered JIETOU, I wanted to go in and talk to him, first to see how his injuries, and secondly, I wanted to talk to him about the matter of the blood soul.

  I came to the back door and wanted to go in quietly, but I found that the back door was actually locked, which made me confused, and then I subconsciously turned up the wall, just to jump down, only to find that the backyard is actually chained to a large black dog, the dog saw me, and then barked.

  This situation makes me anxious, I can only jump back to the wall first, and then run away in a flash towards the distance.

  Run to the distance, my heart is finally a bit up and down, always feel that the situation is not quite right, and then at this time, I happened to see a person living nearby, so I ran over and asked: "Aunt, the Qin family, the last few days is something wrong?"

  Hearing my words, the aunt could not help but some excited to me: "Yes, there is a big deal, his family adopted the child, accidentally ate rat poison, this is now lying in the hospital, look at the way he was sent away, seven bleeding, I guess the child is not saved!"