The note on the door

Finally touched YunQingYue's skull, then I did not dare to slow down, and hastily fished her skull out of the wet mud, then I used my mind to shout to her, while holding the skull towards the surface of the water floating.


  The splash sounded, I surfaced, and then I subconsciously lifted the thing I was holding out of the water.

  This time, I took a closer look and realized that it was really a skull.

  The skull is still draped with some black hair, two black eye sockets are staring at me in awe, two rows of white teeth, a grain of bite together, looking very hideous.

  The good thing is that I have previously seen dead people have seen ghosts, so this time my mood is quite calm, and then I carefully check the skull, only to find that the skull is small and thin, which means that YunQingYue died at a very young age indeed.

  "Go up," just as I was examining the skull, YunQingYue's voice rang out behind me, scaring me.

  "I looked back at her and then at the skull in my hand, and then I climbed toward the well with one hand holding the skull and the other grabbing the well rope.

  A few moments later, I got out of the well.

  After I came out, I first put YunQingYue's skull on the stone platform next to me, and then I panicked and started to put on my clothes.

  The winter night, the moon is dark, the wind is swishing, the cold is outrageous.

  I shivered while putting on my clothes, and inadvertently, when I looked back, I found that the skull I put on the stone table actually floated up and was staring at me with a pair of black eye sockets.

  This situation shocked me almost screamed out, and then I subconsciously opened the door to heaven to look, only to find that YunQingYue held his own skull up.

  Her action made me a little puzzled, at that moment I did not feel while putting clothes on my body, while asking her: "You, what is this doing?"

  "I don't know, mourn yourself," she said quietly, put the skull down and asked me: "Next, what are you going to do?"

  This question made me hesitate a bit.

  That said, according to my plan, I should naturally go to the old blind man next, ask him for advice on the method of finding the bone soul, but now, but there is an unexpected situation, JIETOU is lying dying in the hospital, which makes me a little intolerant to leave, I think I should do something, or at least think of a way to save him to do.

  Seeing my expression, YunQingYue did not feel is blinked at me and said, "You are still worried about that JIETOU, aren't you?"

  "Well," I nodded, straightened my clothes, held the skull in my arms, and walked outside while telling her, "His life is so tragic, it would be a bit wrong to die like this."

  Hearing my words, YunQingYue tilted her head slightly and looked at me, "I didn't expect you to be quite sentimental."

  "Do you only find out now?" I said with a bitter smile.

  "Then how are you going to save him? His condition seems not good, the three souls and seven spirits have basically almost scattered, according to my budget, he will not last more than three days," YunQingYue said to me.

  Hearing this, I felt even more gloomy and couldn't help but sigh and say, "Well, if that's the case, forget it, life and death have a destiny and wealth is in heaven, I'm not a god, there's no way to bring back the dead."

  "In fact, there is not necessarily no way," YunQingYue said while talking, and I together over the wall, and then said to me: "you now hurry to go to the old blind man, maybe JIETOU still save."

  "What do you mean?" The first thing I did was to find the old man, who was usually clumsy and foolish, but did have real kung fu and real skills in his hands, and now he is the only one who can save JIETOU.

  At that moment, I put YunQingYue's skull into the urn and put it away, and then I got on the car, in the moonlight, the wind and lightning generally rushed towards the Seven Pan Mountains.

  The road without words, at dawn, I have come to the seven pan mountain.

  Here, I stopped to inquire a little, and then did not feel is all the way to the village of Shuilongkou rushed over.

  When the sun was up, I arrived at the village of Shuilongkou.

  Here to see, only to find that this is a beautiful scenery, scenery pleasant small mountain village. The old man will also choose the place, he lived in the place, the fairy atmosphere.

  I entered the village, inquired about the old man's residence, and soon someone gave me directions.

  "You're here to see Mr. Eye of Heaven to tell your fortune, right? You go straight east, there is a small hill at the easternmost end of the village, there is a bamboo forest up there, his house is in the forest, just go in and you can see it." An enthusiastic villager said to me.

  Hearing this, I went all the way east and finally found the small courtyard where the old man lived.

  Not to mention, the courtyard although thatched grass hut fence wall, but really look like a hermit high feeling.

  I went to the door and found that the gate was locked, which made me a little depressed because it meant that the old man was not at home.

  As a result, just when I was disappointed, I inadvertently found a small note taped to the top right corner of the gate.

  I reached out and took the note off, only to find that the note was written in big, ghostly letters.

  "My disciples see the words, quickly go to the village of Dachong to find me."

  Now I am a bit strange, what does the old man mean? Could it be that he has calculated that I will come to him? This is too god, right?

  At that moment I could not think much about it, could not help but find someone to ask about the road, and then all the way to the village of Dachong rushed over.

  Arrived at the village, the time is noon, I was tired, hungry and thirsty, in the village store bought something simple to eat, then I went into the village, while walking to inquire whether the village fortune teller came.

  As a result, I found that the old blind man was really in the village, which makes me even more strange, I think the old man is a bit unfathomable meaning.

  At that moment, I followed the village people's pointers, all the way to the west end of the village to find a sunny haystack on the edge, only to find that there is a group of people around, the old blind man is sitting there with his back against the haystack to tell people's fortunes.

  I stopped the car, walked over and stood on the periphery to look at the old blind man, but found that the old man how to look so ordinary, there is no immortal aura, which does not make me feel a tangle in my heart.

  "Sir, my big fat pig lost years ago, can you give me to calculate where the pig went?"

  At this time, a 40 or 50-year-old woman sat in front of the old man, and then raised his question.

  "Oh, this, this ah, that pig, ah, well, should be running to the north end, you go look for it again. Come on, the next ..." Hearing that big lady's question, the old blind man couldn't help but be filled with embarrassment, and hastily snubbed her.

  "Sir, I recently had back pain, what do you think this is a sign?" A thin, dry man, drooping eyebrows, asked in a thin voice.

  "Ahem, this, I suggest you buy some sleeping pills for your daughter-in-law and give her a little bit every night before going to bed to ensure that your back will be much better ..."